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Okay, you win!

ur views are noted,
1. good for the indian media

2. Mao was definitely not a Utopian communist(he knew that a world communist party would not exist and he and the russians had their differences), the world he lived in was terrible, civil war, invasion, more civil war. but one need to hope for the future so yes he was very patriotic, misguided at times but patroitic

3. the current leader is very much working for china dont worry about that(it is nothing like the pakistani government)

4. economy is also a national interest of the Chinese nation and people, that is not to say they will compromise on either one

5. so the government of Taiwan will come to saved the Chinese people from the impotent communists? hmm, i distinctively remember the nationalist government being kicked out basically by the common people as they are corrupt and impotent and thus the common man sided with the communist so u may have ur ideas backward. as far as records are concerned there are highs and lows of communist rule but overall, millions are better off because of it and so far they are ruling very well through this global recession.

Just two questions: Why have the Han, Hui, Tajik and Uighur Chinese people in Xinjiang demanded the resignation of Xinjiang party boss accusing the government of having inefficient public safety measures? Does not this indicate the complete failure of your intelligence system?
Why this self destructive policy?

And also, what if your government compromises your South Tibet? Are you sure, your can stop your government in doing that?

Wow wow wow,you are kidding the whole world,please go out of your room and listen to the world.

1.Policies are made by human,we can change the policies any time we think it is right time.And have you ever seen any self-destructive policy making the country stronger and stronger?Your logic is so absurd,wish you could understand what i'm talking about,oops!

2.I never heard news about compromising our South Tibet,and also i don't think our goverment will do such things.Cuz first it's our South Tibet as you said,second i don't think China is weaker than India.So now why our goverment will do that?Please can you give me a good reason about your supposing?:no:
2.I never heard news about compromising our South Tibet,and also i don't think our goverment will do such things.Cuz first it's our South Tibet as you said,second i don't think China is weaker than India.So now why our goverment will do that?Please can you give me a good reason about your supposing?:no:

SinoIndus has raised this issue in this thread. I am just discussing accordingly.

Are you confident enough that your communist government will be answerable to your nation if it makes such compromises?

Are you sure that you will be in a position to ask the communist government why it made such compromises?
Wow,I guess you were completely poisoned by your national medias,if you don't know much about China,I suggest you make a trip to China,or else watch out your tongue,shut up your mouth is so easy and good to you,please don't show your guess any more.In China,almost everyone knows you were beat 47 years ago in your ignorant invasion to South Tibet,and now most of us know you will get a 2nd lesson by the same teacher:sniper:.

You know the saying:

"A thief must sleep with one eye open!"

That thief is India. :argh:
1. Be pragmatic. Learn what survival of the fittest means. QUOTE]

I do,that's why China is getting stronger and stronger,much faster than India.

3. If parents can afford to give births and then raise the children, why should the state bother? The state is not going to feed them, the parents are responsible to feed them. So its their headache. Also giving births is a fundamental right.

As you said,first they CAN afford,that's why more and more families in China get not only one child.And if your so-called "fundamental right" is based on doing harms on more people's legal rights,is it right?I do not think so.:tdown:
Just two questions: Why have the Han, Hui, Tajik and Uighur Chinese people in Xinjiang demanded the resignation of Xinjiang party boss accusing the government of having inefficient public safety measures? Does not this indicate the complete failure of your intelligence system?

1. obviously because of what happened there recently

2. i agree what happened can have at least been lessened if action was taken early but this one incident does not in anyway constitute a complete failure of a intelligence system other-wise all intelligence systems across the world can be classified as complete failures, people often remember the failures of the american intelligence sytem that lead directly or indirectly to 9/11 but forget of the thousand maybe millions of time they have prevented an attack. also in india the mumbai attack happened, do i see the Indian intelligence as complete failures? no i dont. and also the case in xingjiang is an internal thing, like a protest gone wrong not a external attack though the protester did use the internet to plan some stuff
India and China should be allies(neighbors and having a combined 36% of the world population) but the relationship was poisoned in the 1950's...maybe due to Nehru,maybe due to Mao or maybe both.However it was it got poisoned. China started helping arm Pakistan which is seen as an unforgivable sin in India and now India is about to join an American led effort to encircle China.This will be seen by the Chinese the same way India saw the Chinese help to Pakistan.
Such a pity.
India and China should be allies(neighbors and having a combined 36% of the world population) but the relationship was poisoned in the 1950's...maybe due to Nehru,maybe due to Mao or maybe both.However it was it got poisoned. China started helping arm Pakistan which is seen as an unforgivable sin in India and now India is about to join an American led effort to encircle China.This will be seen by the Chinese the same way India saw the Chinese help to Pakistan.
Such a pity.

A pity can turn into a blessing!

Now imagine "all-of-a-sudden" Pak + India + China suddenly resolve border disputes (as this is basically the minor issue of contention) --- imagine all size and influence, not to mention the power of the combined military. Do you understand? :smitten:
A pity can turn into a blessing!

Now imagine "all-of-a-sudden" Pak + India + China suddenly resolve border disputes (as this is basically the minor issue of contention) --- imagine all size and influence, not to mention the power of the combined military. Do you understand? :smitten:

It is too late...as I said the opportunity was there in the 50's.It was lost.Now China and India seems to be going the opposite direction.
It is too late...as I said the opportunity was there in the 50's.It was lost.Now China and India seems to be going the opposite direction.
China + Pak are going in the right direction. Even Japan is turning towards the right direction (how far they walk is to be seen). The odd man out is India. Let's make the right choices from now on for all our benefits. :flame:
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