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Obama's Kashmir conundrum

We need a powerful and well organized group like Hezbollah, they are the national resistance for Lebanon and we need a Kashmiri Hezbollah resisting for Kashmir...

Quite frankly Pakistan must do something, and if China truly is our friend it will bring upon India great pressure of all sorts to get this issue solved by the end of 2010...

India does not want to resolve the Kashmir issue in fact the BJP doesn't want to resolve this issue...Because these radical Hindu groups exploit the Kashmir issue for re-election...If there were peace and Kashmir was resolved and rightfully belonged to Pakistan or a independent Kashmir than, how would these radical Hindu parties rally their people against a common enemy...

Here are some steps we should take.

1) Armed resistance by well trained groups. Target Indian police stations, bomb their trucks, cut off supply lines,

2)Effectively Infiltrate India ignite and support separatist groups.

3) Push China to pressure and condemn India for it's actions in Kashmir and occupation.

Is it any surprise that two sick and perverted entities like Israel and India both whom brutally occupy their neighbors land, rape, kill, torture, burn, humiliate, shoot, stone, and constantly violate innocent people Are such close friends of one another...

After all they have so much in common!

You've been trying this for 60 years. Keep trying.
Don,t be surprised if OBAMA pressures Pakistan & India to make L;OC the permanent border........

I have the feeling this is heir game plan.

They will offer sweetners to both nations to MAKE LOC the border.

Sweetners like more aid for pakistan industry and more investment in to indian companies.
Don,t be surprised if OBAMA pressures Pakistan & India to make L;OC the permanent border........

I have the feeling this is heir game plan.

They will offer sweetners to both nations to MAKE LOC the border.

Sweetners like more aid for pakistan industry and more investment in to indian companies.

The only problem is, we've never agreed to make LOC the border. And probably never will.

The only way to figure out what this New administration wants would to be to sit tight and wait for the proposal.
Yes this is true the US uses India to help contain rising China, and Pakistan is helped used to balance or another independent power that can contend with India...Very Geo-Political strategic maneuver...


Also I would like to add I never said the US or Obama WILL sanction India, my point is if Obama is serious about resolving the Kashmir dispute he must punish Hindu India for the barbarity they have committed in the once paradise land...Hindu Indian can moan all they want about Pakistan backed militants, because they just seem don't understand the concept of resistance...

Though I would suggest many Muslim countries sanction India, including Iran...Yes India is a large consumer of energy and that may hurt business ties, and revenue for oil producers and sellers, but India must release Kashmir, then it may receive it's badly needed energy (oil, natural gas, etc)...

Indeed pressure must come from somewhere...

Bro, sanction by 'Muslim' countries never happened till date, what has change d now to make you think It might (just might) happen ? As for as Iran is concerned they need dollars to support there economy and we will provide them with hard cash.

One more thing no country will fight for your cause of 'Kashmir', every country first looks what he will get for this involvement.

Last but not least 'Muslim world' never speaks in same voice ... Gaza is the sad example.

Good Night
Pure logic, you should call yourself illogical as it will never happen as Pakistan is nuclear power, and Pakistan will defend itself with all the means it has. I earnestly hope and wish that it will not come to that point but alas if does than Pakistan has the right defend itself with all the options it has.
So go try your your dubious schemes and suggestive psychology somewhere else.

And why Muslims do not speak in one language, i believe some of them who do not speak for Muslims umma as it is clear from demonstrations that Muslim umma has different opinion than those who rule. they may not believe in Islam and are only in for power, if u like to know read WW1 History and see how middle east was proportioned into Iraq. Jordan, Saudi Arabia. etc etc.

No sweetness and we shall stand by our kashmiri brothers for all times, this time India will not take this as it did during partition.
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Pure logic, you should call yourself illogical as it will never happen as Pakistan is nuclear power, and Pakistan will defend itself with all the means it has. I earnestly hope and wish that it will not come to that point but alas if does than Pakistan has the right defend itself with all the options it has.
So go try your your dubious schemes and suggestive psychology somewhere else.

