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Officer beats man, his sister after accident

OH boy! indians just wait to bash Pakistan's specially when its about army .. buddy look at your officers first before you come and put your nose in Pakistani internal issue.. Raping innocent young girls from bengal assam kashmir punjab is not enough for you....yes there are black sheeps every where and we will take care of this matter..
no need your nose in every matter.
thank you very much!
No one's bashing Pakistan! You seem to be having comprehension problems and thus in dire need of medical help.

And you're spewing this crap sitting in Qatar? Living with the Arabs must be giving you an inferiority complex!
Then the two must be RAW agents or CIA (which Mush allowed to roam on our roads, recruit Pakistanis and kill Pakistanis in broad day light),possibly may be Mossad or Mi6 agents.These wrong address and names would justify public humiliation of anyone?

If instead of being all emotional and going off on a completely senseless tangent, you had read my past posts you would have seen that I condemned behavior unbecoming of an officer but highlighted that any such altercation takes two parties to initiate, I am merely trying to point out that no one has asked what the motorcyclist did to provoke the officer to such extreme.
Instead of having such bull shit threads you should have threads on moral ethics and how drive on roads. Especially rushy roads of Isla and Rwp. I repeat my previous post words how many threads are there for Police and DCOs even sub registrars of revenue office showing their brutal and inhuman attitude towards ordinary Pakistanis.
Finally army has it's own tight intelligence network which checks and thoroughly investigates all such matters if some one is ignorant about these facts he should not comment on such threads. Specially abusing language used here may offend any true Pakistani. Even PDF think tank like balixed has no sense to use proper words.
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If instead of being all emotional and going off on a completely senseless tangent, you had read my past posts you would have seen that I condemned behavior unbecoming of an officer but highlighted that any such altercation takes two parties to initiate, I am merely trying to point out that no one has asked what the motorcyclist did to provoke the officer to such extreme.
Some of our officers are notorious for not accepting their deeds at any cost.
don't repeat same words again and again without logic.We as a nation are becoming notorious. Please go on road and hit anybody's car see reaction.
If that poor soul has done something wrong he must have been thrown out of Army so far., forgive him like ur Police, DCOs and Politicians.

(Somethings perhaps require something else rather than facts or logic to get acceptance)

Well, there is too much personal stuff going on in your head. I'd suggest you go see a psychologist, and I mean it. You are so blindsided by the hate that you can't differentiate between the reality vs. the image your mental hate gives you.

1) If you had to hold someone dying because of terrorism, I am sorry. I don't think I can say anything. But that pain can't be more than service drying in your hand. That you thought you'd protect and he'd protect you. That pain, every other US soldier goes through all the time. So I've seen my case and can relate to the trauma.

2) Blaming NS cutting deals with Tlibans is pure accusation. Who went to stop the Border route for NATO supplies? It wasn't NS. It was your famous IK. There is a reason why Western analysts refer to him as the Taliban Khan.
NS is a negotiator, he's not cutting deals with anyone. He avoids conflict, I've talked to him and your other politicians, including IK so I know. NS wants less drama and wants to resolve things with negotiations.Majority of the time, if you are doing so with an educated person, it works. But when you have a strong person with some touch of extremist cultures like Talibans, or even some politicians, it won't work. So it fails.

3) I look at the track record and what someone is doing for the PEOPLE of Pakistan, the ones suffering the most. And frankly speaking, the amount of progress NS and his team has made in less than 4 years, in many ways, can NOT be compared to past 70 years of existence of Pakistan. So he'll have my support as poor Pakistanis will FINALLY get someone providing better jobs, health, education, career opportunities and overall, the country and the brand called Pakistan, will get a new name, a respectful world standing and a real meaning. That's why I want these guys to finish their term and set solid foundation for the growth of the country!!

Personal attacks and insults speaks for themselves as a weaker non substantial argument. If you resort to same low level tone you will be reported for uncivilized behaviour, Please control your emotions.

I can say the same for you even with amples proof that i provided you it seems you're hell bent on putting your best on them, well it hardly matters what local American thinks of Pakistani politics. Having spent quite much of my life in Pakistan and suffered what any locals pakistans faces everyday, I can confidently speak for it as compared to guy who just relies on media alone to draw up his conclusions.

It seems there no pint in arguing with you further. Oh by the way I have something to share of what a local Pakistani thinks about N.S. only If American like you would understand what hes talking about, you would get an idea

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I still remember the day when i was going to pick my father from airport, this Fauji officer tried to shove his vehicle in my lane, when I was already on main road and he was coming out of the lane.....i honked the horn hard.....fauji sb stopped the car and so did i, we excahnged some words whioe seated in.....finally fauji bhai got out of his car hoping to intimidate me.....but when i got out of my car....the fauji bhai was held back by his wife.....my 6-1 height.and huge.physic was the intimidating factor.....
But you are right.....i have many many stories like that to share ......

Pindi resident here. My personal observation is that traffic in Pindi has gone to sh!t in past few years, don't know why. Everyone, from students on bikes, taxis/wagons, and anyone who knows someone acts like a total SOB on roads and this includes a minority of military officers too. Its like if the other thinks they can intimidate you, they'll definitely try to mess with you.

He is a software engineer and works in the technical side of Army.

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