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offers to india for halting iranian oil


Jan 31, 2012
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i have read few articles and many things are offered to india for halting iranian oil.

1)stakes in iraq oil fields.
2)stakes in israeli gas fields
3)saudi oil,with guarantee of more oil if india needs.

Sources close to the matter tell Bloomberg that the US is considering getting involved in India’s oil trade and could offer assistance in broker deals with outside suppliers. At least three sources with inside knowledge have discussed the deal with the news outlet, but did so under condition of anonymity as details of the matter are intended to be kept confidential.

According to two of the sources speaking to Bloomberg, Saudi Arabia has offered to take over the role Iran regularly plays in supplying oil to India. Additionally, the US may aid in having Iraq become a new dealer for India.

Iran may lower their prices to push crude to India if the US tries to intervene. “This move is going to have an impact and India is going to be hard-nosed in the way they are going to deal with it,” says Kumar. “It’s turned the situation a little in favor of India, which can potentially use it to get a better deal from Iran.”

If the US intervenes, they may try to hammer out a deal with their allies that could better suit India. Saudi Arabia said they will aid in providing crude, and currently have a surplus that could be shipped to India with little problem.

it seems india is in better position to bargain oil prices with iran too and U.S will provide more.

US pressures India to give up Iranian oil — RT
go ahead india we wont sell in lower price its better for us to throw it on persian gulf than sellin in lower price there is lots of strategist in iran who believe in not selling unshared wells oil
we sold oil back in 80 at 20 t 30 per barrel when gold was 50 what about now 120 for 1750 we will use it ourselve in 5years we wont need to sell this few amount .maybe start buying this losser around PG oil.
go ahead india we wont sell in lower price its better for us to throw it on persian gulf than sellin in lower price there is lots of strategist in iran who believe in not selling unshared wells oil
we sold oil back in 80 at 20 t 30 per barrel when gold was 50 what about now 120 for 1750 we will use it ourselve in 5years we wont need to sell this few amount .maybe start buying this losser around PG oil.

it depends on offers.:D
and your views doesnt matter,i will look towards iranian govt:D
go ahead india we wont sell in lower price its better for us to throw it on persian gulf than sellin in lower price there is lots of strategist in iran who believe in not selling unshared wells oil
we sold oil back in 80 at 20 t 30 per barrel when gold was 50 what about now 120 for 1750 we will use it ourselve in 5years we wont need to sell this few amount .maybe start buying this losser around PG oil.

i dident get half of what u said...but u seem to be convinced that Iran doesn't care if India seeks greener pastures...

Then well Only if if u could tell ur govt to say so ..we would gladly move along..

cus then it wouldn't affect the Iran-Afghanistan rail transit
go ahead india we wont sell in lower price its better for us to throw it on persian gulf than sellin in lower price there is lots of strategist in iran who believe in not selling unshared wells oil
we sold oil back in 80 at 20 t 30 per barrel when gold was 50 what about now 120 for 1750 we will use it ourselve in 5years we wont need to sell this few amount .maybe start buying this losser around PG oil.

This is unwanted ego... you have to sell oil to earn something.. this is biggest source of income for you guys.. Without oil revenue inflation and economy will go in Zimbabwe direction... loosen up ego and see reality ... According to some source right now India is getting sweet deal from Iran for oil. if this is true then your leadership is not listing to you .. time leave Iran then ..
Thanks for the article.

I guess it is time for India to fill up the newly built strategic oil reserve. :eyebrow:
1)stakes in iraq oil fields.
who want to give India those stakes ? I had the Impression that Iraq oil is nationalized

2)stakes in israeli gas fields
Its more likely that media announce that today in Hell temperature is 13F and snowy than Israel gave any stakes in its Gas Fields to any country

3)saudi oil,with guarantee of more oil if india needs.
whats interesting about it compared to Iran's deal which they pay 45% of the price in Rupee
it depends on offers.:D
and your views doesnt matter,i will look towards iranian govt:D
the view of iranian goverment doesent matter either its our idea that matter and we will chose the goverment that you will talk to. dont believe me go ahead try it.
i dident get half of what u said...but u seem to be convinced that Iran doesn't care if India seeks greener pastures...

Then well Only if if u could tell ur govt to say so ..we would gladly move along..

cus then it wouldn't affect the Iran-Afghanistan rail transit
go ahead again we will see what comes next no security for us means no security for whole ME and you need that so you have to accept what we offer and our offer is this price

This is unwanted ego... you have to sell oil to earn something.. this is biggest source of income for you guys.. Without oil revenue inflation and economy will go in Zimbabwe direction... loosen up ego and see reality ... According to some source right now India is getting sweet deal from Iran for oil. if this is true then your leadership is not listing to you .. time leave Iran then ..
this was the biggest income you know about GDP ? and how governments manage ? pur income from oil is 100b and non oil is 65b our budget is 500b how is that? you wonder why our budget is 5times of the oil !!
you guys are not in the position to say that
we dicede what is our position just give it a try and you will see what happen.you all are the same using advantage of sanctions on iran but what im talking about is mutual benefit like when you buy oil you can use secure afghanistan or a better transit way

we never abuse any country because of its situation . and trust me our people perfer pride to their hunger we perfer to die instead of bowing .

you all gonna wonder when find out saudi arabia is not capable of producing more oil because having biggest reserve of oil is just a big lie that US made to keep his slaves (NATO's counties) peace.
Envoy Reiterates India's Resolve to Purchase Iranian Oil


TEHRAN (FNA)- India's Ambassador to Iran D.P. Srivastava underlined New Delhi's resolve to continue oil imports from Iran despite the sanctions imposed on Iranian oil by the US and the European Union.

Addressing a meeting with Tehran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines in Tehran, Srivastava stated that India is committed to continue oil imports from Iran, and reminded that the decision had already been announced by Indian Finance Minister during a visit to the US.

He said that the main hurdle in Iran-India trade ties is financial transaction, but ensured that the two countries have found a mechanism to resolve the problem.

"Based on the agreement between Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and India's Finance Ministry, oil payments to Iran would be made in Rupee so that the money could be used for buying goods," the envoy reiterated.

In January, India's Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee underlined New Delhi's resolve to continue oil imports from Iran.

"It is not possible for India to take any decision to reduce the imports from Iran drastically, because among the countries which can provide the requirement of the emerging economies, Iran is an important one," Mukherjee told reporters in Chicago at the end of a two-day visit.

Also, media reports said that Iran's crude exports to India have increased to 550,000 barrels a day in January which shows a 37.5% growth compared with the same period last year.

India, the world's fourth-largest petroleum consumer, is Iran's second largest oil customer after China and purchases around $12 billion worth of Iranian crude every year, about 12 percent of its consumption.

Earlier this month, India announced plans to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with Tehran by sending a very big delegation of businessmen and exporters to Iran in March.

India finalized a date for an Indian business delegation to visit Iran and discuss trade opportunities with Iranian officials despite the Western sanctions against Tehran.

The Indian delegation, which will include businessmen and exporters from sugar production, textile machinery, tire-making and car-manufacturing sectors, is expected to be in Iran from March 10-14.

Fars News Agency :: Envoy Reiterates India's Resolve to Purchase Iranian Oil
iran supported india to avoid resolution on kashmir in 94 and few day back your country mentioned india to pay back for their support in 94.it clearly says that you are not in position.
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