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Obsessive indian push to intrude and control Bangladesh defense forces

1. We never tried to control Tibet. In fact, we have officially acknowledged it to be a part of China. 1962 war happened for a complete different reason, trying to control Tibet is definitely not that.

We spend a fraction of our GDP in defense spending, just that our economy is big, the military expenditure looks big. We spend most of our revenues in building this country. This is what we have done for the last seventy years. Our problem is bad resource management, not lack of it.

2. I live here. I walk among these people who came from your country. So, you can post government stats here, while I see realities in my own eyes.
dada .. dada ! ! how are you ? where you been ? :yahoo: how is gublu ?:fans:
Noooooo, this is why for no reason I was thinking a lot about gublu last few months :( what happened to him ?
i am doing ok.
He got into a fight with another cat in winter. His right ear was injured a little. When the climate got warmer it got infested with parasites. Within three four days, before we could understand anything, the poor soul left us. My heart got squeezed, man.
Whatever the role of india in terrorism in Pakistan, the point is that india cannot attack Pakistan militarily even though you are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. That is the biggest humiliation.

Despite all of this, you indians are trying to take credit for what the Americans have been doing. If what you say was true, then the terrorism that you are allegedly causing in Pakistan would not have started in 2001 but would have been going on since at least 1971 if not than even before then. The American neo cons ALWAYS wanted to destabilize/destrroy Pakistan and used the WOT as a pretext. However, unlike Iraq & Afghanistan, the americans like the indians cannot invade Pakistan full on. So they have been using their proxies and other subversive elements to TRY to destabilize Pakistan but to no avail. Ever wondered why terrorism in Pakistan has decreased since the americans scaled down their operations in Afghanistan since 2014?

Even now the Americans don't want Gwadar to be a success as it gives China a strategic advantage to bypass the straights of Mallacca which are saturated by the American/South Korean and Japanese navies. There's a reason why the Chinese are spending billions on Pakistan with much more set to come on.
Sir, I dont know why u going off topic, I understand there r rules for the forum. Tag me when there is a topic on this "Humiliation". Till then be satisfied with Pakistan is a great country and cant be invaded.
P.S. Invasion is the last step in the attack.
So, your Geo-political importance rests on the notion that in case of NE War (not sure what did you mean by it) we need your neutrality. Now my friend, a quick lesson from history. In 1965, the only link between mainland India and Kashmir was attacked to cut off the entire kashmir from rest of India. This plan failed because the battle of survival was fought somewhere else. So, by the time you feel satisfied looking at your North West border (in case of an war and you are not neutral), you can hear tank rolling at your six. And If your next argument is going to bring the Chinese, hold on a second. India and China are not going to war. Just look at our growth rate. Do you think both the countries are stupid enough to go for war and jeopardize their prosperity?

Sale this 'sovereignty' snake oil somewhere else. Your own countrymen day in and day out complain about Awami Leagues slavery of New Delhi in this forum. And don't confuse Indian constitution with your former East Pakistan's constitution. We are a heavily federalized political system and regional parties hold great strength to keep the center always at toe. Talking about Kolkata. Just come and see. It's a much better city than Dhaka, your capital to live on.India wants a deal on Teesta in your favour. But you will never get it because we will never give it to you. So as long as these lazy, delusional fools are stubborn enough to put a sovereign country in its right place, our legal statues are not threatened to be demolished and our secular bloggers, Hindu & Buddhist monks are safe from hacked to death I don't mind being this side of the border.

Don't get too emotional, btw. Robi barer bazare ektu apnader leg pull korchilam:-)

You have woken up to these BD people here too? :P

Don't waste your time too much ;) They are still reeling from Dhaka being ranked as worse for living than 24/7 warzones.
You have woken up to these BD people here too? :P

Don't waste your time too much ;) They are still reeling from Dhaka being ranked as worse for living than 24/7 warzones.

despite being all the bad things pretentious indians can imagine about Bangladesh, from indian PM to top general to entire hidden indian "ministry" operate on how to intrude and infiltrate inside Bangladesh and earn living for poor and destitute in all over india. "slumdog millions" tells the story of indian modern day hidden jam. One small example to educate these pretentious indians, it was india which begged Bangladesh to open border bazzar so that some indians can make livings that indian economy or govt can not support. That's a pity to know ain't it! Indians from their PM to whatever can boast whatever they want, we all know INSIDE of india very well.
despite being all the bad things pretentious indians can imagine about Bangladesh, from indian PM to top general to entire hidden indian "ministry" operate on how to intrude and infiltrate inside Bangladesh and earn living for poor and destitute in all over india. "slumdog millions" tells the story of indian modern day hidden jam. One small example to educate these pretentious indians, it was india which begged Bangladesh to open border bazzar so that some indians can make livings that indian economy or govt can not support. That's a pity to know ain't it! Indians from their PM to whatever can boast whatever they want, we all know INSIDE of india very well.

No one gives a damn about what BD's especially jamatis think about Indian cities.

