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Oiling the wheels on a road to success in Saudi Arabia

This guy has serious mental problems. Do you even understand what people are writing to you? Once again I have never hidden my identity but always PUBLICLY stated openly who I was. This was likewise the case with this user which @Kuwaiti Girl can confirm and other users as I made a post about this. You making up additional undocumented lies about my person, I could not care less about.

Anyway you can continue to bark here and destroy my informative thread but as I told the moderators have been contacted and they will likely deal with you once again. Now stop wasting my time, kid.
As far as I'm aware, you never hid the fact that you were al-Hasani and Bilad al-Haramayn.

Truth be told, I should've reported this troll a long time ago. He made personal attacks against me in another thread (related to Kurdistan), and now he's making personal attacks against you as well. He has also made personal attacks against other members in the Syrian war thread.

I haven't seen him post a single constructive comment yet.

I'll just leave it here, and I think you should too. Put him on your ignore list. He doesn't deserve your time or anybody else's.
You have made at least FIVE different fake accounts and using childish, retarded excuses for why you did that. You probably only notified mods after you were caught by members. Who are you trying to fool kid?

You have some sort of serious mental condition. Stop making fake account with new identity every time. If you don't want to get caught, don't start posting bunch of inferiority complex horse manure. You're like someone whom escaped from a mental asylum or something.


I think it is obvious for everyone who has mental problems and serious ones at that too. I don't really bother to repeat myself endlessly as it appears that you are incapable of understanding even the most simple matters. But for your sake, the moderators were always informed and I always openly stated my identity, including on this user which all users that know me here can confirm. Now stop wasting my time cretin.

Even the only Iranian moderator here @Serpentine will confirm what I have told in this post and previous ones.

I think it is obvious for everyone who has mental problems and serious ones at that too. I don't really bother to repeat myself endlessly as it appears that you are incapable of understanding even the most simple matters. But for your sake, the moderators were always informed and I always openly stated my identity, including on this user which all users that know me here can confirm. Now stop wasting my time cretin.

Even the only Iranian moderator here @Serpentine will confirm what I have told in this post and previous ones.

Maybe you should go make another fake account to get yourself out of this situation? You've already made a minimum of 5 :lol:
You're running around like a headless chicken tagging people left and right. Don't have a heart attack kid. Next time, do a better job at not getting caught.
As far as I'm aware, you never hid the fact that you were al-Hasani and Bilad al-Haramayn.

Truth be told, I should've reported this troll a long time ago. He made personal attacks against me in another thread (related to Kurdistan), and now he's making personal attacks against you as well. He has also made personal attacks against other members in the Syrian war thread.

I haven't seen him post a single constructive comment yet.

I'll just leave it here, and I think you should too. Put him on your ignore list. He doesn't deserve your time or anybody else's.

Not only that I openly told about my identity the very same day that I created this user as you and countless of other users saw in the "Iraq's war on IS terrorism" thread. So this tool is obviously unable to counter my arguments as usual. The same exact thing happened whenever I discussed with him on his previous users, the most previous one being the likely permanently banned @The Last of us user .

I can see that he has started the same tactic with you so you are absolutely right about him not deserving our time.
Saudi Arabian research in 6 charts
10 May 2016



KAUST students embark on a new school year with a commencement ceremony. The relatively new university has quickly made an impact on the Nature Index.

Strong connections with global scientific heavy-hitters and meaningful regional and domestic collaborations have thrust Saudi Arabia into a leading position in the Arab world.

1. Top institutions

Five Saudi Arabian institutes are driving the country's rapid progress in science, with its west-coast institutes leading the way. They have lifted Saudi Arabia eight places higher in the Nature Index from 39 in 2012 to 31 in 2015.

Alisdair Macdonald

Five Saudi Arabian institutes are driving the country's rapid progress in science, with its west-coast institutes leading the way. Full size image
1. Thuwal

Located on the Kingdom's west coast, Thuwal is home to KAUST, a graduate-level university with a US$20 billion endowment, founded in 2009.

2. Jeddah

A major port on the west coast of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah is home to KAU, one of the fastest rising universities in the Kingdom in the Nature Index.

3. Riyadh

Riyadh is Saudi Arabia's capital and biggest city. It is home to KACST, responsible for putting together the country's science strategy, and KSU, the oldest university in the country.

4. Dammam

KFSH&RC, located on the Kingdom's eastern coast in Dammam, has the strongest network of domestic and regional collaborators in the country.

