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OIC military action against myanmar

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First of all, thank you very much for opening this thread. At least, you have shown that you really care about the plight of Muslims, and you do care about exercising the 'might' of Muslim majority countries' militaries to resolve the issue created by a backward medieval junta against its own Muslim populations.

Setting aside the geopolitical issues that are possibly the biggest obstacle in the way of carrying out this operation for a moment, let us look at some basic facts to ascertain the enemy capabilities and what a few selected Muslim countries could muster up.

This is the political map of Myanmar.

The region of primary interest is the Rakhine state.
Let's look at a political map of the neighbour to Rakhine state then.

An old but perhaps useful map shows the distribution of Myanmarese (?) naval ports

Bangladesh navy at a glance (do take a look at the naval bases in Chittagong)
::Bangladesh Navy:::..........About BN

A quick look at the Bangladesh Navy personnel and equipment

Accurate information on a backward, medieval junta's naval inventory is not easily available in the public domain. A crude estimate can still be obtained to help this thread along. Warning: The source is a Western and somewhat unreliable site.

Myanmar - Navy

If you add Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Saudi/GCC, Iran and Turkey to the mix, the Muslim volunteers could probably get the job done very quickly. The problem lies with geopolitics. Except Iran, not a single Muslim majority country openly negates anything said by the West including Turkey, Saudi/GCC, Indonesia or others. If the West works against Muslims, other puppets of the West will go along with the plan.

Vietnamese are South East Asians. ASEAN=Association of South East Asian Nations.

In ASEAN, there are Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei all of which are Muslim majority. Vietnam was fully supported by all types of weaponry against USA by the former Soviet Union and China. Ask Vietnamese, they will admit that without the Soviet Union they could not have resisted the USA alone. I have asked Vietnamese about it in the past, and that's the major reason for victory that they've pointed out.

Turkish officials going to the place of the massacres to see it and stop it .

So Rakhine state is just next to the sea.

5 turkish frigates , 5 Iranian , ( idnt exactly know others navies so jsut estimates) few from saudi , pakistan , bangladesh , turkish f-16 with refueling and saudi , pakistan and bangladesh close , job can be done.

As this is the month of Ramadan, let's try to desist from responding to trolls/childish insults from members. Report to moderators, if necessary, or avoid those conversations. I thought you were serious about this thread, look at my reply for a starter on how the Muslim volunteers could initiate the liberation effort.

me ? i was replying to the chinese guy , forget him , do you know the exact numbers of frigates and ships of saudi arabia and other arab countries UAE etc .
In order for such intervention you need support of many nations.
That requires Muslim nations to be united.

And we aren't.
Even with all the wealth and weaponry in the world, nothing will happen.

United we stand, divided we fall
we was first to go to libya to save our citizens and even america and europeon countries asked help so we evacuate their citizens aswell , banglar mate this can be done if there is the will

infact we even helped chinese citizens from libya i think.

just from help of citizens from turkey from mosques etc we already saved $1million to people in myanmar.

Türk K
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what is this massive ship ? this ship evacuated our citizens and others from libya

This is the right assessment.

better planes, better equipments? Well, you do have them.

To win the war over Myanmar, I see the possibility is quite low actually. You will get your axxes kicked very heavily.

Remember the so-called turkish brigade during korean war, well, you know what I mean.

Great now Myanmar can kick the ***** of every OIC member country. On this very forum we have people who say Bangladesh can beat them down and you are trying to say the whole of OIC would lose to Myanmar. Unless you were talking about Turkey. Either way that notion is just as ridiculous.
Turkish officials going to the place of the massacres to see it and stop it .

So Rakhine state is just next to the sea.

5 turkish frigates , 5 Iranian , ( idnt exactly know others navies so jsut estimates) few from saudi , pakistan , bangladesh , turkish f-16 with refueling and saudi , pakistan and bangladesh close , job can be done.

me ? i was replying to the chinese guy , forget him , do you know the exact numbers of frigates and ships of saudi arabia and other arab countries UAE etc .

