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Officer beats man, his sister after accident


Could please tone down when you next quote me and it seems youre getting veru emotional here calm down.

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to hold the body of your close relative filled with blood stains? ( i m pure civic with no military background) I hope you dont have to, because if you would then you would know how it feels when N..S was using terrorism as to keep check and balance on military by clinching deals with Taliban to keep the men in uniformed busy.

I have no personal liking for anyone that says or wants to negotiate with blood thirsty terrorist be it Ik or N.S for that matter.

I have already told you of the mills they possess of the enormous wealth that was ammased everytime Mr. Sharif came to power a businessman representing a viwer of 200mn poor people by living in Raiwan like king bravo!.

You think Mr. sharif took pressure for snactions? are you serious, if he hadnt then why did he recall those 4000 troops from Kargil after a visit to US?

As for what Musharraf or what Pakistan did to US, you know it better, Just like what happened to Russians, bled them thats what he did and as a matter of fact he did get quite good aids and assistance, it was only during Mush area when PAF got the Awacs capability and the program on JF-17 progressed at unprecedented levels, along with the f-16 MLUD programs. As for Mr. Sharif when he visited UN last year his expenses alone brought shame to Mr. Modi who went humbly there and chose a cheaper one, even though given the current economic condition of India he could have easily taken expensive lavish hotel.

In a goverment where only his family members are on top, where Mr.Sharif daughter can attack anyone on her will if she doesn't get her tea served in time, where a security guard is dismissed for eating PM's pet. The so called metro project was also not spared.

You see as long Mr sharif interests are being served he doesn't care. In fact hes more of royal dictator than anyone has ever been.

I am surprised at your blind support for him , while you bash Ik supporters, not that i support Ik or anyone political party for that matter. Unless you happen to have some sort of connection with the Sharif family, or perhaps i could be wrong.

But, without doubt Mr. Sharif has earned lot of money by sucking the bloods of common people and he will continue to do so.
Telecom, media and lots other Industries were privatized during (dictator) era, I am yet to see how much wealth he gained during his tenure of 10 years

Well, there is too much personal stuff going on in your head. I'd suggest you go see a psychologist, and I mean it. You are so blindsided by the hate that you can't differentiate between the reality vs. the image your mental hate gives you.

1) If you had to hold someone dying because of terrorism, I am sorry. I don't think I can say anything. But that pain can't be more than service drying in your hand. That you thought you'd protect and he'd protect you. That pain, every other US soldier goes through all the time. So I've seen my case and can relate to the trauma.

2) Blaming NS cutting deals with Tlibans is pure accusation. Who went to stop the Border route for NATO supplies? It wasn't NS. It was your famous IK. There is a reason why Western analysts refer to him as the Taliban Khan.
NS is a negotiator, he's not cutting deals with anyone. He avoids conflict, I've talked to him and your other politicians, including IK so I know. NS wants less drama and wants to resolve things with negotiations.Majority of the time, if you are doing so with an educated person, it works. But when you have a strong person with some touch of extremist cultures like Talibans, or even some politicians, it won't work. So it fails.

3) I look at the track record and what someone is doing for the PEOPLE of Pakistan, the ones suffering the most. And frankly speaking, the amount of progress NS and his team has made in less than 4 years, in many ways, can NOT be compared to past 70 years of existence of Pakistan. So he'll have my support as poor Pakistanis will FINALLY get someone providing better jobs, health, education, career opportunities and overall, the country and the brand called Pakistan, will get a new name, a respectful world standing and a real meaning. That's why I want these guys to finish their term and set solid foundation for the growth of the country!!
So your friend won't go and testify and be a witness against an aggressor he saw beating a woman on roads? While you prefer to type and type and type. But again the system is fkcd up right? We ourselves are okay but this BS system is fckd up, I get it.
So your friend won't go and testify and be a witness against an aggressor he saw beating a woman on roads? While you prefer to type and type and type. But again the system is fkcd up right? We ourselves are okay but this BS system is fckd up, I get it.

hahaha Pti like sentiments with very little knowledge when argument isn't going anywhere from your prospective then start all over again from the D choke..peeps like you and I live in different world..have a good day
hahaha Pti like sentiments with very little knowledge when argument isn't going anywhere from your prospective then start all over again from the D choke..peeps like you and I live in different world..have a good day

PTI........................................ well sorry to disappoint you I am all in favor of drowning these politicians, have said this multiple times. I am no patwari, tabdeeli razakar, karkun, jiyala I am awam. So ...........................

