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Official and Unofficial Aviation Art


Bombs Away: The sketch depicts an F-16 of PAF releasing Laser Guided Bombs over the target. It is using ATLIS pod to achieve a direct hit.

Thunder Airborne: The painting depicts a JF-17 Thunder takes off for a sortie from its home base.

CAS flies in the Euro Fighter: The painting depicts Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed gets a ride on Eurofighter of 29 Reserve Squadron of RAF.The flight took place on 1st November, 2006.He became the first Pakistani to fly in the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Cobra’s Deadly Venom: A PAF Mirage V, successfully launches an indigenously modified guided air to surface missile.

Tigers 50th Anniversary: The painting depicts F-7PG of No. 17 Sqn “Tigers” flying over Quetta. One is wearing special paint scheme truely reflecting their power.

Fuel Time: The painting depicts a pair of Mirages of Pakistan Airforce refuels from a newly inducted Il-78 Midas.

PG meets Raptor: The painting depicts a PAF F-7PG flying with USAF F-22 Raptor over UAE during a freindly air exercise.

Dawn of 5th Generation Era in Turkey: The painting depicts F-35 flying in formation with the good old buddies namely F-16, F-4 and F-5. F-35 will replace F-4 and F-5 in Turkish Air Force.

Al-Saqoor, The show begins: The painting depicts a Royal Saudi Arabian Airforce F-15S of No. 6 Sqn. Releasing flares as a PAF F-16 of No. 11 Sqn made a head on pass at the start of dogfight during Al-Saqoor Exercise 2006.
Aviation Art by Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini


Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini is the Official Military Aviation Artist of the Pakistan Air Force. Born in January 1951, he joined PAF College, Sargodha in 1963 and was commissioned as a pilot in March 1971 at the PAF Academy, Risalpur, gaining a Bachelor's degree from that institution. In 1973 he qualified as an Air Defence Weapons Controller, a capacity in which he continued to serve until his retirement in 2000.

Hussaini’s art work has appeared in several other publications. On the 40th anniversary of the PAF, the Government of Pakistan issued ten commemorative postage stamps, all bearing miniaturised prints of his aviation paintings. Several exhibitions of his art have been held. Hussaini is well-known in foreign countries. His paintings are displayed in the air force premises of Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, the UK, the USA and Zimbabwe.

In 1987, the President of Pakistan conferred on him the Tamgha-i-Basalat in recognition of his contribution as the Aviation Artist of the PAF. This was followed in 1998 by the President's Pride of Performance Award to Hussaini. The American Society of Aviation Artist has honoured him with their fellowship after his work was displayed at an American exhibition.

Hussaini is a realist in the tradition of the leading aviation artist of the United States Keith Ferris, Frank Wootton of the UK and Paul Langeley of France. Ferris was the first professional artist to recognise Hussaini's extraordinary talent and became his friend and mentor. Hussaini shares with these aviation artists the outstanding ability for using the aerial points of view that are both unusual and dramatic, perspectives that impart a sense of speed and excitement on the scene. Although retired from active air force duty, Hussaini's commitment to art and the PAF continues with undiminished vigour.

PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - Aviation Art by Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini
Illustrations: Infancy to Independence 1933-1950
PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - Aviation Art by Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini


COASTAL PATROL OFF KARACHI - MAY 1940: Flight Lieutenant A B Awan leads three Westland Wapitis of "A" Flight, No 1 Squadron, IAF from Drigh Road (now Faisal) air base on a coastal patrol in the Arabian Sea. As World War II raged in Europe, Allied air forces in Asia also prepared for possible operations against Germany and Japan. Hailing from Dera Ismail Khan, Wing Commander A B Awan was the first Muslim military avaitor of the subcontinent. He died in 1989, having made a pioneering contribution to what would evenyully become the Pakistan Air Force.

NUR KHAN DIVE BOMBS A BRIDGE - 20 MAY 1944 - AT THE ARAKAN FRONT: Flying Officer M Noor Khan of No 7 Squadron, IAF, carries out a high angle dive bombing attack in his Vultee Vengeance in the Burma theatre of war against the Japanese. In the rear seat is Sergeant Harrington, his gunner. Twenty-one years later Air Marshal M Noor Khan, who opted to transfer to Pakistan in 1947, was to lead the Pakistan Air Force in his country's war with India.

pre mission planning before the pathankot attack! sqn ldr S Sajad Haider was the mission leader. he and his team destroyed 11 aircraft of the IAF on the ground. he was awarded Sitara-e-Jurat!
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