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Obsessive indian push to intrude and control Bangladesh defense forces

Ok, Live in your bubble world where West Bengal reign supreme.While they make you pauper day by day.Bharat simply looting eastern states like West Bengal, Orissa,Jharkhand,Chattishgarh,Assam for the benefit of Hindian, punjabi Brahman elite caste.Those eastern states are rich in mineral and agricultural resources and could have climbed to top spots within India if were not Delhi played favoritism benefiting Hindian+Punjabi people.

Lol, seriously WTF are you smoking ?
Obsessive indian push to intrude and control Bangladesh defense forces

June 1st, 2017

When everyone were busy preparing to avoid cyclone Mora destruction, indian navy quietly placed its ship close to Bangladesh territorial water under the pretext “ready to assist Bangladesh”. Fact is Bangladesh never asked india or any other country for assistance as Bangladesh has enough capacity built over years to handle such disaster. In fact, Bangladesh has one of finest disaster management system and manpower in the world.

Then soon after cyclone passed, indian navy ship entered Bangladesh water without authorization. Bangladesh foreign ministry officials clarified that indian navy or ship was not authorized to conduct search and rescue operation in Bangladesh water. Ruling regime in Bangladesh with its sheer dependency on india to stay in power kept quiet on unauthorized indian intrusion and activities in Bangladesh.

Indian navy searching inside Bangladesh territorial water but no statement from Bangladesh

No authorization given to indian navy ship for search and rescue operation – BD foreign ministry

Indian navy ship used the “search and rescue” pretext and very much self-invited themselves into Bangladesh. This is disgraceful for a country like india with such big navy to use a natural disaster and human suffering as pretext to violate Bangladesh territory then claiming a “savior” role. To maximize the propaganda, indian high commissioner in Bangladesh flew to Chittagong and gave the uninvited intrusion “india will always be Bangladesh side” color, with a media event. But for Bangladeshi media, political parties, professionals, institutions and general public already knows indian Chanakya play and REAL intentions.

Recognizing india is enemy - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis

Any independent and patriotic mind will raise the question why india is so obsessed with Bangladesh and its internal affairs? Well, this is not first such example. In April, just week before Bangladesh ruling regime PM visit to india, indian army chief virtually self-invited to Bangladesh. Indians displayed sheer desperation and used interfering power on ruling Bangladesh regime to sign a “defense MOU”. Then only days after Bangladeshi “PM” visit, indian army chief AGAIN wanted to visit Bangladesh.

It would be absolutely rare example where a 3rd or 4th largest army chief showing such obsessive and low mentality. Then again, indian army chief is just reflecting what is in indian mind as a nation.

Just few months ago, in another overreach, indian high commission arranged “visa fair” to attract Bangladesh armed forces families to visit india.

About a year or so back, as part of nefarious indian intention, indian government job site put an advertisement to recruit Indians for Bangladeshi armed forces. And Bangladesh defense forces responded “A certain quarters with a secret motive published the recruitment circular of Bangladesh Army on the Indian government portal, the Inter Service Public Relations Directorate (ISPR) claimed Tuesday. “

Army recruitment circular on Indian govt portal motivated: ISPR

Indian intention to intrude inside Bangladesh and control Bangladesh defense forces could not be clearer.
Sign some deals with China, If you know what i mean
India and China are not going to war.
As I said earlier, the civilians do not see any future war. So, ask a General why does India need so much of allocation for military. It is because a possible war between India and China. But, no one knows when it is. Is it not the reason why India keeps on kowtowing and appeasing BD all the time? India needs BD's full neutrality in that war scenario in your NE.
We Are The People With Jacob Milton
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১৭ কোটি বাংলাদেশী ভারতের রক্ষিতা হয়ে বেঁচে থাকতে চায় না

ইন্ডিয়ার পছন্দের উপরে যদি বাংলাদেশে সরকার গঠন হয়, সরকারের অবকাঠামো পরিচালিত হয় তবে আমরা আমাদের কোন স্বাধীনতার কথা বলি।

বাংলাদেশ যদি একটি স্বাধীন সার্বভৌম রাষ্ট্র হয় দেশের ১৭ কোটি মানুষ কেন তাদের সরকার গঠন করতে পারে না? ভারতের অস্ত্রবাহী ট্রাক কেন কোনো প্রকার INSPECTION ছাড়া এবং ট্যাক্স/ফী না দিয়ে বাংলাদেশের বুকের উপর দিয়ে প্রতিনিয়ত যাতায়াত করছে? বাংলাদেশেই PRODUCT কেন ইন্ডিয়ায় যেতে দেয়া হচ্ছে না অথচ ইন্ডিয়ান প্রোডাক্টএ আমাদের বাজার সয়লাব? ইন্ডিয়ান BSF এবং সেনা প্রধান কেন দুই দিন পরপর বাংলাদেশে এসে ট্রেনিং এর কথা বলে আমাদের স্বশস্ত্র বাহিনীকে নিরস্ত্র করছে?