Anyways and whatever.
Road rage in lonodn :lol: @balixd

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A friend of mine claimed that serving officers get pure milk at the rate of Rs24 per liter from a certain spot in Saddar.
Is that true @Xeric ?
Whatever man, embarrassing part of our history. Accept it and move on.

On topic, I was driving in Pindi 2 years back, a vehicle full of faujis hit motorcycle from the back. Guy fell down, instead of coming down and helping the geezer, they started laughing. I am witness to that. Recent operations in Swat from illegally occupying houses to illegally occupying lands. The list just does not stop there and it’s in their own country.

However I should not expect a neutral view from you. Even if you wanted to give me one, you just can’t.

How ironic that you should be the one to pass judgement here about a man you do not know, living in a country you are not in and then expect me to hold your testimony in any matter of seriousness. You effectively blabbered out your diatribe and strove to mute my response before I even furnished it. Yeah, that's exactly how a 'neutral' observer sounds.
I personally find it hard to believe that a Major (or any officer for that matter) could beat a man and a woman on the road with a belt in front of 200 people with impunity.

Somthing tells me we aren't getting the full facts here.
A friend of mine claimed that serving officers get pure milk at the rate of Rs24 per liter from a certain spot in Saddar.
Is that true @Xeric ?

Yaar please ask this friend to share the location of said place with me as well...........

I personally find it hard to believe that a Major (or any officer for that matter) could beat a man and a woman on the road with a belt in front of 200 people with impunity.

Somthing tells me we aren't getting the full facts here.

The fact that the 'Bhai Behen' gave wrong names, addresses and phone numbers to the police is enough to make me question the efficacy of this report. Beating the hell out of anyone makes no sense, officers may be called hot-headed, and vain but this kind of maltreatment is impossible to dish out for no reason. It reminds me of an episode about 5 years ago when a Dawn Reporter was beaten up by an Army Officer (my senior) on the road near PWD, Islamabad. Dawn posted pictures and wrote tales about the unprovoked assault on the reporter. The court of inquiry established revealed that the reporter had cut him out of his lane after he did not allow the reporter to pass along the right lane, the reporter then got out, repeatedly banged his car's bonnet when the officer's wife with two young children were in the car, swore at him and repeatedly said 'tum fauji bhench*d apnay aap koh khuda samajhtay ho' and 'roadain tumhare baap ki jageer nahi hain baqi Pakistan ki tarha' to which he landed one well placed punch to his face and rightly shut him up.
Dawn conveniently forgot to make these details available to the public, the man in uniform however was vilified none the less.
Well everyone can loose his temper but hitting a woman is the lowest of the low.
Let him be a major or a major general.The law is equal for everyone and the proper action should be taken against him.Either it,s a proper court marshal or a case in a civil military court against an army officer.
I can say with a 100% surety as usual the army will take side of the officer despite knowing he is the real culprit .This army gangster-ism must come to it,s end in pakistan.
Yaar please ask this friend to share the location of said place with me as well...........

The fact that the 'Bhai Behen' gave wrong names, addresses and phone numbers to the police is enough to make me question the efficacy of this report. Beating the hell out of anyone makes no sense, officers may be called hot-headed, and vain but this kind of maltreatment is impossible to dish out for no reason. It reminds me of an episode about 5 years ago when a Dawn Reporter was beaten up by an Army Officer (my senior) on the road near PWD, Islamabad. Dawn posted pictures and wrote tales about the unprovoked assault on the reporter. The court of inquiry established revealed that the reporter had cut him out of his lane after he did not allow the reporter to pass along the right lane, the reporter then got out, repeatedly banged his car's bonnet when the officer's wife with two young children were in the car, swore at him and repeatedly said 'tum fauji bhench*d apnay aap koh khuda samajhtay ho' and 'roadain tumhare baap ki jageer nahi hain baqi Pakistan ki tarha' to which he landed one well placed punch to his face and rightly shut him up.
Dawn conveniently forgot to make these details available to the public, the man in uniform however was vilified none the less.