We only really care about what friendlies and neutrals think. The economist liveability ranking of cities is a good example of the latter....damascus, tripoli and other such places are ranked at the bottom with Dhaka....Bombay, Delhi etc are ranked much much better with core of developing world. Enjoy the impression neutrals have and keep reaching for that butthurt. SHW here to stay...ruin your day :D
As I said earlier, the civilians do not see any future war. So, ask a General why does India need so much of allocation for military. It is because a possible war between India and China. But, no one knows when it is. Is it not the reason why India keeps on kowtowing and appeasing BD all the time? India needs BD's full neutrality in that war scenario in your NE.

Neutrality will not suffice. India needs full and unwavering support of Bangladesh during war.

Sign some deals with China, If you know what i mean

Bangladesh is not Pakistan.

1) China has placed its bets on Myanmar and not on Bangladesh

2) Bangladesh has no value for China other than selling defense equipment as long as they do not undermine its sales to Myanmar

3) China does not consider Bangladesh as its Israel (Re: Pakistan)

4) China and Bangladesh does not have direct border

5) In case of Bangla-Myanmar war China would undoubtedly support Myanmar as the China-Myanmar corridor is critical for China to reach Bay of Bengal
Neutrality will not suffice. India needs full and unwavering support of Bangladesh during war.

Bangladesh is not Pakistan.

1) China has placed its bets on Myanmar and not on Bangladesh

2) Bangladesh has no value for China other than selling defense equipment as long as they do not undermine its sales to Myanmar

3) China does not consider Bangladesh as its Israel (Re: Pakistan)

4) China and Bangladesh does not have direct border

5) In case of Bangla-Myanmar war China would undoubtedly support Myanmar as the China-Myanmar corridor is critical for China to reach Bay of Bengal

these are all old indian frontal bs and we should let indians sleep well with it. BUT in reality BD
bought 2 old submarine and entire indian establishment and generals passed sleepless night. indian top general tried to self invite to BD not once but twice. indian navy too eager to intrude in Bangladesh and take photo in BD port. This is what this thread about, cheap and obsessive indian mentality from its govt to lowest level in the street.
these are all old indian frontal bs and we should let indians sleep well with it. BUT in reality BD
bought 2 old submarine and entire indian establishment and generals passed sleepless night. indian top general tried to self invite to BD not once but twice. indian navy too eager to intrude in Bangladesh and take photo in BD port. This is what this thread about, cheap and obsessive indian mentality from its govt to lowest level in the street.

Tell me, why would India create an enemy out of Bangladesh?
Neutrality will not suffice. India needs full and unwavering support of Bangladesh during war.

Bangladesh is not Pakistan.

1) China has placed its bets on Myanmar and not on Bangladesh

2) Bangladesh has no value for China other than selling defense equipment as long as they do not undermine its sales to Myanmar

3) China does not consider Bangladesh as its Israel (Re: Pakistan)

4) China and Bangladesh does not have direct border

5) In case of Bangla-Myanmar war China would undoubtedly support Myanmar as the China-Myanmar corridor is critical for China to reach Bay of Bengal
Why bring Pakistan into it?

@Nilgiri Soon they will buy more advanced subs:enjoy:

Tell me, why would India create an enemy out of Bangladesh?
It's obvious that india doesn't want all it's neighbors to prosper not just bangladesh.
1) China has placed its bets on Myanmar and not on Bangladesh
What bet? Are you a politeburo member of CCP?
2) Bangladesh has no value for China other than selling defense equipment as long as they do not undermine its sales to Myanmar
China consider India as the main geopolitical adversary in Asia. And BD is certainly on a top list of the countries which China would like to work closely.Ask your Delhi masters,they even had the knee-jerk reaction just for BD buying two old submarine from China. Imagine their nightmare if China decide to make some military base in BD or sale some high profile military equipment. If BD have no value to China other then selling weapon then why China is giving 25 billion dollar to upgrade it's infrastructure and why India is sweating to give 5 billion dollar to counter that? May be both China and India understand very well, where BD stand geographically?
3) China does not consider Bangladesh as its Israel (Re: Pakistan)
Why Israel will always have to be only one? Why not two or three? If controlling Bay of Bengal and South Asia as well as South east Asia is concerned,than BD obviously can become a Israel for China.
4) China and Bangladesh does not have direct border
There is no direct border between USA and UK or USA and Israel either.From northern Bangladesh frontier,China's Chambi valley is only 96 km.You should worry about a joint Chinese-Bangladeshi thrust in that corridor in future.Alternately,Kunming, a major city in China is only a 2 hours flight from Bangladesh.So China is not that far from BD as you are thinking.
5) In case of Bangla-Myanmar war China would undoubtedly support Myanmar as the China-Myanmar corridor is critical for China to reach Bay of Bengal
Bangladesh Myanmar war is not a possibility.And China have no reason to pick up one against other.China may not need Bangladesh to reach Bay of Bengal, but our deep port facilities will certainly help them.Chinese project in Myanmar is very near to our maritime border.China have no reason to display pro-Myanmar bias when BD is so near to their 'critical corridor' and a Bangladeshi deep sea port so near to it.Another reason is China doesn't consider Myanmar useful to niddle India if situation demand.Myanmar can't harm Indian interest in a same magnitude as like Bangladesh.And both China and India know it.A map will help you to realize some of these facts I hope.
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