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OIC military action against myanmar

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Ask China before that. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Hope they won't interfere let their investment wasted in Kyaukphyu Port, Rail Line and oil-gas pipeline in Rakhine(Arakan). :lol::lol:

Its not Chinese who are defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing, ITS indians who are defending ethnic cleansing. Indians already hatching plan to deny Malacca straight access to China, so why indians are trying to hide behind Chinese shadow now? What a pathetic show for indians.
^^ The Indian master deception has been thoroughly exposed and this heart burn will remain for a long time.
Its not Chinese who are defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing, ITS indians who are defending ethnic cleansing. Indians already hatching plan to deny Malacca straight access to China, so why indians are trying to hide behind Chinese shadow now? What a pathetic show for indians.

Yes, you know what your dearest friend Chinese will do to you, if you ever harm their billions of dollars of investments in Arakan. :laugh:
@ottoman it almost happened in early 90 when Bangladesh decided of an attack on myanmar, KSA and Pakistani strategist were in Bangladesh, but it stopped for some unknown reasons! Now its not possible. Our secular india licking Govt. is supporting Myanmar Junta, they hate Rohingyas for some unknown reason!
@ottoman it almost happened in early 90 when Bangladesh decided of an attack on myanmar, KSA and Pakistani strategist were in Bangladesh, but it stopped for some unknown reasons! Now its not possible. Our secular india licking Govt. is supporting Myanmar Junta, they hate Rohingyas for some unknown reason!

And you are sure china Didn't have a say

you think india is such a strong country? your taking the p.. of turkey , while you are having problems with feeding your population , your country has slipped out of colonialism not long ago and you are trying to stand against TURKS?.

Comprehension , my boy.... comprehension!

Its not Chinese who are defending Myanmar ethnic cleansing, ITS indians who are defending ethnic cleansing. Indians already hatching plan to deny Malacca straight access to China, so why indians are trying to hide behind Chinese shadow now? What a pathetic show for indians.

About burma problem, we dont really care for now, We have no interest in playing moral police for the neighborhood as long as our interests are not being compromised. It's burma's problem, let them sort it out
Burma ... is strategically very important for both India and China ... India has always been supportive of Burma... as Burma has given India Military free hand in dealing with militants that operate from inside Burma and also Burmese military has taken action against these militants ... Burmese also has huge reserves of natural gas which India is trying to get access... on the other hand chinese are building a commercial port in burma to get access to Bay of Bengal to shorten the trip of their ships from Africa and Asia ...

there is no way these two nations will let Burma attacked from any foreign powers ... combined might of India and China can crush any allied militaries ... Bay of Bengal is India's lake ... India wont allow any military armada to be used as a base to attack a friendly nation ...

the only problem in Burma is illegal migration from hungry and dirt poor bangla nationals ...that is why both in Burma and India these are getting butchered by local populaces ... last time i checked around 50 bagladeshis were butchered in Assam .. and riots are still going on ... same is the case with Burma...

When push comes to shove your government will back down they are spineless. The next day you would declare neutrality.
Yes, you know what your dearest friend Chinese will do to you, if you ever harm their billions of dollars of investments in Arakan. :laugh:

We know how to read China and deal with China. NO shadow hugging indian opinion needed. Come back when you have something to say other than hiding behind other countries.
And you are sure china Didn't have a say

Comprehension , my boy.... comprehension!

About burma problem, we dont really care for now, We have no interest in playing moral police for the neighborhood as long as our interests are not being compromised. It's burma's problem, let them sort it out

I agree with this. GOI would think along these lines.
@ottoman it almost happened in early 90 when Bangladesh decided of an attack on myanmar, KSA and Pakistani strategist were in Bangladesh, but it stopped for some unknown reasons! Now its not possible. Our secular india licking Govt. is supporting Myanmar Junta, they hate Rohingyas for some unknown reason!

Biradar, why Jamatis like you always skips China factor in Myanmar.:angry:
A diplomatic solution before going for war,

China has been big supporter of Myanmarese junta for last 15-20 yrs, Chinese have given them weapons and money to Junta.
China has also invested 100-200 billion dollars in Myanmar, so they have big leverage in Myanmar.
So Pakistan being friend of China can ask the military junta to bend backwards and accomodate these rohyingyas and stop persecution of Rohingyas.

This is simple solution to problem.
Yes, you know what your dearest friend Chinese will do to you, if you ever harm their billions of dollars of investments in Arakan. :laugh:

An OIC attack on Burma would not harm their interests at all, their investments would be left as is. In this hypothetical scenario the goal would be for Burma to grant autonomy to Arakan so that Rohingya can live without fear within their own country MYANMAR.
Its good that indians publicizing their anti Muslim policy and mindset. More they do better people from Muslim countries get aware of Indian anti Muslim thinking.
A diplomatic solution before going for war,

China has been big supporter of Myanmarese junta for last 15-20 yrs, Chinese have given them weapons and money to Junta.
China has also invested 100-200 billion dollars in Myanmar, so they have big leverage in Myanmar.
So Pakistan being friend of China can ask the military junta to bend backwards and accomodate these rohyingyas and stop persecution of Rohingyas.

This is simple solution to problem.

If anything this is the most feasible possibility. :coffee:
An OIC attack on Burma would not harm their interests at all, their investments would be left as is. In this hypothetical scenario the goal would be for Burma to grant autonomy to Arakan so that Rohingya can live without fear within their own country MYANMAR.

You think too much hypothetical. :cheesy:
Here are the maps of Rakhine(Arakan State) and the Chinese Port, Gas-Oil pipeline, Rail line through same route. India's investment in just $150 million in Arakan, Chinese have invested billions only on the pipeline.


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