And why Muslims do not speak in one language, i believe some of them who do not speak for Muslims umma as it is clear from demonstrations that Muslim umma has different opinion than those who rule. they may not believe in Islam and are only in for power, if u like to know read WW1 History and see how middle east was proportioned into Iraq. Jordan, Saudi Arabia. etc etc.

No sweetness and we shall stand by our kashmiri brothers for all times, this time India will not take this as it did during partition.

What was all this??

Call me anything you want, but I cannot get it when something comes without reference. This is not the only thread I am posting in. And I am not a computer. Please use 'quote' option and post it again.
hey guys :wave:

i seriously thunk when we cant solve the problem in Kashmir single handedly there is no point in it bieng attached with india atleast from the citizens pow
but :guns:siachen can be a different issue altogether .down south here Kashmir being a part of inda does not matter to me leave those people alone let it be a seperate country let them be in peace :angel:

thank you :cheers:
Pakistan is not in favour of internationalisation of the Kashmir issue, a former senior diplomat of the country has said favouring a

bilateral resolution.

Riaz Mohammad Khan, former Pakistan foreign secretary and high commissioner to India, said the "most serious" efforts of the two countries towards resolving the issue were derailed by the Mumbai terror attacks.

Khan said Pakistan was not in favour of internationalisation of the Kashmir issue but insisted that it cannot be put on the back burner.

Speaking at a meeting held at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Khan said the "most serious" effort on Kashmir ever undertaken by India and Pakistan during the last three years had been derailed by the Mumbai terror attacks.

During 2005-08, Khan said the two countries had very intensive discussion on this issue. "We were trying for a solution, which were acceptable to both sides and most important to the people of Kashmir," he said without divulging further details.

The Mumbai-terrorists attacks derailed the three and half years of serious efforts between the two countries to resolve the Kashmir dispute, Khan, who was the country's Foreign Secretary from 2005 to 2008 and also the country's Ambassador to China from 2005 to 2008, said.

"For quite some time now, Pakistan's own position as regard to its relationship with India has undergone a change," Khan said during the course of his speech at a panel discussion on "All-Weather Allies - Today's Pakistan-China Relationship".
Arun Kumar, Asian News Service
Washington , January 28, 2009
First Published: 08:45 IST(28/1/2009)
Last Updated: 08:51 IST(28/1/2009)


The United States has made it clear that its newly appointed special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, has no mandate to deal with Kashmir and his sole job is to help bring stability to Afghanistan.

"His mandate is to go out and try to help bring stability to Afghanistan, working closely with Pakistan to try to deal with the situation in the FATA region," Pakistan tribal belt along their porous border that has become a terrorist safe haven, State Department acting spokesman Robert Wood said on Tuesday.

"Well, it's not in his mandate, as you mention, to deal with the subject of Kashmir," he said when asked why Holbrooke's brief did not include Kashmir when President Barack Obama had during the election campaign suggested a collective approach to solve South Asia's problems.

"With regard to Kashmir, I think our policy is well-known. I think India has some very clear views as to what it wants to do vis-à-vis, you know, dealing with the Kashmir issue, as well as the Pakistanis," he said without elaborating.

South Asia experts have welcomed the fact that the new envoy's brief does not extend to India or more specifically to the issue of Kashmir as speculated in the media earlier.

As Lisa Curtis, Senior Research Fellow for South Asia at The Heritage Foundation, noted: "Fortunately, the Obama team seems to have recognised the key to stabilising Afghanistan does not lie in resolving Kashmir as some have recently tried to assert."

"But with regard to Ambassador Holbrooke's mission, as I said, it's to deal strictly with the Pakistan-Afghanistan situation," Wood said.

Asked if the envoy would play a role if there are heightened tensions again over the Mumbai terror attacks, blamed on Pakistan based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, he said: "Well, I don't want to speculate in terms of what he may or may not do, but his brief is focused solely on, as I said, Afghanistan-Pakistan."

