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OIC agrees to recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital


Nov 22, 2017
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OIC agrees to recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has agreed to recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine in an extraordinary summit held in Istanbul.

The ruling, which was handed down on Dec. 13, counters U.S. President Trump’s recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital and favors the pre-1967 borders preferred by the two-state solution.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had called on the international community to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state.

“I invite countries that claim international law and equity to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian state under occupation,” Erdoğan said, speaking at the OIC summit in Istanbul.

“It is a must for countries that have not yet recognized the Palestinian state to take this important step, to maintain a balance that will ensure good sense and justice in the region,” he added.
i invite the international community to recognize 20 million kurds as kurdistan
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has agreed to recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine in an extraordinary summit held in Istanbul.

So everything is okay now? So when will OIC members establish their embassies there?
We welcome this decision. A step in the right direction. We should see who did not participate in the conference.
Good but not enough. I expected a joint forces from Islamic countries' armies.

At least, through Jordan, we can change many things. With all these armies and equipment,, we fail to scare Israel, wft
You seriously think you can win with military force

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