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OIC military action against myanmar

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India is a worthless country, militarily feeble. Nobody needs India's permission to carry out military strikes on Myanmar. Most Muslim countries are on friendly terms with China, and China has its hands full dealing with its immediate neighbours (Vietnam, Japan, Russia, Korea, Taiwan, etc and USA as well). Even if China, hypothetically speaking, had any intention of intervening, they probably would not considering the geopolitical realities.

With China, a diplomatic solution could always be reached anyway, because it has been on favourable terms to most Muslim countries. As for India, if it wants to help save the hide of the Junta of Myanmar from a 'hypothetical' Muslim volunteer forces' strike, it may try.
enjoying your freedom???
remember who gave it to you:)
Burma ... is strategically very important for both India and China ... India has always been supportive of Burma... as Burma has given India Military free hand in dealing with militants that operate from inside Burma and also Burmese military has taken action against these militants ... Burmese also has huge reserves of natural gas which India is trying to get access... on the other hand chinese are building a commercial port in burma to get access to Bay of Bengal to shorten the trip of their ships from Africa and Asia ...

there is no way these two nations will let Burma attacked from any foreign powers ... combined might of India and China can crush any allied militaries ... Bay of Bengal is India's lake ... India wont allow any military armada to be used as a base to attack a friendly nation ...

the only problem in Burma is illegal migration from hungry and dirt poor bangla nationals ...that is why both in Burma and India these are getting butchered by local populaces ... last time i checked around 50 bagladeshis were butchered in Assam .. and riots are still going on ... same is the case with Burma...
What do you guys think of a kind of military operation to save muslims in myanmar , we have strong airforce , im not sure about refueling of some countries . So lets discuss a plan if it went on .

Turkish f-16 - we have like 7 i think refueling in the air to reach myanmar

pakistan airforce very close

saudi f-15 ( i think they are long range i dnt no if they can reach , do they have refuelers?)

UAE has f-16 block 60s

iran air force is quite old i dno about air refuelers

indonesia maybe?

who else is there , please lets discuss a operation to save them.

this is why i insist Turkish navy needs AC we could have leaded in an operation

Also we have strong navies to save them , turkish navy saved turkish citizens very quickly in libya while america etc asked us to help their citizens aswell .

Around 60 nations come on if you put them together they will be very strong , i dont mean an operation to kill their citizens but save muslims or atleast stop this massacre.

You've have absolutely no idea about the nature of the Muslim leaders who are in power. That's why you have this absurd idea. The present govt. in Bangladesh is in the pockets of those in power in Delhi, they cannot take any decision without their consent and the same can be said about the other Muslim governments, they are in the pockets of the foreign powers. Only Iran is an exception but even Iran has serious limitations when the issue is helping other Muslims of the region.

lol ... really these bangladeshi's from so called east pakistan were getting butchered by Pakistani army ... around 3 million were already being butchered before India army stepped in.. seeing these comments I wish India army has let pakistani army to totally wipe out these banglas ... and then stepped in ...

as now these bangla;s are multiplying like insects with no food water .. and land and migrating to India and Burma ... risking their lives at border... still they dont have any chance...

This off topic rant has been reported!
I support the notion, leading and prominent OIC countries should launch a joint-military operation against Burma and carve out a Rohingya state in the north western part of Burma. Several bombing missions on Rangoon and Napyidaw and targeting Burmese ground troops, radar systems, any SAMs, and communication stations they may have. The war should be focused on the Burmese Government, the people however should be spared as much as possible.

If an operation of such nature were to be conducted main goal has to be carving out a new state for the Rohingya.

Though of course due to lack of leadership and initiative in the Muslim countries this is not likely to happen, but it is something that is feasible.
I support the notion, leading and prominent OIC countries should launch a joint-military operation against Burma and carve out a Rohingya state in the north western part of Burma. Several bombing missions on Rangoon and Napyidaw and targeting Burmese ground troops, radar systems, any SAMs, and communication stations they may have. The war should be focused on the Burmese Government, the people however should be spared as much as possible.