5. Dhahran

KFUPM in Dhahran has a strong focus on chemistry, and is home to the Dhahran Techno Valley, a business initiative to link research and industry.

2. Performance in 2015

A sharp increase in KAUST's contribution to high-quality research articles in 2015 has cemented the university's position as the Kingdom's leading science institute.


3. Journal publications

Even though KAUST’s contribution to the Nature Index is five times higher, KAU leads in the number of articles (AC) published in the Nature Index. Strong international collaborations helped it publish 216 articles in 2015. KSU comes a distant third, with a fifth of KAU’s articles.


4. Output over time

Most of Saudi Arabia's leading institutes have seen their contribution to top-tier journals grow steadily year-on-year since 2012. This has fuelled the country's international standing in the index.


5. Collaboration

Saudi Arabia's top collaborators have remained mostly unchanged since 2012, with the United States its biggest research partner. Collaborations with China were increasing sharply, but slowed down in 2015. Collaborations scores are only for output derived from the bilateral relationship of Saudi Arabia and each partner country.


6. Subject split

Chemistry accounts for two-thirds of Saudi Arabia's research in the index. Subjects may overlap so the sum of subject area contributions can exceed the country's overall performance.


Data analysis by Larissa Kogleck


I wonder why the mindless ignorants are nowhere to be seen in this thread?

@Falcon29 @BLACKEAGLE @alarabi @azzo @Halimi @Indos etc.
Related article:

The rise of Saudi Arabia as a science powerhouse

Oil fuels Saudi Arabia’s rise as a regional science powerhouse.


This nonsense has already been debunked:

They are only a "rising regional powerhouse" compared to some poor arab states like Yemen etc.

Keep crying. Sure everything that a respectable magazine like Science wrote is made up. That's right, lol. All those internationally recognized rankings mentioned in the article likewise.

The number of published "scientific papers" (no uniform criteria naturally) only shows a small picture of the entire situation in this regard.

Anyway let's use that data from 2014. According to that list Iran published 39.573 papers. KSA published 16.117.

Now here is the thing. Iran's population is 80 million. KSA's native population is around 25 million. So simple math will show that KSA is doing better per capita than Iran. So even if you are clinging to "published papers" your argument is futile as usual.

According to UNESCO's data Iran's literacy rate is 86,8% as of 2015. KSA's is 94,7%.

Now get lost @The Last of us and go pollute another thread with your low-IQ nonsense.
I have also posted a respectable source and we can see where your country ranks, can't we? Compared to Iran you're nowhere. Thus a"power house in the arab world" would be a more accurate statement, but then again, "the arab word" is nothing when it comes to science.

Only a desperate baboon would start using the "per capita" argument. Overall, you're nowhere to be found even if your per capita was ranked first on the planet, that's still nothing compared to where one stands overall in total output.

Saudi arabia is a joke in science. Stick to hiring some foreigner etc to come do your research.

Where does your "state" Ranks in nanotechnology? Space? Nuclear? stem cells etc etc?

Your 25 million population had a larger revenues (mostly from oil sales) and no sanctions to worry about and yet, you're nothing. Don't embarrass yourself kid.

Stick to making fake accounts. That's what capable up, but even there you suck as you're always getting caught. :lol:

There is no need to confirm your low IQ time and time again. KSA's HDI, literacy rate, scientific output per capita etc. is all greater than Iran's. Likewise Saudi Arabian universities are ranked higher than Iranian ones and KSA is ahead on several international rankings when it comes to science as Science's article made perfectly clear. You crying about this fact won't change anything. Nor your Mullah's laughable (ridiculed all across the world) attempts of photoshop and reverse engineering after stealing Western/Eastern technology. You might impress your only brethren in Tajikistan or Afghanistan by such tactics but nobody else.

Israel's published scientific papers are likewise over 2 times smaller (naturally due to a lower population like the case is with KSA but just like with KSA, Israel's output per capita is much greater than Iran's) but every sane person is well aware of the fact that Israel is scientifically and technologically light years ahead of Iran. Also where are your brethren in tiny Tajikistan and Afghanistan ranked on that list? Nowhere to be seen. Even the least populous Arab countries are doing better.

Anyway the Arab world being the cradle of civilization and a leading region for millennia will rise once again and that is just a question of time. You should be preparing yourself for that happening this way your tears will be a bit smaller.

Anyway I have wasted enough of my time on you.

