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Official British Brexit thread.

i would get up and drop kick him. that piece of sh!t is ok, his wife is german so if the Uk fu*ks up he will run of to germany with his wife and kids and boris will run of to the usa leaving us in the sh!t. for some weird i agree with @Irfan Baloch and let the scots have a referendum that will put them both in place. tbh i still want to be in europe but thats not gonna happen so i may as well live with it.

The video was put up in jest, he's not to everyone's taste.

The Scots got their answer from the Spanish and French today, it wasn't pretty.

I dont see it that way. Our economy in italy was damaged very much by this. People will lose their jobs here because of this. Security suffers as well and so much efforts wasted for nothing.

What do you understand under "accomodated? You want all benefits but dont pay the prize. What sense makes the EU when it gives Uk all for free? Why should italy be a member nation when the EU gives the Uk the same italy gets minus the price?

There was a small dip, but that was to be expected. There is a two year time span and during that time a suitable arrangement will be ironed out. We will all benefit.
Who said we won't pay the prize, we will contribute for some benefits.
He can't do either, as he is not in power. Triggering article 50 will only give the EU the upper hand. The UK will take its time and then go ahead.
Tariffs are not in anyone's interests.

No free movement, the electorate will not accept that ever again. The Norwegians pay pittance compared to the hefty sums we were paying in.
We voted like a true democracy, the Brexit leaders are busy due to a leadership contest triggered by a prime minister who was deluded and out of touch with his people.
We won't take anything we don't like.


These are the Four Freedoms, and Free Trade is only one, and EU made a statement today that it is Four or None. Note that Freedom of Movement is for EU citizens and not for refugees.

The free movement of goods is one of the freedoms of the single market of the European Union. Since January 1993, controls on the movement of goods within the internal market have been abolished and the European Union is now a single territory without internal frontiers. The abolition of customs tariffs promotes intra-Community trade, which accounts for a large part of the total imports and exports of the Member States.

As one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by European Union (EU) Law, freedom of movement for workers, pursuant to Article 45 TFEU (ex. Article 39 ECT), guarantees every EU citizen the right to move freely, to stay and to work in another member state. Some exceptions can only be made in the public sector. This freedom applies to all member states' citizens regadless of nationality as well as to the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). In relation to free access to labour market, this chapter considers nondiscriminatory treatment of workers who are legally employed in a country other than their country of origin. It means that discrimination on the basis of nationality, residence and/or language is not permissible and it also includes equal treatment in basic employment conditions, remuneration, dismissal and the receipt of social advantages.

Furthermore, certain rights are also extended to family members of the worker. Implications and concept of this freedom have been further interpreted and developed by the case-law of the ECJ, including the notion of worker itself. Provisions related to supplementary pension rights of employed and self-employed persons moving within the EU are also included in the general principles of freedom of movement for workers.

This chapter covers a large variety of fields and professions and involves many public and/or semi-public institutions and bodies and it is of a horizontal nature. As laid down in the Articles 49 and 56 of the TFEU It is the obligation of Member States to ensure unhampered right of establishment of EU nationals and legal persons in any Member State and the freedom to provide cross-border services. Exceptions to this rule are set out in the Treaty. Directive 2006/123 on services in the internal market ('Services Directive'), largely based on the case law of the European Court of Justice, represents the core piece of acquis in this area. The objective of this Directive is to achieve a genuine Internal Market in services. This is to be done by removing barriers (both legal and administrative) to the development of service activities between Member States.

Comprehensive examination of the Member States’ current and future legal order is therefore required for achevement of this objective, and aim of the examination is to identify legal or administrative obstacles on national, regional or local level not compatible with EU law. Member States need to take a combination of legislative and non-legislative measures for the implementation of the Services Directive. As a horizontal instrument, Directive covers a broad range of different services and affects a significant number of national laws and regulations.

All restrictions on movement of capital both within the EU and between Member States and third countries have to be removed, certain exceptions aside. The acquis in this area is based on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in particular Articles 63-66. Annex I of Directive 88/361/EEC provides the definition of the different types of capital movements. Additional interpretation of the above Articles is provided by relevant case-law of the European Court of Justice and Commission Communications 97/C220/06 and 2005/C293/02.
The video was put up in jest, he's not to everyone's taste.

The Scots got their answer from the Spanish and French today, it wasn't pretty.

There was a small dip, but that was to be expected. There is a two year time span and during that time a suitable arrangement will be ironed out. We will all benefit.
Who said we won't pay the prize, we will contribute for some benefits.