Essentially, you are right, though the plan could be refined further, if needed. The problem remains a geopolitical one, at its core. Can all these Muslim majority countries unite? Moreover, would BAL (current govt in Bangladeshi) need to be toppled? Should a veiled diplomatic warning to BAL be sufficient to rein in its fanatic mindless apple-polishing of Hindutva radicals?

Saudi ("Royal" Saudi Navy) operates 11 frigates and corvettes in total, as far as I can recall, including relatively 'modern' French Lafayette Class frigates. UAE has also built its Baynunah class corvettes, and probably operates 6 frigates/corvettes in total, and then Indonesia operates about 30 frigates and corvettes in total. For Malaysia, the figure is probably 10 frigates/corvettes. Along with about Turkish 26 frigates and corvettes, and Iranian 12 (not sure) frigates/corvettes, the Muslim volunteers could, hypothetically, choose from a pool of close to 100 frigates/corvettes as major surface combatants. Bangladeshi navy bases in Chittagong (see map I have posted), and elsewhere put Rakhine state well within the reach of all these surface combatants.

If the people were strongly motivated and the political will was there (for example, if the entire Muslim world mobilized its resources), then perhaps more than 200 major surface combatants in the form of various frigates/combatants could be chosen from, and we also need to consider various subsurface vehicles like submarines, ASuW helicopters/systems, etc. which could help tip the balance in the favour of Muslim volunteers by a greater extent.

As you have rightly said and I have also pointed out, the problem is mostly 'geopolitical'/political will/related issues, not a lack of military might.
This is the right assessment.

better planes, better equipments? Well, you do have them.

To win the war over Myanmar, I see the possibility is quite low actually. You will get your axxes kicked very heavily.

Remember the so-called turkish brigade during korean war, well, you know what I mean.

yes i remember .

"The Turks have shown in Kunuri a heroism worthy of their glorious history. The Turks have gained the admiration of the whole world through their glorious fighting in the battles." - Figaro

"The Turks who have been known throughout history by their courage and decency, have proved that they have kept these characteristics, in the war which the United Nations undertook in Korea." - Burner - U.S. Congressman

"We owe the escape of thousands of United Nations troops out of a certain encirclement to the heroism of the Turkish soldiers. The Turkish soldiers in Korea have added a new and unforgettable page of honor to the customs and legends of heroism of the Turkish nation." - Emanuel Shinwell - U.K. Minister of Defense

"The Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade." - General Douglas MacArthur - United Nations Forces Commander in Chief
Great now Myanmar can kick the ***** of every OIC member country. On this very forum we have people who say Bangladesh can beat them down and you are trying to say the whole of OIC would lose to Myanmar. Unless you were talking about Turkey. Either way that notion is just as ridiculous.

Mate actually he wanted to say something else. I hope you reach there in second read.
Essentially, you are right, though the plan could be refined further, if needed. The problem remains a geopolitical one, at its core. Can all these Muslim majority countries unite? Moreover, would BAL (current govt in Bangladeshi) need to be toppled? Should a veiled diplomatic warning to BAL be sufficient to rein in its fanatic mindless apple-polishing of Hindutva radicals?

Saudi ("Royal" Saudi Navy) operates 11 frigates and corvettes in total, as far as I can recall, including relatively 'modern' French Lafayette Class frigates. UAE has also built its Baynunah class corvettes, and probably operates 6 frigates/corvettes in total, and then Indonesia operates about 30 frigates and corvettes in total. For Malaysia, the figure is probably 10 frigates/corvettes. Along with about Turkish 26 frigates and corvettes, and Iranian 12 (not sure) frigates/corvettes, the Muslim volunteers could, hypothetically, choose from a pool of close to 100 frigates/corvettes as major surface combatants. Bangladeshi navy bases in Chittagong (see map I have posted), and elsewhere put Rakhine state well within the reach of all these surface combatants.

If the people were strongly motivated and the political will was there (for example, if the entire Muslim world mobilized its resources), then perhaps more than 200 major surface combatants in the form of various frigates/combatants could be chosen from, and we also need to consider various subsurface vehicles like submarines, ASuW helicopters/systems, etc. which could help tip the balance in the favour of Muslim volunteers by a greater extent.

