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OH ! NO ! Am I going to Die >_

2-3 days ago I was scratched by a feral Kitty Cat in a cute way . Scratch was superficial , so I just washed it with anti septic . Since then I am getting lots of saliva . Have I Gone Psycho or events are really worrying ?

When Kitty eats cat food , it drops lots of saliva making the food in the container little Wet . It meows and hisses a lot .

Also I am having small pea sized cysts ( Not sure what exactly it is ) appearing at every corner of the body .


@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @fsayed @anant_s @Joe Shearer @Tshering22 @Dandpatta @danger007 @Didact @Soumitra @SrNair
@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @PARIKRAMA @egodoc222 @DesiGuy1403 @Nilgiri @SarthakGanguly @Omega007 @GURU DUTT @HariPrasad @JanjaWeed @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @MilSpec @Spectre @Windjammer @Horus @GURU DUTT @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @abcxyz0000
@MilSpec @Spectre
@Ryuzaki @CorporateAffairs @Zibago @Srinivas
@GR!FF!N @migflug @Levina @randomradio @Guynextdoor2 @2800 @calmDown@all @zebra7

@Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @Godman @Gibbs

@Windjammer @Horus @Arsalan
You are turning into a cat.
In a few days you will be a Nasaz Billa.
@Zibago :partay:

Congrats you are becoming Catman a new super hero.
I wonder what his superpowers will be.
He certainly will be able to fly.
. .

I used to go out for Gym , Play sports etc but now I feel so lazy to leave my room .
Eat Sleep Games Net Anime and Fixated at my Laptop for 10 hours and 9 hours sleep is all what I do :(
These are serious symptoms.
You need emergency treatment or it will become life threatening.
You need to consult here more ppl to get a quick review of your situation. If you are too late, we might have to ..... Let's wait for experts opinions here..
We might be able to save you...
. . . . . .
Get yourself checked by a doctor for any infection.
Don't think there should be any case of worry.
. .
2-3 days ago I was scratched by a feral Kitty Cat in a cute way . Scratch was superficial , so I just washed it with anti septic . Since then I am getting lots of saliva . Have I Gone Psycho or events are really worrying ?

When Kitty eats cat food , it drops lots of saliva making the food in the container little Wet . It meows and hisses a lot .

Also I am having small pea sized cysts ( Not sure what exactly it is ) appearing at every corner of the body .


@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @fsayed @anant_s @Joe Shearer @Tshering22 @Dandpatta @danger007 @Didact @Soumitra @SrNair
@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @PARIKRAMA @egodoc222 @DesiGuy1403 @Nilgiri @SarthakGanguly @Omega007 @GURU DUTT @HariPrasad @JanjaWeed @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @MilSpec @Spectre @Windjammer @Horus @GURU DUTT @litefire @AMCA @Perpendicular @abcxyz0000
@MilSpec @Spectre
@Ryuzaki @CorporateAffairs @Zibago @Srinivas
@GR!FF!N @migflug @Levina @randomradio @Guynextdoor2 @2800 @calmDown@all @zebra7

@Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @Godman @Gibbs

@Windjammer @Horus @Arsalan

wonderful way to get all the attention :tup:

There is a word for it but leave it :yahoo:
Cat scratch disease facts*

*Cat scratch disease facts by John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial disease caused by Bartonella henselae.
It is often caused by a bite or scratch from a cat. Kittens are more likely to pass on the bacteria.
Symptoms of cat scratch disease include swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, fatigue, andloss of appetite.
To reduce your risk of getting CSD avoid rough play with cats and kittens, wash cat bites and scratches thoroughly, and contact your physician if you develop any symptoms following a cat bite or scratch.
What is cat scratch disease?

Cat-scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial infection spread by cats. The disease spreads when an infected cat licks a person's open wound, or bites or scratches a person hard enough to break the surface of the skin. About three to 14 days after the skin is broken, a mild infection can occur at the site of the scratch or bite. The infected area may appear swollen and red with round, raised lesions and can have pus. The infection can feel warm or painful. A person with CSD may also have a fever, headache, poor appetite, and exhaustion. Later, the person'slymph nodes closest to the original scratch or bite can become swollen, tender, or painful.

Wash cat bites and scratches well with soap and running water. Do not allow cats to lick your wounds. Contact your doctor if you develop any symptoms of cat-scratch disease or infection.

CSD is caused by a bacterium called Bartonella henselae. About 40% of cats carry B. henselae at some time in their lives, although most cats with this infection show NO signs of illness. Kittens younger than 1 year are more likely to have B. henselae infection and to spread the germ to people. Kittens are also more likely to scratch and bite while they play and learn how to attack prey.
How cats and people become infected

Cats can get infected with B. henselae from flea bites and flea dirt (droppings) getting into their wounds. By scratching and biting at the fleas, cats pick up the infected flea dirt under their nails and between their teeth. Cats can also become infected by fighting with other cats that are infected. The germ spreads to people when infected cats bite or scratch a person hard enough to break their skin. The germ can also spread when infected cats lick at wounds or scabs that you may have.

Serious but rare complications
Although rare, CSD can cause people to have serious complications. CSD can affect the brain, eyes, heart, or other internal organs. These rare complications, which may require intensive treatment, are more likely to occur in children younger than 5 years and people with weakened immune systems.

Most cats with B. henselae infection show NO signs of illness, but on rare occasions this disease can cause inflammation of the heart -- making cats very sick with laboredbreathing. B. henselae infection may also develop in the mouth, urinary system, or eyes. Your veterinarian may find that some of your cat's other organs may be inflamed.

Available tests and treatments

Talk to your doctor about testing and treatments for CSD. People are only tested for CSD when the disease is severe and the doctor suspects CSD based on the patient's symptoms. CSD is typically not treated in otherwise healthy people.

Talk to your veterinarian about testing and treatments for your cat. Your veterinarian can tell you whether your cat requires testing or treatment.

Wash cat bites and scratches right away with soap and running water.
Wash your hands with soap and running water after playing with your cat, especially if you live with young children or people with weakened immune systems.
Since cats less than one year of age are more likely to have CSD and spread it to people, persons with a weakened immune system should adopt cats older than one year of age.
Do not:

Play rough with your pets because they may scratch and bite.
Allow cats to lick your open wounds.
Pet or touch stray or feral cats.
Control fleas

Keep your cat's nails trimmed.
Apply a flea product (topical or oral medication) approved by your veterinarian once a month.
BEWARE: Over-the-counter flea products may not be safe for cats.
Check with your veterinarian before applying ANY flea product to make sure it is safe for your cat and your family. Check for fleas by using a flea comb on your cat to inspect for flea dirt.
Control fleas in your home by
Vacuuming frequently
Contacting a pest-control agent if necessary
Protect your cat's health

Schedule routine veterinary health check-ups.
Keep cats indoors to
Decrease their contact with fleas
Prevent them from fighting with stray or potentially infected animals

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