The 4 freedoms including freedom of movement for all EU citizens must be accepted by the UK government. All 27 members of EU made this clear including Merkel. There will be no cherry picking.

If i work in UK i will not go through some visa bullshit. I´m european. I wont allow wnyone to belittle me like an illegal immigrant. ,
i dont like him or the anglo yank either. farage talks out of his a$$. do you want to know why we left???? majority of the voters were old and the youth wanted to stay, but did not vote. some may blame the youth for not voting which is true, but the old timers are sellfish pieces of sh!t who are more concerned about their pensions and health care than the younger generation and would believe any thing written on a bus.

The young generation didn't come out to vote. That is their own fault. Dealing with young folk all day, I can tell you their reasons for staying in were the most ridiculous I have ever heard e.g. I want to go clubbing in Europe, i feel a global person, it's racist to vote out. Views change once you contribute taxes to the system for a good few years, have children and so on.
The old timers you speak of were the youth who voted for the EEC in 1975. They now regret it, and state their main reason that they were lied to, which is true, no one voted for this political union rubbish and freedom of movement and so on. The irony would be that in about 20 years the very same youth jumping up and down would probably vote out as well, as the UK became a giant ponzi scheme, where they had no future. Such youth owe it to the elders as it was them who built the very country they live in, after the war years, and who gave them the standard of living and rich democracy they enjoy.

The 4 freedoms including freedom of movement for all EU citizens must be accepted by the UK government. All 27 members of EU made this clear including Merkel. There will be no cherry picking.

If i work in UK i will not go through some visa bullshit. I´m european. I wont allow wnyone to belittle me like an illegal immigrant. ,

That's not acceptable to our electorate.
Your own case is different i.e. being a skilled person working for a big firm.
The young generation didn't come out to vote. That is their own fault. Dealing with young folk all day, I can tell you their reasons for staying in were the most ridiculous I have ever heard e.g. I want to go clubbing in Europe, i feel a global person, it's racist to vote out. Views change once you contribute taxes to the system for a good few years, have children and so on.
The old timers you speak of were the youth who voted for the EEC in 1975. They now regret it, and state their main reason that they were lied to, which is true, no one voted for this political union rubbish and freedom of movement and so on. The irony would be that in about 20 years the very same youth jumping up and down would probably vote out as well, as the UK became a giant ponzi scheme, where they had no future. Such youth owe it to the elders as it was them who built the very country they live in, after the war years, and who gave them the standard of living and rich democracy they enjoy.

That's not acceptable to our electorate.
Your own case is different i.e. being a skilled person working for a big firm.

So the U.K. have to make a choice, four or none...
by ditching English only ditchers would suffer, English is no more considered as the lang of UK, its become a language of communication to all known and unknown ppl across the globe..If EU countries cant adopt to change, they will have no future than just being an beautiful European country!
That's not acceptable to our electorate.
Your own case is different i.e. being a skilled person working for a big firm.

Evrything else would be unacceptable for our electorate.

PM Renzi said that italy will stand on the point that all 4 points are meet or none. Chancellor Merkel agreed in this and said she will not allow the UK to cherry pick.

The EU is more than a market. It has ideals. Unity. Its the voice of europe in the world. I rather lose money than give up our values regarding this.

And no, my case is not different. If you dont allow my best friend in who works as a waitor then i would not come as well.

by ditching English only ditchers would suffer, English is no more considered as the lang of UK, its become a language of communication to all known and unknown ppl across the globe..If EU countries cant adopt to change, they will have no future than just being an beautiful European country!

global languages changes constantly. Once it was latin. later french and spanish. now english. Things change fast.
global languages changes constantly. Once it was latin. later french and spanish. now english. Things change fast.
so will each EU countries wait for the turn of their lang to come into force? Does the EU has its own common communication language except English? So what are your expectations from the future about a new change? Do you really foresee it?
so will each EU countries wait for the turn of their lang to come into force? Does the EU has its own common communication language except English? So what are your expectations from the future about a new change? Do you really foresee it?

who knows the future? Maybe basque will become the next world language after a downfall? If i know something from history then its to expect the unthinkable.

Look back into history...when the world was ruled by the 3 great empires...The greeks dominated the north. The persians the east and the egyptians the south.

Such powerful empires struggled for supremacy. Meanwhile refugees from troy founded a new small city state and named it Rome :D
So the U.K. have to make a choice, four or none...
what do we get if go by by all 4?

take a read of this people

Syrian refugee hands in €150,000 he found in donated wardrobe
Police said that he deserves “great respect”.



