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Old Baloch custom of drinking blood from skulls of their enemies

History Origin and Empire of Baloch Nation.

Great Medes are descendants of Yafas (یافث) son of Hazrat Nooh (AS) .Baloch and Kurds are descendants of Great Medes. The History of Baloch,Racially who are Kurds due to their military crest of cocks comb, which in old persian and kurdish language is called Balose (Baloch).The name of balose was given to Kurds of Balochistan by sassanid Empirein in 667 AD later it became Baloch.They migrated to ancient Balochistan (Turan and Makran) in 855 BC when the Maad Kurd Cheif Kaikobad established his empire in Media and persia.afterwards defeated Afrasiyab the King of the Empire of Turan. Turanic empire comprised of the regiones including Sughudistan ( Centeral Asian Regions ), Kabulistan,Zabulistan (Present Afghanistan) Turan and Makran (Present Balochistan).when Kaikobad invaded Balk,the Turanistan Capital in the north,his Brakoi Kurds and Adargani Kurds divisions captured regions of Turan (present Kalat ) and (Makran) respectively. after the disintegration of Turanic empire Kiakobad Maad Kurd divided various regions of the vanquised empire among his Kurdish tribes,Brakhoi Kurd got Turan (Kalat plateau) and Adargani Kurds got Makran.thus every tribe settled permanently in that alotted region.Similarly during this period, the Zangana Kurds Captured Zabulistan (present day chagai,Sistan,Nimruz,Helmand) and made it their permanet abode.by then the Mirwani Baloch clan had established the fourth Baloch rule in the Turanic region (kalat Plateau) of ancient Balochistan in 1410 Ad under the leadership of Ameer Miro Mirwani Baloch the grand cheif of the Brakhoi Kurd Balochs. The Baloch princedom had reached its zenith under the guidance of Mir Ahmad Baloch the Great ( 1666 AD to 1696 ) the fifteenth Successor of Ameer Miro Mirwani Baloch..

Baloch Ancestry Lineage starts from Hazrat Nooh (AS) the Royal Baloch family of Khan of Kalat have it :)


Baloch Ancestry Lineage starts from Hazrat Nooh (AS) the Royal Baloch family of Khan of Kalat have it :)

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Oh bhai, in islamic belief, all the humans are descended from Hazrat Nooh through his three surviving sons, saam, haam and bin yafis. So i am also descended from hazart nooh, so is your baruhui khan of kalat.
Oh bhai, in islamic belief, all the humans are descended from Hazrat Nooh through his three surviving sons, saam, haam and bin yafis. So i am also descended from hazart nooh, so is your baruhui khan of kalat.

Oh bhai, in islamic belief, all the humans are descended from Hazrat Nooh through his three surviving sons, saam, haam and bin yafis. So i am also descended from hazart nooh, so is your baruhui khan of kalat.

lol thats common sense i know all human are descendants of hazrat nooh giving u just an example here what i mean to say is baloch and kurd are decendants of medes and yes khan of kalat Ahmadzai rodeni qambrani qalandrani sumalani mirwani baloch are offspring of brakhui kurd baloch, mirwani baloch se qambrani baloch nikla hai or qambrani baloch se Ahmadzai baloch nikla hai Ahmadzai is sub tribe of Qambrani baloch sir g :)
i know all are descendant of hazrat nooh giving u an example what i mean to say is baloch and kurd are decendants of medes and yes khan of kalat rodeni qambrani qalandrani sumalani mirwani baloch are offspring of brakhui kurd baloch

Choro yaar. Saab Baba Adam ke hain.
Turkic peoples and Scythians had the same customs

The Scythians are reported by Herodotus (ca.484 – ca.425 BC) and later Strabo (63/64 BC – ca.24 AD) to have drunk from the skulls of their enemies. Krum of Bulgaria was said by Theophanes the Confessor, Joannes Zonaras, Mannases Chronicle, and others, to have made a jeweled cup from the skull of the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus I (811 AD) after killing him in theBattle of Pliska.