On the envoy's travel plans for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the spokesman said he was not aware of any of his travel plans at this point. But at the time of his appointment he did say that he planned to get out to the region as soon as he could.

Wood also declined to answer a question if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was considering Pakistan's request to stop US missile strikes that kill civilians. "I'm not going to talk about those issues," he said.
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US crushes Pak hopes on Kashmir

In a major shift in the policy of United States toward Kashmir, the government of US says Kashmir is a wholly an internal matter of India and Washington has no role in solving it.

It seems like Washington is going to leave Pakistan out in the cold on the Kashmir issue. The US government spokesperson Robert Wood on Wednesday (January 28) clarified its stand on Kashmir, saying it was not part of their country's mandate.

The news comes as a severe blow to Islamabad which has long called for Washington to mediate on the contentious problem of Kashmir. On the other hand, this comes as welcome news for India which has always sought to tackle the Kasmir issue bi-laterall with no international interference.

Implications of the statements

The implications of the statements coming out of the White House firstly make it clear that the US will not mediate on Kashmir. This clearly indicates that the issue will continue to be an internal matter for the Indian government.

Pakistan will have to deal directly with India since it is a bi-lateral matter without an external influence.

The statements finally make it clear that separatist leaders can no longer hope to internationalize the matter.

The United States has made it clear that its newly appointed special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan - Richard Holbrooke - has no mandate to deal with Kashmir and his sole job is to help bring stability to Afghanistan.

During the campaign, President Obama was pretty clear that he thought to solve South Asia's problems, you need a very collective approach, and he talked a lot about Kashmir. It doesn't sound like Holbrooke's mandate is trying to mediate between India and Pakistan.

Robert Wood, Spokesman of US government, said that it was not in his mandate to deal with the subject of Kashmir, and that his mandate is to go out and try to help bring stability to Afghanistan, working closely with Pakistan to try to deal with the situation in the FATA region."

Speaking on the issue of Kashmir, Robert Wood, said, "With regard to Kashmir, I think our policy is well-known. I think India has some very clear views as to what it wants to do vis-à-vis, you know, dealing with the Kashmir issue, as well as the Pakistanis. But with regard to Ambassador Holbrooke's mission, as I said, it's to deal strictly with the Pakistan-Afghanistan situation."
TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos -

US crushes Pak hopes on Kashmir

In a major shift in the policy of United States toward Kashmir, the government of US says Kashmir is a wholly an internal matter of India and Washington has no role in solving it.

It seems like Washington is going to leave Pakistan out in the cold on the Kashmir issue. The US government spokesperson Robert Wood on Wednesday (January 28) clarified its stand on Kashmir, saying it was not part of their country's mandate.

The news comes as a severe blow to Islamabad which has long called for Washington to mediate on the contentious problem of Kashmir. On the other hand, this comes as welcome news for India which has always sought to tackle the Kasmir issue bi-laterall with no international interference.

Implications of the statements

The implications of the statements coming out of the White House firstly make it clear that the US will not mediate on Kashmir. This clearly indicates that the issue will continue to be an internal matter for the Indian government.

Pakistan will have to deal directly with India since it is a bi-lateral matter without an external influence.

The statements finally make it clear that separatist leaders can no longer hope to internationalize the matter.

The United States has made it clear that its newly appointed special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan - Richard Holbrooke - has no mandate to deal with Kashmir and his sole job is to help bring stability to Afghanistan.

During the campaign, President Obama was pretty clear that he thought to solve South Asia's problems, you need a very collective approach, and he talked a lot about Kashmir. It doesn't sound like Holbrooke's mandate is trying to mediate between India and Pakistan.

Robert Wood, Spokesman of US government, said that it was not in his mandate to deal with the subject of Kashmir, and that his mandate is to go out and try to help bring stability to Afghanistan, working closely with Pakistan to try to deal with the situation in the FATA region."