Haha now the tool is looking at a previous thread that he created with his @The Last of us user. Busted once again. Keep denying your identity you pathetic troll. You posting some data from some "international" olympiad in 1-2 subjects that nobody knows about won't change the facts that I wrote. :lol:
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Keep crying. Sure everything that a respectable magazine like Science wrote is made up. That's right, lol. All those internationally recognized rankings mentioned in the article likewise.

The number of published "scientific papers" (no uniform criteria naturally) only shows a small picture of the entire situation in this regard.

Anyway let's use that data from 2014. According to that list Iran published 39.573 papers. KSA published 16.117.

Now here is the thing. Iran's population is 80 million. KSA's native population is around 25 million. So simple math will show that KSA is doing better per capita than Iran. So even if you are clinging to "published papers" your argument is futile as usual.

According to UNESCO's data Iran's literacy rate is 86,8% as of 2015. KSA's is 94,7%.

Now get lost @The Last of us and go pollute another thread with your low-IQ nonsense.
The Nature Index country rankings are very accurate and internationally recognized:


Also, the link that the troll posted was based on the number of documents published per year, which means absolutely nothing and has no real significance/importance whatsoever. Iran publishes more documents per year than the likes of Singapore and Taiwan due to the simple fact that Iran has a larger population. But when it comes to the h-index ranking, which is the best way to measure the true scientific output of a country, Iran is ranked much, much lower than smaller countries such as Singapore, Israel and even Finland:


Notice that, according to the 2014 h-index ranking, Saudi Arabia wasn't far behind Iran. It won't surprise me if Saudi Arabia has surpassed Iran lately.

The Nature Index country rankings are based on quality, not quantity. That's why countries such as Singapore and Taiwan are ranked very high, whereas countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia aren't even on the list. That's also why Saudi Arabia is ranked higher than Iran and Turkey.

It's a fact that Saudi Arabia is doing well in science as of late. Hopefully it gets even better in the coming years, but of course this will depend on how well the Saudis manage their domestic affairs from now on. :-)
There is no need to confirm your low IQ time and time again. KSA's HDI, literacy rate, scientific output per capita etc. is all greater than Iran. Likewise Saudi Arabian universities are ranked higher than Iranian ones and KSA is ahead on several international rankings when it comes to science as Science's article made perfectly clear. You crying about this fact won't change anything.

Israel's published scientific papers are likewise over 2 times smaller (naturally due to a lower population like the case is with KSA but just like with KSA, Israel's output per capita is much greater than Iran's) but every sane person is well aware of the fact that Israel is scientifically and technologically light years ahead of Iran. Also where are your brethren in tiny Tajikistan and Afghanistan ranked on that list? Nowhere to be seen. Even the least populous Arab countries are doing better.

Anyway the Arab world being the cradle of civilization and a leading region for millennia will rise once again and that is just a question of time. You should be preparing yourself for that happening this way your tears will be a bit smaller.

Anyway I have wasted enough of my time on you.

Per capita Per capita. Keep repeating that like a broken record, desperate kid. You obviously have nothing else to post. When it comes to total output of science, you're nowhere to be found. You should compare yourselves to somalia etc.

Your universities are filled with bunch of foreigner etc. But even then, lets see how your kind does in Olympiads etc:


In mathematics:


Where is your "state"? :lol:

You can pay all the money you want, but you can't increase your IQ. All the money in the world can't help you it seems.

What does Tajikistan have to do with Iran? It seems this guy has lost it.

Your "Arab civilization" is a fantasy. The real arabs are Bedouin in sandistan and Yemen. You're trying to take credit for other states whom happen to speak arabic. Your kind can only steal and take credit for work done by other just like how most your "scientists" are foreigners.

The Nature Index country rankings are very accurate and internationally recognized:


Also, the link that the troll posted was based on the number of documents published per year, which means absolutely nothing and has no real significance/importance whatsoever. Iran publishes more documents per year than the likes of Singapore and Taiwan due to the simple fact that Iran has a larger population. But when it comes to the h-index ranking, which is the best way to measure the true scientific output of a country, Iran is ranked much, much lower than smaller countries such as Singapore, Israel and even Finland:


Notice that, according to the 2014 hdi ranking, Saudi Arabia wasn't far behind Iran. It won't surprise me if Saudi Arabia has surpassed Iran lately.

The Nature Index country rankings are based on quality, not quantity. That's why countries such as Singapore and Taiwan are ranked very high, whereas countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia aren't even on the list. That's also why Saudi Arabia is ranked higher than Iran and Turkey.