Last updated: 29 June 2016, 19:40 BST
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Anyone who has ever bought second hand furniture will know that sometimes things come with unexpected surprises hidden away in their drawers, but it’s usually just an old tissue or a broken coat hanger. But for one Syrian refugee who was settling into his new German home with furniture donated by charity, it was quite another story.

Muhannad M. found €150,000 shortly after moving into his new flat in Minden, north Rhine-Westphalia, according to German police. He had been able to furnish his flat largely due to contributions from charities, and the wardrobe was included among the donations.

Inside one of the wardrobe’s compartments he found savings books that were worth €100,000, plus €50,000 in cash.


(Niall Carson/PA)
“They were all new €500 notes. I thought it was fake money,” he told German national newspaper Bild. He scoured the web for clues to find out whether the cash was real, and came to the conclusion that it was.

He then informed migration authorities who told the police, saying that his religion prevented him from taking the money for himself. “Allah would never allow me to finance my own interests with someone else’s wealth,” he said.

Police are now on a mission to track down the cash’s rightful owner.


(Niall Carson/PA)
“This young man has acted in an exemplary way and deserves great respect,” a police spokesperson said.

“It sometimes happens that smaller amounts of money are handed in. But this kind of money is the absolute exception.”

Muhannad will receive 3% of the cash as a finder’s fee. He arrived in Germany in October 2015, although the rest of his family are still in Syria.

@Vergennes @mike2000 is back @MarkusS @waz @Irfan Baloch
what do we get if go by by all 4?

take a read of this people

Syrian refugee hands in €150,000 he found in donated wardrobe
Police said that he deserves “great respect”.



Last updated: 29 June 2016, 19:40 BST
Print this story

Anyone who has ever bought second hand furniture will know that sometimes things come with unexpected surprises hidden away in their drawers, but it’s usually just an old tissue or a broken coat hanger. But for one Syrian refugee who was settling into his new German home with furniture donated by charity, it was quite another story.

Muhannad M. found €150,000 shortly after moving into his new flat in Minden, north Rhine-Westphalia, according to German police. He had been able to furnish his flat largely due to contributions from charities, and the wardrobe was included among the donations.

Inside one of the wardrobe’s compartments he found savings books that were worth €100,000, plus €50,000 in cash.


(Niall Carson/PA)
“They were all new €500 notes. I thought it was fake money,” he told German national newspaper Bild. He scoured the web for clues to find out whether the cash was real, and came to the conclusion that it was.

He then informed migration authorities who told the police, saying that his religion prevented him from taking the money for himself. “Allah would never allow me to finance my own interests with someone else’s wealth,” he said.

Police are now on a mission to track down the cash’s rightful owner.


(Niall Carson/PA)
“This young man has acted in an exemplary way and deserves great respect,” a police spokesperson said.

“It sometimes happens that smaller amounts of money are handed in. But this kind of money is the absolute exception.”

Muhannad will receive 3% of the cash as a finder’s fee. He arrived in Germany in October 2015, although the rest of his family are still in Syria.

@Vergennes @mike2000 is back @MarkusS @waz @Irfan Baloch

never happened. Its typical lies of the lieing press. Evry week they show anotehr refugee who found a billion € and returned it. or rescued a kitten. In the end it always turned out to be a blatant lie
Evrything else would be unacceptable for our electorate.

PM Renzi said that italy will stand on the point that all 4 points are meet or none. Chancellor Merkel agreed in this and said she will not allow the UK to cherry pick.

The EU is more than a market. It has ideals. Unity. Its the voice of europe in the world. I rather lose money than give up our values regarding this.

And no, my case is not different. If you dont allow my best friend in who works as a waitor then i would not come as well.

Ok, then it's going to be a battle of wills and our people are in no mood to relent or give way. I guess it will be hurt all round. But we will pull through.
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When Bismarck was asked about the decisive factor in modern history, his reply was "The North America speaks English." And this factor is as decisive today as it was a century ago. Instead of wasting time on these trivial matters, the EU needs to find a quick and permanent solution for other problems of vital importance, such as illegal immigration and Brexit.
The 4 freedoms including freedom of movement for all EU citizens must be accepted by the UK government. All 27 members of EU made this clear including Merkel. There will be no cherry picking.

If i work in UK i will not go through some visa bullshit. I´m european. I wont allow wnyone to belittle me like an illegal immigrant. ,
Unless there is massive change to public opinion in UK, I doubt free movement of people will be negotiable. What will happen is, EU will put up trade barrier and so will UK. To what extent is negotiable and depends on strength of each side.
You wont be able to work in the UK, unless you get in before UK leaves unfortunately.(or use the visa to enter just like you will do in US or Canada).

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