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Featured Official confirmation of Bangladesh Army purchased Oerlikon GDF-009 with Skyguard 3 FCR system

Now if we can get some of that regarding some fighters.

Probably as effective as it gets for a short range AD system.

I know - however apparently we have only two units which is hardly any defence factor against airborne threats.

We should get these as self propelled SPAAG units (very common) and use the AHEAD upgrade which Pakistan is using with 'anti-missile proximity fuse splinter shell functionality rounds'. Maybe some Pakistani brothers can explain the actual experience and success on the ground for these anti-missile rounds for the OERLIKON Gun.

Unless you get SPAAG mobility, these towed things are sitting ducks for attack helis and hellfire type missiles.

Since buying German made stuff would be prohibitive, there is always China option, the Type 09 SPAAA.

The PGZ-09 dual 35mm self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery

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God knows wat the purpose is of buying super crappy machinery
Now if we can get some of that regarding some fighters.
Just recently I saw on YouTube a video by Rheinmetall of this same system but with different munitions...that is essentially timed burst. It throws a cloud of fast moving shrapnel towards the target...pretty much impossible to avoid for things like drones and cruise missiles in the range of this system.

Pair this thing up with a few batteries of short and medium range SAM systems...and BD can build a decent AD network relatively quickly.
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I know - however apparently we have only two units which is hardly any defence factor against airborne threats.

We should get these as self propelled SPAAG units (very common) and use the AHEAD upgrade which Pakistan is using with 'anti-missile proximity fuse splinter shell functionality rounds'. Maybe some Pakistani brothers can explain the actual experience and success on the ground for these anti-missile rounds for the OERLIKON Gun.

Unless you get SPAAG mobility, these towed things are sitting ducks for attack helis and hellfire type missiles.

Since buying German made stuff would be prohibitive, there is always China option, the Type 09 SPAAA.

The PGZ-09 dual 35mm self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery

Pakistan has "ahead" munitions with oerlikon? :blink:
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That is what the internet suggests. Very good if true.
Yeah that was news to me. I didn't know that Pak had those until @Bilal9 mentioned it here. I looked it up later to confirm.

Oddly enough...just a couple days before Bilal9 mentioned that Pak has it...I came across a video of it on YouTube(the official Rheimetall channel). The video just popped up in my feed...and I saw it wishing that Pak should get it for its Oerlikon guns. So it was a pleasant surprise.

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