The Russian Primary Chronicle reports that the skull of Svyatoslav I of Kiev was made into a chalice by the Pecheneg KhanKurya in 972 AD. He likely intended this as a compliment to Sviatoslav; sources report that Kurya and his wife drank from the skull and prayed for a son as brave as the deceased Rus warlord.

In 1510, Shah Ismail I defeated and slew Muhammad Shaybani in battle, founder of the Shaybanid Empire in present dayUzbekistan. The Shah had his enemy's body dismembered and the parts were sent to various areas of the empire for display, while his skull was coated in gold and made into a jewelled drinking goblet.
Warrior type features mean less of feminate look on average. ''South Asia'' is broad term, it covers from North Pakistan to Sri Lanka. And some estimate put 40% of Sindhis have Baloch ancestry. Lots of ''Sindhi Baloch'' in Sindh who are now basically Sindhis.

Anyway i found this genetic map but no arabs in it, do you have any PCA plot with GCC Arabs? Just wondering where they cluster.
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Yeah we cluster with Turkic peoples like Balkars and Kumyks. Hazaras are Persified Uyghurs? I'm still surprised that Turkmens are genetically closer to Tajiks than to Uzbeks/Hazaras/Uyghurs
Where is the proof of that? Baluch people are not different from other South Asian peoples and cluster with fellow South Asian peoples. The only connection is a linguistic connection but a Sri Lankan also has an linguistic connection with a Portuguese but nothing else in common other than that.

The genetic studies that I have seen indeed show that Baluch people are closer genetically to ME people (in the Arab world even some Baluch people can be hard to detect as foreigners unlike for instance Sindhi people) as a whole but that's bound in geography as they live on the frontiers of the ME and South Asia. Kurds though, genetically speaking, are not any differently from other ME peoples, and are by no means an homogenous people and appeared in written history quite recently.

Nobody has said anything about Baluch being Arabs and that's obviously complete and utter nonsense. Just like the legend connecting their ancestral homeland with Syria IMO

Not any different from some claims of Pathans or Kashmiris being the lost tribes of Israel or having ME ancestries. Outside of a minority that's not the case. I mean ME ancestry.

Today, due to genetics, we can distinguish between oral traditions/legends and reality. Yet I have seen quite a few Pashtuns believe that they are Israelites/descendants of ancient Hebrews which is quite sad.

In any case we are all mixed.

Mate, do you know when Baluch appeared in written records? Do you know if those written records correspondent with oral traditions and legends? Lastly do you know about the genetic makeup of Baluch people?

When I say Baluch people I am talking about the unmixed lot. Meaning no Makranis (Africans basically) or assimilated tribes from Pashtun/Punjab areas nearby.

I have seen many theories.

You should just know one thing and that is that Kurds are quite recent peoples in Syria. They did not arrive there more than 1000 years ago. If Baluch people indeed trace their ancestry from Syria several thousands years ago then those people who lived there back then and the vast majority today are obviously Semites. Lastly the Persians only had a short presence in the Levant and when they arrived several millennium old native Semitic civilizations already existed.

History of Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover no real population movements occurred as the local culture was intact.

Wikipedia is not always an accurate source as anyone can edit it and biased sources are known to be used.

So actually I am more interested in what the oral traditions/legends actually say AND what the first WRITTEN historical accounts say. That is only interesting when genetics are used in connecting to that to make the final conclusions.

I mean it might for instance be interesting that some Pashtun tribes claimed/claim Israelite/Hebrew ancestry and that some tribal clans had similar names as Jewish Prophets but that is not of much use if genetic tests show that there is no real genetic connection to Jewish peoples of today or ME people as a whole. Or that it is minor. Get what I am trying to say here?

Then you have 3 main components to look after and when all 3 have been evaluated you can make a sound conclusion IMO. Legends/oral traditions are not enough on their own IMO.

So as a Baluch yourself it could be interesting to see what you got to say about that. You must surely know more than me.

