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Offensive video against British Pakistanis and Islam

All the "points" have been addressed ad nauseum in other threads, Just because they get repeated by another attention seeker does not lend them any new legitimacy.


it is like respawning the "ISI knew about OBL"

by yet another insider with a proof

the last one really outdid it self by presenting the speculations of a think tank emails as "proof" that ISI knew about OBL.
tomorrow it might be his son who saw him writing his email and day after the guy next to the printer when he made the copy of the email. and so forth.

few years back a drunk French youth after night long hard drinking went to the local cemetery and relieved himself on some Muslim graves. instead of charging him for a public offence he became a sensation and attacted followers spawning the debate about "too many Muslims in France". Muslims were made to feel guilty on the episode. but when another group of youth disfigured some Jewish graves on another occasion then from the guard at the morgue to the President of France lined up to apologise to Jewish community and Israel for such "ill-thought" and "heinous" act and promised to ensure that the French youth will be taught to keep Jews out of when expressing their "freedom of expression".
They accuse Muslims of "not integrating", when the same charge can equally be made against East Asians for instance.

Most indians and chinese immigrants stick to their culture even generations after migration.That was never an issue to anyone.I think the problem is when groups among immigrants start overtly hating the country they live in-we can see pictures of dozens of protests organised by muslim immigrants saying "west,you shall pay","islam will dominate the world" etc etc..During wedding of prince william there was another procession by some muslim immigrants calling the royal family "enemy of islam"..Once in a ceremony of dead soldiers families recieving the bodies,There was this anjuman chaudary and his group holding placards calling them
murderers.Can you show a single incident like this perpetrated by indian or chinese immigrants?When such things happen again and again it will increase animosity between muslim immigrants and native population.Its no rocket science.
wont be as charitable when a video or post on the similar lines is post about Hindu rituals and faith, its treatment of lower cast people.

then you will cry why mods are allowing such threads to exist and allowed.

well count me out to close any similar threads with same amount of venom and spite towards Hindu religion. I hate to say it but I have to be fair here since I am not closing this thread which is clearly offensive and posted with that clear intent.

Well, its not as if your fellow countrymen lose out on any chance of spitting venom on the religion of their ancestors.

They think abusing their ancestors and their faith helps cement their current identity and faith.

In this particular case, the OP video does make many relevant and factual points.

And yes, my faith is not final and perfect by any means. I don't think everything that has been done in it's name over thousands and thousands of years is praiseworthy. Many wrong things have been done and we condemn that.

There have been attempts since thousands of years to correct various anomalies that crept in, the blind following of rituals rather than the underlying emphasis on knowledge and bhakti and spiritualism.

Now, our country has officially discarded some of the worst aspects of some practices that crept into the faith. Most of us in cities don't know the other person's caste or creed nor care.

Can the same thing happen to what is already final and perfect? How long did it take to get corrupted?

Actually, let's leave out the religion itself. The point that he makes about the behaviour of Muslims in host societies. Can that be countered factually without just labeling him as Islamophobe or a hatemonger?

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