Speaking on the issue of Kashmir, Robert Wood, said, "With regard to Kashmir, I think our policy is well-known. I think India has some very clear views as to what it wants to do vis-à-vis, you know, dealing with the Kashmir issue, as well as the Pakistanis. But with regard to Ambassador Holbrooke's mission, as I said, it's to deal strictly with the Pakistan-Afghanistan situation."

there we go just another example of US hypocracy i feel sorry for my fellow brothers who had been shaheed in Kashmire,India,Afgnistan,Iraq and Palestine may ALLAH give them Janat :angel:
^^ Its actually sort of in line with what Pakistani diplomats and FO officials were saying off the record during Obama's transition - that they viewed a possible overt US role in Kashmir as counterproductive, given that India gets her hackles up on the issue.

They in fact recommended that Obama not assign any such envoy for Kashmir. Obviously the Indians would protest (and they did) but if the Pakistani officials were also muted about the idea, the there was no way it would happen.

I think that any pressure from the US will be behind the scenes, to encourage India and Pakistan to get back to the dialog that was going on before the Mumbai attacks.
Lee Hamilton for Kashmir resolution; assisting Pakistan’s anti-terror effort

WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (APP): Lee Hamilton, a veteran Democratic leader and vice chairman of the 9/11 commission, has called for United States’ support for resolution of the longstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute and also favored assisting Pakistan’s effort against al-Qaeda along the Afghan border as preferred policy.

“We’ve got to help Pakistan in many ways. Over a period of years, we have helped them vitally on the military side. That has to continue. But I would also help them on the economic side, particularly on education and healthcare. And let them know that we as a people have concern for them and want to try to improve the quality of their lives.”

“We certainly need to work with Pakistan and India to resolve the Kashmir problem. The United States can’t resolve that, but we can encourage the two parties to address it,” Hamilton told popular PBS channel Charlie Rose Show, when he was asked as to what should the newly appointed U.S. envoy, Richard Holbrooke try to achieve.

Hamilton, who served as lawmaker for over three decades and has been a close aide to President Barack Obama, noted that resolving the Kashmir conflict would require tough diplomacy. He said Washington should ensure that Pakistan stays focused on the Afghan border and does not have to divert its troops to its eastern border with India.

“If the Pakistanis continue to move troops from the Afghanistan border towards Kashmir, as they recently did with a portion of their troops (in the wake of Mumbai attacks tensions), that”s going to make the matters more difficult for American interests in Afghanistan, because we reduced the Pakistani effort to control those tribal areas. So we have to help them there. This is going to take some very tough difficult diplomacy and it will take good bit of time to resolve it.”

Hamilton, who heads Woodrow Wilson Center said “ it’s unacceptable to me to have al-Qaeda with a sanctuary in the tribal areas of Pakistan” but emphasized that “it would be much preferable if the Pakistanis handle that problem, on their territory.”

However, he said, the U.S. would not wait indefinitely and will have to act to stop al-Qaeda.

“We have been trying to do is, encourage the Pakistanis to deal with the problem in their own country with assistance both military and economic. what I am suggesting is that there is a period of time that we have to try to bolster the Pakistani effort but our time is not indefinite.”
Only 24% Indians want war with Pakistan: survey

LAHORE: A mere 24 percent of the Indian population favours war with Pakistan following the Mumbai terrorist attacks, a survey by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies revealed, a private TV channel reported on Saturday. The survey, conducted at 882 places in 18 states of India, said 44 percent of the people asked declared the Mumbai attacks a result of India’s internal security failure. It said every fourth person surveyed thought war was the only solution to Pak-India tensions. About 50 percent said the TV coverage of the Mumbai attacks was positive, while 19 percent believed it was sensational, the channel said. daily times monitor
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there was never a question of the US messing its hands openly on the kashmir problem till they had the indian consent. times when india did not have good relations with US even then US was not allowed to mess around so no way would they have got the liberty this time round when india exerts a good amount of diplomatic pressure on the white house.

nice to see the clarifications coming quick and fast and one reason i see behind this quick responce is sect of state hillary clinton and her very close times to indians and american indians, how much we all wanted her to be the president, but if she can get job done like this then so be it.

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