এই যদি হয় আমাদের দেশের অবস্থান তবে আমাদের কেন ভারতের অঙ্গরাজ্য হতে আপত্তি!!! বাংলাদেশ ভারতের অঙ্গরাজ্য হলে আমাদের অবস্থা তো ভালো হওয়ার কথা, Right? ইন্ডিয়া আমাদের সবকিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণ করবে আর হাসিনা শেখ মুক্তিযুদ্ধের আর স্বাধীনতার চেতনার গল্প বলবেন আবার ভারতে গিয়ে বাবুর্চি হবেন এটা তো হতে পারে না।

ভণ্ডামি বাদ দিয়ে হাসিনা শেখ ভারতকে বলুক বাংলাদেশকে ইন্ডিয়া'র রাজ্যপুঞ্জের একীভূত করতে যাতে করে বাংলাদেশের ১৭ কোটি মানুষ ভারতের একজন নাগরিক হয়ে সমান অধিকার নিয়ে বেঁচে থাকতে পারে।

আর তা না হলে ১৭ কোটি বাংলাদেশী ভারতের রক্ষিতা হয়ে বেঁচে থাকতে চায় না। সেক্ষেত্রে, ইন্ডিয়ার সাথে বাংলাদেশের বর্ডার সম্পূর্ণরূপে বন্ধ করে দেয়া হোক যেভাবে ইন্ডিয়া পাকিস্তানের সাথে তাদের সীমান্ত বন্ধ করে দিয়েছে।যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত ইন্ডিয়া প্রতিটি ক্ষেত্রে (পানি, বাণিজ্য এবং অন্যান্য) বাংলাদেশের সমতা না আনে ততক্ষন পর্যন্ত কোনো ভারতীয় পণ্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করবে না। ভারতের কোনো স্থল বা জলযান বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশাধীকার পাবে না।

বাংলাদেশকে জাতি হিসেবে বাঁচতে হলে আমাদের আর কোনো বিকল্প নেই।
জেকব মিল্টন
We Are The People
So, ask a General why does India need so much of allocation for military. It is because a possible war between India and China. But, no one knows when it is.

The percentage allocation for defense out of total budget expenditure in India is 6.5%, which is same as Bangladesh.

Now is going to war with India ? I don't thinks so.
As I said earlier, the civilians do not see any future war. So, ask a General why does India need so much of allocation for military. It is because a possible war between India and China. But, no one knows when it is. Is it not the reason why India keeps on kowtowing and appeasing BD all the time? India needs BD's full neutrality in that war scenario in your NE.
First, India spends a fraction of it's GDP in defense spending compared to it's neighbours. And higher allocation for the Military not necessarily means we are 'preparing' for an impending war. Rather better preparedness is a strategic tool to avoid war, not leading into it. Remember what George Washington said? "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace". So, along with trade, commerce and diplomacy, better military preparedness is just an effective mean to avoid war with China. India does not need your support at all, in case of any war with the Chinese. You will remain neutral for your own sake.You are just confusing good neighborliness with appeasement. Both are not the same.

Seems like you have accepted napak jamati as your guru?:P Believing them without any question?

Ok, Live in your bubble world where West Bengal reign supreme.While they make you pauper day by day.Bharat simply looting eastern states like West Bengal, Orissa,Jharkhand,Chattishgarh,Assam for the benefit of Hindian, punjabi Brahman elite caste.Those eastern states are rich in mineral and agricultural resources and could have climbed to top spots within India if were not Delhi played favoritism benefiting Hindian+Punjabi people.
Exploitation of Eastern India Since 1947

Bengal Liberation Army!! Lol.. :D
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You can post thousands of emoticons on internet but ground realities does not change. Few months back, I met a seventy/seventy five years old poor lady when I was travelling from Sealdah. She spoke a dialect we could hardly recognize. She could hardly see. I and my friend became curious and asked where she was from and why is she alone travelling on train when she can't see properly. What she said made us astonished. She was going for an eye operation in a hospital in Barrackpore. Her son has left her on the other side of the border. She had no passport or visa. There had been some arrangement between the Border guards and her. After the operation she will again return to her country.