Things like this happen all the time on the road, people shoot each other for a parking slot.

Its just that an Army officer/ soldier is more ' visible' to the media and often those with little else to report make a huge story of this.

Just coz he is in uniform does not mean he is not expected to get upset. How it manifests is quite the same as anyone else would do- just coz he is a Fauji it get splashed all over .
Yaar please ask this friend to share the location of said place with me as well...........

The fact that the 'Bhai Behen' gave wrong names, addresses and phone numbers to the police is enough to make me question the efficacy of this report. Beating the hell out of anyone makes no sense, officers may be called hot-headed, and vain but this kind of maltreatment is impossible to dish out for no reason. It reminds me of an episode about 5 years ago when a Dawn Reporter was beaten up by an Army Officer (my senior) on the road near PWD, Islamabad. Dawn posted pictures and wrote tales about the unprovoked assault on the reporter. The court of inquiry established revealed that the reporter had cut him out of his lane after he did not allow the reporter to pass along the right lane, the reporter then got out, repeatedly banged his car's bonnet when the officer's wife with two young children were in the car, swore at him and repeatedly said 'tum fauji bhench*d apnay aap koh khuda samajhtay ho' and 'roadain tumhare baap ki jageer nahi hain baqi Pakistan ki tarha' to which he landed one well placed punch to his face and rightly shut him up.
Dawn conveniently forgot to make these details available to the public, the man in uniform however was vilified none the less.
I will let you know when I ask him. It is in Rawalpindi BTW. I personally find it hard to believe.
I have no objection if a glass of milk is given to EVERY soldier as they do physical labour but giving it to just officers at very subsidised rates is not accaptable.
A friend of mine claimed that serving officers get pure milk at the rate of Rs24 per liter from a certain spot in Saddar.
Is that true @Xeric ?
Wrong. Ask ur friend to tell name of shop so we all may go there
It's called 'road rage' which is pretty common around the world especially South Asia.

However, this atrocity by a Pak Army officer, sucks to hell and high heaven, especially assaulting a woman! This guy needs to be hauled over the coals for his despicable conduct. But then there are black sheep everywhere!

OH boy! indians just wait to bash Pakistan's specially when its about army .. buddy look at your officers first before you come and put your nose in Pakistani internal issue.. Raping innocent young girls from bengal assam kashmir punjab is not enough for you....yes there are black sheeps every where and we will take care of this matter..
no need your nose in every matter.
thank you very much!
The we should not have officers in army, like Houtis or Dhotis. The military people get some extra benefits through out the world please do some research on Indian officers SSC plans and facilities. By the way Army has own dairy forms don't need other people's cows. I have seen many shops written on their face( fauji bahion ke lie special dicount) . Not all Pakistani's hat those people who shed their lives for their country. Believe me majority of children died in Peshawar APS attack were of Army people along with teachers. No one left the country and serving their country even after great sacrifices. Perhaps u don't imagine till Mushraf's era army officer's benefits were even lesser or equal to ordinary soldier of IA. The fact is that many retired officers and soldiers along with their families have left the country. Many are ready to do so even their families are much eager than them. If there are few hundred corrupt people in Pak army then they should be kicked out instead of doing blame game.

Have u seen Polics constables driving new corrollas in the bazars and how they treat the ordinary public. I have faced their cruel treat my self during study and even during travelling. They have no shame for women, even they check ladies bags in coaches no one stands their or call them anything. What is the pay of Deputy commissioner in Pak and what levish life they pass even their children get free food from hotels. No body goes for such threads.

We as a nation should give some breathing space to army propole like others.

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