It's a fact that Saudi Arabia is doing well in science as of late. Hopefully it gets even better in the coming years, but of course this will depend on how well the Saudis manage their domestic affairs from now on. :-)
Not hard to understand Hdi was severely effected by Iran being sanctioned.
But then again how can we take someone like you, a liar (claiming to be doctor but spends 24/7 in forums) serious.
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@Kuwaiti Girl

Anyway I honestly don't care who is doing marginally or a bit better than country x or y in the region or Muslim world when Muslim countries are nowhere near even tiny Israel let alone the heavyweights. That's why this pissing contest is essentially slightly embarrassing.

However it is a fact that KSA's HDI index, literacy rate, scientific output per capita etc. is all greater than Iran's. In some instances by a considerable margin. Likewise Saudi Arabian universities are ranked higher than Iranian ones and KSA is ahead on several international rankings when it comes to science as Science's article made perfectly clear.

Of course you're too retarded to understand H-index was severely effected by Iran being cut from the outside world.
But then again how can we expect someone like you, a liar (claiming to be doctor but spends 24/7 in forums) serious.

She was not talking about the HDI index you tool. Read her post once again. Or where the facts that she stated too painful for you to read?
@Kuwaiti Girl

Anyway I honestly don't care who is doing marginally or a bit better than country x or y in the region or Muslim world when Muslim countries are nowhere near even tiny Israel let alone the heavyweights. That's why this pissing contest is essentially slightly embarrassing.

However it is a fact that KSA's HDI index, literacy rate, scientific output per capita etc. is all greater than Iran's. In some instances by a considerable margin. Likewise Saudi Arabian universities are ranked higher than Iranian ones and KSA is ahead on several international rankings when it comes to science as Science's article made perfectly clear.

She was not talking about the HDI index you tool. Read her post once again. Or where the facts that she stated too painful for you to read?

You can only keep resorting to things like Per capita etc but in reality when it comes to total output, where are you, also how does your kind perform in Olympiad, winning prizes etc, you're nowhere to be found.

What's the use of universities ranking higher when your students are too retarded to even become top ten in international competition etc? What do your universities have to show for themselves?

All that oil money, no sanctions, puppet for the USA and you're still nowhere to be found.
@Kuwaiti Girl

Anyway I honestly don't care who is doing marginally or a bit better than country x or y in the region or Muslim world when Muslim countries are nowhere near even tiny Israel let alone the heavyweights. That's why this pissing contest is essentially slightly embarrassing.
True. >_<

That said, I have a lot of faith in some of the Arab countries when it comes to scientific development.

Saudi Arabia seems to be doing very well lately. Also, Qatar and the UAE have a lot of potential, especially the former.

The GCC has invested a lot in science over the last ten years or so. It has to pay off at some point. :agree:
P.s You people seriously overestimate the zionists. Don't forget the backing these people get from the Americans.
However, they are focussed as a nation and people and work very hard. They have no choice, they're a midget state with low population. They work like their existence depends on it ( and it does).
I refuse to waste more of my time on this uniformed and ignorant troll. If anyone ever was in any doubt of his identity, while we had this discussion, he looked at previous threads that he had created using his most previous user @The Last of us that has been banned since early January, and likely permanently. Of course that was likewise another of the numerous coincidences. Of course due to lack of spine he refuses to openly admit his identity as he otherwise will get permanently banned once again.

True. >_<

That said, I have a lot of faith in some of the Arab countries when it comes to scientific development.

Saudi Arabia seems to be doing very well lately. Also, Qatar and the UAE have a lot of potential, especially the former.

The GCC has invested a lot in science over the last ten years or so. It has to pay off at some point. :agree:

No doubt about that. In a relatively short time span we have improved a lot in this godforsaken (of late) region despite a limited population size.
2/3 of the population in the Arab world is below 25 years of age which almost amounts to 300 million people. If stability becomes the norm and the respective regimes begin to put much more emphasis on education as a whole, the sky will be the limit.

This is a quite long (1.24 hour) but very interesting video about the Arab youth and the dividend that they will bring. Based on statistics purely and current trends.

I refuse to waste more of my time on this uniformed and ignorant troll. If anyone ever was in any doubt of his identity, while we had this discussion, he looked at previous threads that he had created using his most previous user @The Last of us that has been banned since early January, and likely permanently. Of course that was likewise another of the numerous coincidences. Of course due to lack of spine he refuses to openly admit his identity as he otherwise will get permanently banned once again.

That's because you're incapable of countering. Go make another fake account and try again?

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