This is not an isolated case. Thousands of your countrymen without any passport, visa flocks to Bengal and gets treated in the best hospitals with minimum cost. If India wanted, it can stop it from tomorrow morning. If this is not a good neighborliness then what is? Problem is Bangladeshis on PDF claim one thing and in reality what happens is completely opposite. Indian Navy rescues Bangladeshis from sea, and what we see on PDF is obsessive push!! Why don't you post those men who have been rescued and their families if they think it as 'obsessive push' or not?
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The same people who indian kind laughed at and ridiculed when they said Pakistan has nuclear weapons........:azn:

Ever wondered why india was powerless to attack PAKISTAN after mumbai 2008 & Uri 2016 even though india is at least 7x bigger than Pakistan and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege?.............:azn:
Sir, are u kidding. Just count how many people are dead in Pakistan since Mumbai 2008. Are u sure India is not having Revenge, Ur University schools markets worship places everything is under fire. Ur army just killed 100 suspects after recent lahor blasts. Add those 100 people as well when u r counting. Indian Revenge is on Sir. We all know this, a few Indian agents and soldiers martyrs (all due respect to them) only gives employment to people who r Queue to replace them. Oh u expected wars but India won't play by your rules sir.

Bangladesh is a very important country for India. In fact all of our neighbors are. A peaceful relations with our neighbors allow India to develop peacefully. BSF must have its reasons (crime) for killing certain BD citizens. But didnt Bangladesh forces killed BSF soldiers ????
There will always be cynical in every Era. Those people who despise India, I have just one message to them what if Pakistan was Ur neighbor and not India??
Sir, are u kidding. Just count how many people are dead in Pakistan since Mumbai 2008. Are u sure India is not having Revenge, Ur University schools markets worship places everything is under fire. Ur army just killed 100 suspects after recent lahor blasts. Add those 100 people as well when u r counting. Indian Revenge is on Sir. We all know this, a few Indian agents and soldiers martyrs (all due respect to them) only gives employment to people who r Queue to replace them. Oh u expected wars but India won't play by your rules sir.

Whatever the role of india in terrorism in Pakistan, the point is that india cannot attack Pakistan militarily even though you are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. That is the biggest humiliation.

Despite all of this, you indians are trying to take credit for what the Americans have been doing. If what you say was true, then the terrorism that you are allegedly causing in Pakistan would not have started in 2001 but would have been going on since at least 1971 if not than even before then. The American neo cons ALWAYS wanted to destabilize/destrroy Pakistan and used the WOT as a pretext. However, unlike Iraq & Afghanistan, the americans like the indians cannot invade Pakistan full on. So they have been using their proxies and other subversive elements to TRY to destabilize Pakistan but to no avail. Ever wondered why terrorism in Pakistan has decreased since the americans scaled down their operations in Afghanistan since 2014?

Even now the Americans don't want Gwadar to be a success as it gives China a strategic advantage to bypass the straights of Mallacca which are saturated by the American/South Korean and Japanese navies. There's a reason why the Chinese are spending billions on Pakistan with much more set to come on.
1) "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace".

2) This is not an isolated case. Thousands of your countrymen without any passport, visa flocks to Bengal and gets treated in the best hospitals with minimum cost. If India wanted, it can stop it from tomorrow morning. If this is not a good neighborliness then what is?

1) I understand that India is making military preparation to avoid a war, as you have put it. But, it is spending hundreds of billions of dollars worth of money instead of pursuing a diplomatic solution to all its problems with its neighbors. It even tried to control Tibet and the result is mistrust between two big nations, and a subsequent war.

Delhi govt is pursuing a policy that inflicts pain to common Indians by depriving them from an opportunity to build the country and also build their own lives. Investments in military should better be spent on social and economic welfare of a nation.

2) You are wrong in those information. Only rich moderately rich and middle class people from BD travel to India for treatment. 11 lakh of them visit India every year and they are certainly not without Passport, visa and money. Are you talking about those cow smugglers from both the countries?
1) I understand that India is making military preparation to avoid a war, as you have put it. But, it is spending hundreds of billions of dollars worth of money instead of pursuing a diplomatic solution to all its problems with its neighbors. It even tried to control Tibet and the result is mistrust between two big nations, and a subsequent war.

Delhi govt is pursuing a policy that inflicts pain to common Indians by depriving them from an opportunity to build the country and also build their own lives. Investments in military should better be spent on social and economic welfare of a nation.

2) You are wrong in those information. Only rich moderately rich and middle class people from BD travel to India for treatment. 11 lakh of them visit India every year and they are certainly not without Passport, visa and money. Are you talking about those cow smugglers from both the countries?
1. We never tried to control Tibet. In fact, we have officially acknowledged it to be a part of China. 1962 war happened for a complete different reason, trying to control Tibet is definitely not that.

We spend a fraction of our GDP in defense spending, just that our economy is big, the military expenditure looks big. We spend most of our revenues in building this country. This is what we have done for the last seventy years. Our problem is bad resource management, not lack of it.

2. I live here. I walk among these people who came from your country. So, you can post government stats here, while I see realities in my own eyes.

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