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in US proposal there was written the condition that we should handover Dr shakeel afridi to US ..... then OHP will arrive
. .
These were tough little ships in the 80s and 90s, but were worn-out and not deemed cost-effective to upgrade to modern capabilities by the 2000s. The missile launchers on the last few were removed, a 25mm cannon installed in place. They are a bit slow too, being originally envisioned for convoy defense duties (so they didn't have to keep up with a CBG).

So, how exactly they are being refurbished will be the $65million dollar question.
Sir, i have seen this type ship PNS Alamgir at sea. No doubt it is much better ship than old type 21's. Only question is what equipment US will retain while giving them to Pak
For 80mn USD
I think you are getting a raw deal Considering the fact that these are 30-32 Yr old frigates without proper weapon systems
When you look at the fact that USN transferred the 35 yr old 17000 Ton USS Trenton along with 6 Sea King Helis to India for 52 mn USD. There has to be some accusations of corruption flying around.

Had you guys got these ship with its full weapon's Package, they would have exceeded the capability of the Godavari Class Frigates of the Indian Navy, which are set for decommissioning starting 2016
US will strip all the goodie from it , and give us the skeleton fishing boat .. which cant do sh!t ...
These were tough little ships in the 80s and 90s, but were worn-out and not deemed cost-effective to upgrade to modern capabilities by the 2000s. The missile launchers on the last few were removed, a 25mm cannon installed in place. They are a bit slow too, being originally envisioned for convoy defense duties (so they didn't have to keep up with a CBG).

So, how exactly they are being refurbished will be the $65million dollar question.

Intended to protect amphibious landing forces, supply and replenishment groups, and merchant convoys from submarines, Perry class frigates also later were part of battleship-centric surface action groups and aircraft carrier battle groups/strike groups.

You don't build a class this numerous (71 total, of which USN 51, Spain 6, Australia 6, and Taiwan 8) and not use it in a carrier screen, just like like 49 ship Knox before.


congress has put conditions on the supply of these ships. PK can not meet these conditions. anyway these ships if they are ever supplied to PN will be stripped of all US weapons and systems. basically PN will get the hulls and then upgrade them to its specifications (US80mx3=240m). PNS Alamgir (Perry class) is basically a 'training' vessel at this point in time.
Balony. McInerney wasn't stripped either. This is BS. McInerney / Alamgir on transfer included e.g. 2x3 asw tubes, 76mm Oto cannon. On all Perry's in US service Mk13 launcher was deleted in 2003 and there by Harpoon and SM1 Standard SAM capability.

US will strip all the goodie from it , and give us the skeleton fishing boat .. which cant do sh!t ...
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Naval Vessels Transfer Act of 2013 - (Sec. 102)

Authorizes the President to transfer on a grant basis to Pakistan in each of FY2014-FY2016 one of the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigates USS KLAKRING, USS DE WERT, and USS ROBERT G. BRADLEY 15 days after certifying to Congress that Pakistan is: (1) cooperating with the United States in counterterrorism and nonproliferation efforts, (2) not supporting terrorist activities against the United States in Afghanistan or elsewhere, (3) taking steps towards releasing Dr. Shakil Afridi, (4) taking steps to dismantle improvised explosive device (IED) networks, (5) providing humanitarian groups with access to detainees and other Pakistani civilians, and (6) ensuring that Pakistan's military and intelligence agencies are not intervening into Pakistan's political and judicial processes.

Authorizes the President to waive such certification requirements for U.S. national security interests.

Authorizes the President to transfer any vessel named in this Act to any country named in this Act such that the total number of vessels transferred to such country does not exceed the total number of vessels authorized for transfer to such country by this Act.
S.1683 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): A bill to provide for the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign recipients, and for other purposes. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Beggers can't be choosers.

