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Obsessed with NASR

.I did give my opinion on Nasr which you avoided
"Experts: Missile Test Firing Shows Development Complete"http://www.niticentral.com/2013/02/...ns-nuclear-capable-missile-hatf-ix-45819.html
most of links are neutral hope they might help
i m quoting them after reading them
most i've read before

Nasr is a more of a headache for international community then for India. The command and control system is very loose for tactical nukes and there is always a danger of nuke theft by terrorists.
the system is “fully integrated into the centralized command-and-control structure through round the clock situational awareness in a digitized network centric environment to the decision makers at National Command Center.
source : Wikipedia
well pakistan is not fool enough to completely expose its weapons unlike India pakistan is a little secretive
Being secretive is fine but exaggerating it's capabilities is not.
To feel threatened India needs to know its CEP.

m not an expert on this hell i have just turned 18 and most of my knowledge about these things is due to my military background and access to people, places and things which commoners dont
Lil bro, I suggest you to go through those links which you have mentioned.
Having survived on PDF for about 3years I have read such threads on many occasions, and let's say by now I can predict the kinda responses such threads get.
Next time you should do some background study before posting such threads.

Masalma! :)
the system is “fully integrated into the centralized command-and-control structure through round the clock situational awareness in a digitized network centric environment to the decision makers at National Command Center.
source : Wikipedia

The nature of tactical nukes doesn't allow for a central command. The decision on using a tactical nukes lies with the commander on the ground who is leading the forces on the battlefield that is why they are called tactical and not strategic.
Lil bro, I suggest you to go through those links which you have mentioned.
Having survived on PDF for about 3years I have read such threads on many occasions, and let's say by now I can predict the kinda responses such threads get.
Next time you should do some background study before posting such threads.
over and out general

To feel threatened India needs to know its CEP.
India have nothing to be threatend of if the missile is not scary to them
This is the scariest Missile in Pakistan's arsenal from Indian perspective as it made hundreds of millions in Indian investment in raising armored brigades null and void.
The plan was to have thousands of Tanks,armored vehicles and artillery cannons lined up along Pakistani border and advance deep inside Pakistani territory behind a concentrated column of Tanks ,cannons and armored vehicles while getting air cover by IAF.
This doctrine would have been very problematic for Pakistan as such an advance by India could effectively cut Pakistan in two or more halves,disrupting or disabling any retaliation by Pakistani armed forces as supply lines would have been scuttled.
Hitting and destroying any armored vehicle is difficult as they are protected by thick platings and other means.
In cold start attack by India , the PAF would have been engaged by IAF preventing them from launching decisive attacks on advancing Indian Armored columns. The limited strikes by Pakistani ground forces would have been very costly in lives and material as Indian army would have been advancing under cover of heavy shelling by their Cannons.
The situation called for out of he box thinking and Nasr Missile was the result.
The missile s a high energy Neutron weapon and not a WMD just a "Disablement weapon". The blast created by detonation of Nasr's warhead is insignificant as more than 70% of the Missile's nuclear energy is used up in creating a large pulse of fast moving High energy Nuterons. The particle can penetrate through Armored platings and effect the Electronics and Soldier operating the Indian armored vehicles, Disabling the machine and sickening the soldiers due to a sudden high radiation dose.
The weapon used a very small Fission trigger of Plutonium and large part of the neutron pulse comes from a shell of Deuterium / Tritium / Lithium during fusion. This Fission - Fusion design is complicated but leaves very little Nuclear fallout or residual radiation as Plutonium core is too small and disperses over large enough area to make the residual radiation withing bearable limits. That's why the weapon is safe to be used withing Pakistani territory .

source:Pakistan Affairs
@PARIKRAMA @Joe Shearer @Levina @Delnavaz B @django @django @Zibago @Soumitra @DavidSling @Horus @waz @Blue Marlin @dadeechi @Moonlight @war&peace @LadyFinger
to all those obsessed with NASR its a nice read
the real thing r the tactical nuke if they can b fit on tiny nasr they can b fitted on babar delivered in multiple # on jets and perhaps even MIRVed on shaheen series or can b fitted on pak/Chinese made ASMs nasr is just a psychological weapon
if conventional forces fail (if) then tactical option will b used away from city center btw mighty usa forces took weeks 2 occupy iraqi cities we r no Iraq & indians r no usa so even conventional imbalance isn’t that severe as u may think & look at our army achievement against taliban insurgency we succeeded where usa failed