A Yemeni looks no different from some people in North India

Naseem Hamed the 5 ft 4 boxer in Britain was attacked for being Pakistani even though he is Yemeni

Pashtuns are 5 shades lighter than Gulf Arabs and even skin tone maps prove this

Northern Pakistanis tend to have blond hair blue eyes like Gilgit and Baltistanis however are genetically next to Sindhis

Also Arabs are not tall or well build, the pashtuns in deprived conditions are 5 ft 6 which isn't bad

This warrior build means nothing but athletic wise the Punjabis run sports in Pakistan particularly Jats and Gujjars who tend to have builds of wrestlers and many Jats whether Pakistani or Sikh are as tall as Icelanders in many instance. Dalip Singh Rana 7 ft 3, Sim Bhullar NBA player 7 ft 5, Satnam Singh 7 ft 1, Mohammad Irfan 7 ft 1, they're even larger than Pashtuns majority of the time. Arabs are generally short people, even your map says that average Iraqi is 5 ft 5 and Iraq is a proper second world land. Qataris and Saudis are well fed first world lands.

Pakistanis generally speaking are tall people. The Punjabis are tall as well.

The tallest Asians are actually northern Chinese people that average at 5 ft 11 given proper environment

Warrior build and athleticism is not related.

African Americans have no warrior history and were slaves yet African Americans are great at sports and run the NBA and NFL in America.

Arabs are generally a weak race since despite all the money and wealth in gulf arab lands, they still have to import athletes from africa a poorer lands

Mongoloid Asians are athletic people despite being small sometimes.

I think African Americans and Mongoloid Asians are generally naturally build races

Europeans generally have to put in lots of science and steroids to do well

Indians are difficult to find out, since India has no toilets or infrastructure its difficult to really say how much Indians are capable but they do well at the lower level Asian and commonwealth games, way better than rich Arab lands too, not as great as East Asians though.

Balochis are generally dark skin but have semite faces

Pashtuns have varying faces some look Indo Aryan with lighter skin and some have that Hun Mullah Afghan face too.

Kashmiris are just lighter skinned Sindhis from what I've seen

Sindhis have sharp features and brown skin

Sindhis and Gulf Arabs skin tone wise are similar

Punjabis vary too, many Punjabis have some central asian faces and some Indian faces.

Sikhs tend to have long skulls from what I've seen.

Sindhis still look way different from South Indian and Bengali people

They're more of a hybrid people

Majority of Arabs have semite faces and so do Persians despite saying they're Aryans

Sindhis have Aryan noses but darker skin
Dravidianhero dark skin tone does not mean anything. Arabs (real ones in GCC) themselves are quite dark but don't look like Indians. I have noticed apu Indians tend to think skin tone is only thing which matter. Even darkest baloch is quite distinct looking.

People obviously from the comment section are trying down Indian heritage and up some middle eastern heritage and try to say Indians are indirectly weak or no warrior like

In my opinion Indians given better environments are way more athletic than Arabs but not as much as Africans and East Asians. The East Asians despite second world conditions are phenomenal at sports.

Arab lands despite being rich are bad at sports generally because Arabs are short and fat, not to mention lazy too. Indians however are varying where you have the upper caste that are short and fat but you have those australoid smaller framed races that are lean and if given proper training and also diet do really well. India use to be the hockey medal winning capital of the world and that was because the dalit australoid smaller framed guys were allowed to play and get funded in the past a certain amount. When Europeans started getting better infrastructure and food with science and coaching too, they took over and then the Chinese followed, however Asians even in deprived conditions use to do well.

Iranians do well at wrestling and so do Turks and Azeris but Russians are generally better than them

Jats of Haryana in India also do well in wrestling, I think 1 and 3rd guy has a medal from some international game

So Indians in America due to being brahmims are weak in nature but the Indians in India who do construction labor all day and pull rickshaws given better facilities would out do Arabs and North Africans from what I see

African Americans are really good at basketball and football, they're black skin people and were never warriors either

It depends on the environment of the people.

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