c) Transfer to Pakistan by grant upon certifications.—22 U.S.C. 2321j), 15 days after certifying to the appropriate congressional committees that the Government of Pakistan is—
(A) cooperating with the United States Government in counterterrorism efforts against the Haqqani Network, the Quetta Shura Taliban, Lashkar e-Tayyiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, al Qaeda, and other domestic and foreign terrorist organizations, including taking concrete and measurable steps to—
(i) end Government of Pakistan support for such groups;
(ii) prevent such groups from basing and operating in Pakistan; and
(iii) prevent such groups from carrying out cross-border attacks into neighboring countries;
(B) not supporting terrorist activities against United States or coalition forces or United States citizens in Afghanistan or elsewhere, or any organizations planning, conducting, or advocating such activities;
(C) taking concrete and measurable steps to dismantle improvised explosive device (IED) networks and interdict precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of IEDs;
(D) not engaging in, and taking concrete and measurable steps to prevent the proliferation of nuclear-related material, equipment, technology, and expertise;
(E) issuing visas in a timely manner for United States visitors engaged in counterterrorism efforts, assistance programs, and Department of State operations in Pakistan;
(F) providing humanitarian organizations access to detainees, internally displaced persons, and other Pakistani civilians affected by the conflict;
(G) taking steps towards releasing Dr. Shakil Afridi from prison and clearing him of all charges; and
(H) ensuring that the military and intelligence agencies of the Government of Pakistan are not intervening into political and judicial processes in Pakistan.
(2) WAIVER.—
(A) IN GENERAL.—The President may waive the certification requirements under paragraph (1) in any of fiscal years 2014 through 2016 if the President determines, and notifies the appropriate congressional committees, that it is in the national security interests of the United States to waive such requirement.
(B) EFFECTIVE DATE OF WAIVER.—The waiver shall become effective 45 days after the President provides to the appropriate congressional committees a report detailing the reasons for making the determination and an analysis of the degree to which the actions of the Government of Pakistan do or do not satisfy the criteria in subparagraphs (A)–(H) of paragraph (1).
(d) Alternative transfer authority.—Notwithstanding the authority provided in subsections (a), (b), and (c) to transfer specific vessels to specific countries, the President is authorized to transfer any vessel named in this title to any country named in this section, subject to the same conditions that would apply for such country under this section, such that the total number of vessels transferred to such country does not exceed the total number of vessels authorized for transfer to such country by this section.
http:// thomas.loc.gov / home / gpoxmlc113 / s1683_rs.xml
. . . .
Intended to protect amphibious landing forces, supply and replenishment groups, and merchant convoys from submarines, Perry class frigates also later were part of battleship-centric surface action groups and aircraft carrier battle groups/strike groups.

You don't build a class this numerous (71 total, of which USN 51, Spain 6, Australia 6, and Taiwan 8) and not use it in a carrier screen, just like like 49 ship Knox before.

View attachment 121690

Balony. McInerney wasn't stripped either. This is BS. McInerney / Alamgir on transfer included e.g. 2x3 asw tubes, 76mm Oto cannon. On all Perry's in US service Mk13 launcher was deleted in 2003 and there by Harpoon and SM1 Standard SAM capability.


sir please elaborate ?
Were there any such conditions imposed prior to transfer of USS McInerney and PNS Alamgir?
2d Session
S. 3052
[Report No. 110–451]
May 22, 2008
Mr. Biden (for himself and Mr. Lugar) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
September 10, 2008
Reported by Mr. Dodd, without amendment
To provide for the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign recipients.
Short title

This Act may be cited as the Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2008.
Transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign recipients

Transfers by grant
The President is authorized to transfer vessels to foreign recipients on a grant basis under section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j), as follows:
To the Government of Pakistan, the OLIVER HAZARD PERRY class guided missile frigate MCINERNEY (FFG–8).
To the Government of Greece, the OSPREY class minehunter coastal ships OSPREY (MHC–51) and ROBIN (MHC–54).
To the Government of Chile, the KAISER class oiler ANDREW J. HIGGINS (AO–190).
To the Government of Peru, the NEWPORT class amphibious tank landing ships FRESNO (LST–1182) and RACINE (LST–1191).
Grants not counted in annual total of transferred excess defense articles
The value of a vessel transferred to a recipient on a grant basis pursuant to authority provided by subsection (a) shall not be counted against the aggregate value of excess defense articles transferred in any fiscal year under section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j).
Costs of transfers
Any expense incurred by the United States in connection with a transfer authorized by this section shall be charged to the recipient (notwithstanding section 516(e) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321j(e))).
Repair and refurbishment in United States shipyards
To the maximum extent practicable, the President shall require, as a condition of the transfer of a vessel under this section, that the recipient to which the vessel is transferred have such repair or refurbishment of the vessel as is needed, before the vessel joins the naval forces of the recipient, performed at a shipyard located in the United States, including a United States Navy shipyard.
Expiration of authority
The authority to transfer a vessel under this section shall expire at the end of the 2-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act.
September 10, 2008
Reported without amendment
Text of S. 3052 (110th): Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2008 (Reported by Senate Committee version) - GovTrack.us

sir please elaborate ?
What is there to elaborate: they won't be stripped.
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Sir,please can you tell us how much will the current balance between Indian Navy and the Pakistani Navy be altered if these 3 OHP Class frigates join the P.N. by 2016.I mean will they enhance the surface capabilties of the P.N. to a great extent considering the fact that the present I.N. fleet doesn't have anything in comparison to these beasts:undecided:.
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