This is the scariest Missile in Pakistan's arsenal from Indian perspective as it made hundreds of millions in Indian investment in raising armored brigades null and void.
The plan was to have thousands of Tanks,armored vehicles and artillery cannons lined up along Pakistani border and advance deep inside Pakistani territory behind a concentrated column of Tanks ,cannons and armored vehicles while getting air cover by IAF.
This doctrine would have been very problematic for Pakistan as such an advance by India could effectively cut Pakistan in two or more halves,disrupting or disabling any retaliation by Pakistani armed forces as supply lines would have been scuttled.
Hitting and destroying any armored vehicle is difficult as they are protected by thick platings and other means.
In cold start attack by India , the PAF would have been engaged by IAF preventing them from launching decisive attacks on advancing Indian Armored columns. The limited strikes by Pakistani ground forces would have been very costly in lives and material as Indian army would have been advancing under cover of heavy shelling by their Cannons.
The situation called for out of he box thinking and Nasr Missile was the result.
The missile s a high energy Neutron weapon and not a WMD just a "Disablement weapon". The blast created by detonation of Nasr's warhead is insignificant as more than 70% of the Missile's nuclear energy is used up in creating a large pulse of fast moving High energy Nuterons. The particle can penetrate through Armored platings and effect the Electronics and Soldier operating the Indian armored vehicles, Disabling the machine and sickening the soldiers due to a sudden high radiation dose.
The weapon used a very small Fission trigger of Plutonium and large part of the neutron pulse comes from a shell of Deuterium / Tritium / Lithium during fusion. This Fission - Fusion design is complicated but leaves very little Nuclear fallout or residual radiation as Plutonium core is too small and disperses over large enough area to make the residual radiation withing bearable limits. That's why the weapon is safe to be used withing Pakistani territory .

source:Pakistan Affairs
@PARIKRAMA @Joe Shearer @Levina @Delnavaz B @django @django @Zibago @Soumitra @DavidSling @Horus @waz @Blue Marlin @dadeechi @Moonlight @war&peace @LadyFinger
to all those obsessed with NASR its a nice read
if nasr is neutron bomb then it means pak has capability to make h-bomb as both rely on large scale fusion but in latter design fusion is used 2 induce fission in huge amount of depleted uranium but i think its a small boosted fission device
a nasr is a last resort if the pakistani armed forces cant hold of the indian armed forces.
debating weather the pakistanis are able to hold them off and give a fight is obivous.
if a cold start were to happen there would be an obivous responce and the pressure from the other countries would be very very heavy as the pakistanis have made it clear things will go ugly very fast. personally the age of fullscale armed war is over. the war is now behind the border in your very countries in the name of proxies.

NASR is not the only weapon, there are some others too, but it has become a symbol against Cold Start type doctrine. Pakistan have many options / weapons which can deliver TNW to targets with precision.
2. Nasr is nothing but a low yield battlefield deterrent. India on the other hand doesn't believe in having tac nukes, so if India was to press the nuke button, it will include a huge scale destruction. Brace up!

I disagree on that. India tested sub-kiloton warheads in 1999. Something which people claimed as 'dud' tests.

yeah about this
well pakistan is not fool enough to completely expose its weapons unlike India pakistan is a little secretive
i always give the example of Naval Zarb cruise missile no one actually knew it but when it was announced
about Nasr you can go to wikipedia if not satisfied check the source links or perhaps visit quwa

You realise that is tripe, don't you? How will CEP be beneficial for an opponent?
You realise that is tripe, don't you? How will CEP be beneficial for an opponent?
o yes
got it

if nasr is neutron bomb then it means pak has capability to make h-bomb as both rely on large scale fusion but in latter design fusion is used 2 induce fission in huge amount of depleted uranium but i think its a small boosted fission device
that is what article say @Tipu7
This indeed is a very advanced and complicated design aimed to be used at border areas with minimum radiation and only 2-3 countries in world have excelled in creating such smart nukes.

But its nodoubt a pain the *** off indian strategists and has forced them to indulge more into proxy wars inside Pakistan but what they dont know that no matter how much they run from actual war it will come sooner or later given their policies in Kashmir.
The weapon used a very small Fission trigger of Plutonium and large part of the neutron pulse comes from a shell of Deuterium / Tritium / Lithium during fusion. This Fission - Fusion design is complicated but leaves very little Nuclear fallout or residual radiation as Plutonium core is too small and disperses over large enough area to make the residual radiation withing bearable limits. That's why the weapon is safe to be used withing Pakistani territory .

source:Pakistan Affairs
@PARIKRAMA @Joe Shearer @Levina @Delnavaz B @django @django @Zibago @Soumitra @DavidSling @Horus @waz @Blue Marlin @dadeechi @Moonlight @war&peace @LadyFinger
to all those obsessed with NASR its a nice read

As I see It you are talking of a fusion reaction here- Since when did Pakistan started having a Hydrogen bomb and even more bizarre a Neutron bomb- Which is a tactical version of Hydrogen bomb-
As I see It you are talking of a fusion reaction here- Since when did Pakistan started having a Hydrogen bomb and even more bizarre a Neutron bomb- Which is a tactical version of Hydrogen bomb-
i've quoted an article
source given

As I see It you are talking of a fusion reaction here- Since when did Pakistan started having a Hydrogen bomb and even more bizarre a Neutron bomb- Which is a tactical version of Hydrogen bomb-
frankly i m a bit confused myself
I disagree on that. India tested sub-kiloton warheads in 1999. Something which people claimed as 'dud' tests.

We tested various sub-kiloton yield designs- one of which used reactor grade plutonium-

i've quoted an article
source given

frankly i m a bit confused myself

The best Pakistan can have is a Plutonium based fission weapon- Which will be an up-gradation over AQ Khan's HEU based warheads- also Pakistan tested a 12Kt Plutonium device in a separate testing site- And It was meant to mounted on Shaheen series missiles so I can only assume the possibility of a Plutonium based device- Neutron bomb is something which the USAs and Soviets of the world can afford and have the expertise to make- I doubt even China having such weapon- Not that they cannot make It in near future- But then why would they-

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