If an operation of such nature were to be conducted main goal has to be carving out a new state for the Rohingya.

Nothing personal but :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Why don't the Muslims countries get together and attack US, they have killed 100x more muslims than Burma..or is it about let's pick up the small and thin guy :lol: What they can do there is to be part of NATO and kill Muslims themselves and then come and threaten Burma, talk about being a hypocrite?
Why don't the Muslims countries get together and attack US, they have killed 100x more muslims than Burma..or is it about let's pick up the small and thin guy :lol: What they can do there is to be part of NATO and kill Muslims themselves and then come and threaten Burma, talk about being a hypocrite?

1. Everybody in this forum knows that this thread is about a 'hypothetical' strike against a medieval repressive backward isolated military junta's terrorist institutions.
2. If no words would be said or actions would be taken against Myanmar junta, then some ppl would accuse OIC/Muslims of incompetence because they would not take action against a weak Myanmar junta. If some words would be said and 'hypothetical' actions would be proposed to be taken against the weak Myanmar junta, some people would still complain.

Maybe, if the strike against Myanmar junta goes well and Muslims would have successfully learned how to operate with other Muslim countries' navies, air forces and ground forces in conjunction with one another, then these Muslim countries could start operations against 'drug lords' (or other convenient scapegoats) inside United States, or use proxies (like Mexican, other Latin American illegal immigrants), just for examples.
Turkeys economy is close to 1 billion while india is 1.2 billion population and smaller economy than italy so i dont know how you did that comparison can you please explain?
yes that was a harrasment that post , please make a thread comparing india and turks and even comparing to india number superiority in this forum with facts i can embaras them very badly .

Which Facts are you talking about??
Do compare Turkey with India in the links below. Face the mirror. Turkey is nothing but one of the greatest loosers in every field.
Historical list of ten largest countries by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List Of Countries By GDP 2012

India is 4th most powerful nation on planet. Cant figure out might of Turkey in any of these lists

Global Firepower - 2012 World Military Strength Ranking

The Ten Largest Military Powers In The World - 24/7 Wall St.

We broke our enemy into two parts. While your country is unable to handle tiny Israel. Such a pity on your country. Our Woman are much stronger than your men, and you want to compare India with turkey.
1. Everybody in this forum knows that this thread is about a 'hypothetical' strike against a medieval repressive backward isolated military junta's terrorist institutions.
2. If no words would be said or actions would be taken against Myanmar junta, then some ppl would accuse OIC/Muslims of incompetence because they would not take action against a weak Myanmar junta. If some words would be said and 'hypothetical' actions would be proposed to be taken against the weak Myanmar junta, some people would still complain.

Maybe, if the strike against Myanmar junta goes well and Muslims would have successfully learned how to operate with other Muslim countries' navies, air forces and ground forces in conjunction with one another, then these Muslim countries could start operations against 'drug lords' (or other convenient scapegoats) inside United States, or use proxies (like Mexican, other Latin American illegal immigrants), just for examples.

OIC is an incompetent organization because nobody cares a damn about it even it's members, half of them are fighting among themselves and other half are lap-dog of the US, if OIC/Muslim really believed in helping fellow Muslims even if 'hypothetical' Burma comes far down the list
Turkey is 1 billion economy, much bigger than israel. I dont see turkey really doing much about palestine issue (apart from allowing a few people to die in a boat).
Where does India come into picture. Does turkey have any experience in fighting and sustaining a war thousands of miles away?

He is not even Turkish..He is an Azeri with the "My daddy strongest" syndrome.
I support the notion, leading and prominent OIC countries should launch a joint-military operation against Burma and carve out a Rohingya state in the north western part of Burma. Several bombing missions on Rangoon and Napyidaw and targeting Burmese ground troops, radar systems, any SAMs, and communication stations they may have. The war should be focused on the Burmese Government, the people however should be spared as much as possible.

Ask China before that. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Hope they won't interfere let their investment wasted in Kyaukphyu Port, Rail Line and oil-gas pipeline in Rakhine(Arakan). :lol::lol:
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