As you have rightly said and I have also pointed out, the problem is mostly 'geopolitical'/political will/related issues, not a lack of military might.

100 frigates/corvettes is too much , 30 is enough , turkey can bring 5 , and other countries , along with 10 submarines , what is the range of an f-16 block 50+ ? turkish ones can be refueled but which nations airforce can have capability for airforce to go their , pakistan , turkish , bangladesh is close anyway , SA f-15 and ef-2000s . If all the nations stand together it will be a very very strong voice.

so what is the current bangladesh government what is wrong with him?
Quick estimate.

Some of the figure are bound to be wrong because they are estimates from a few years back.

Indonesia - about 30 frigates/corvettes
Turkey - about 26 frigates/corvettes
Iran - about 12 frigates/corvettes (not sure about this one)
Saudi - about 11 frigates/corvettes
Egypt - about 11 frigates/corvettes
Malaysia - about 10 frigates/corvettes
Algeria - about 9 frigates/corvettes
Morocco - about 6 frigates/corvettes
UAE - about 6 frigates/corvettes (not sure about the number)
Other GCC states - about 10 frigates/corvettes (3 from Oman, 3 from Bahrain, 3 from Kuwait, probably, not sure again because I'm quoting from memory)
Bangladesh - about 5 frigates

Only the above countries could possibly provide a pool of 136 frigates/corvettes to choose from.

Other ships and boats in the form of patrol boats, smaller surface ships could number over thousands.
KSA has airbus a330 mrtt for refuelling.

Quick estimate.

Some of the figure are bound to be wrong because they are estimates from a few years back.

Indonesia - about 30 frigates/corvettes
Turkey - about 26 frigates/corvettes
Iran - about 12 frigates/corvettes (not sure about this one)
Saudi - about 11 frigates/corvettes
Egypt - about 11 frigates/corvettes
Malaysia - about 10 frigates/corvettes
Algeria - about 9 frigates/corvettes
Morocco - about 6 frigates/corvettes
UAE - about 6 frigates/corvettes (not sure about the number)
Other GCC states - about 10 frigates/corvettes (3 from Oman, 3 from Bahrain, 3 from Kuwait, probably, not sure again because I'm quoting from memory)
Bangladesh - about 5 frigates

Only the above countries could possibly provide a pool of 136 frigates/corvettes to choose from.

Other ships and boats in the form of patrol boats, smaller surface ships could number over thousands.

get 50 ships from all those countries is enough to save easily .
100 frigates/corvettes is too much , 30 is enough , turkey can bring 5 , and other countries , along with 10 submarines , what is the range of an f-16 block 50+ ? turkish ones can be refueled but which nations airforce can have capability for airforce to go their , pakistan , turkish , bangladesh is close anyway , SA f-15 and ef-2000s . If all the nations stand together it will be a very very strong voice.

so what is the current bangladesh government what is wrong with him?

Chittagong, Bangladesh is only a few hundred kilometres from Rakhine troublesome area. Any fighter aircraft, EF Typhoon, Su-30 MKA, F-15, F-16, F-18 etc would be able to cover this distance without any difficulty.

The problem with BAL is that it is a stooge of India and USA, completely unislamic, it has poisoned the Muslim public's opinion with its vile ideology of Hindutva and Shantiniketoni nonsense imported from India. In every govt office and ministry, members from a particular religious group (that religious group which is the majority in a country where cows are worshipped as deity) now represent a large chunk, sometimes even the majority of the workforce or decision making body despite the fact that most of them are not qualified for the jobs. Only to satisfy their Hindutva radical masters in India, BAL has instituted these measures which actually harm Bangladesh because incompetent people are naturally bound to make any ministry/government office inefficient and useless.
who the hell voted for this government? Bangladesh 90% muslim. If bangladesh accepts these people a joint aid to help them will be sent amounting to alot . All 50+ nations send atleast $500,000,000+
what is wrong with bangladesh for god sake , why dont they help as you said unlikely , Turkish airforce and navy which has refueling , iran navy , saudi airforce , uae air force , pakistan air force , bangladesh ground force , this is way more than enough .

actually present BD govt is a puppet of indian govt. thats why
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