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Obama's India visit


Oct 14, 2010
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Barack Obama to visit 26/11 terror target sites

New Delhi, Oct 16: During his longest foreign stay in India, US President Barack Obama will reportedly visit all the sites targeted in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, besides staying at the Taj Hotel, one among the targets.

Buzz up!
Quoting government sources, Economic Times reported that Obama's visit to the 26/11 sites will send out a clear message that India’s battle against terror has the complete backing of the US.

Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists had unleashed a carnage on Nov 28, 2008 in a series of terror attacks that lasted 60 hours. Mumbai's iconic hotel, CST terminal and a Jewish community centre were the targets in the terror strike.

In another newspaper, Times Of India, US ambassador to India, Timothy J Roemer is quoted as informing that Obama's visit to India will account for the longest stay in a foreign country as compared to his visits to other countries earlier.

"Obama will be spending more time in India than he had spent in any other country so far. It signifies the growing strategic importance of India in the eyes of the US," said Roemer.

US president will land India in the first week of Nov 2010.

Obama India Visit | 26/11 Mumbai Attacks | Terror Sites | Taj Mahal Hotel | Longest Stay - Oneindia News
Two very important signals coming out:

1. He will not be visiting Pakistan.
2. He will be visiting 26/11 terror attacks' sites.
Hi guys. As it has now become clear that:

1. Obama will be spending the longest time he's ever spent in a foreign country (while as President) when he comes to India.

2. Obama will visit 26/11 terror sites.

3. Obama will not be visiting Pakistan.

I suppose all these things send a negative signal to Pakistan/GoP. My question is how will/should the GoP respond to this signal by Obama?:undecided:
US has specially assigned people to Pakistan , who come after every other month including US top Generals.

First: Why would Pakistan mind Obama visit to India ,when he wants to twist Indians arm to buy F-18s and other US products. He needs jobs in US and India has the money to buy made in US ( he will tell forget Russia buy from us) . Second why would Pakistan mind his visit to 26/11 place as it was done by non state actors not Pakistani Government. Third Obama needs no direct talk with Pakistanis when he has specially assigned people coming frequently in Pakistan.

I think Russia should be more concern in losing a big purchase rather then Pakistan.
pakistan is already signalling to leave the paper friendship of bankrupt nation USA and to strengthen some real friends, like china, arab world, russia, turkey, central asia south east, bangladesh etc

visiting mumbai attack site, has nothing to do with the gesture that it was done by pakistani govt, who ever did ut, did wrong, its other thing, that ajmal being indian and others being indian, mumbai attack was plotted and prepared in sole indian soil, pakistanis have nothing to do with it, rehman malik who started this controversy of ajmal being pakistan must present the proves to pakistan nation, ajmal dna tests and other proofs that ajmal is pakistani..
US has specially assigned people to Pakistan , who come after every other month including US top Generals.

First: Why would Pakistan mind Obama visit to India ,when he wants to twist Indians arm to buy F-18s and other US products. He needs jobs in US and India has the money to buy made in US ( he will tell forget Russia buy from us) . Second why would Pakistan mind his visit to 26/11 place as it was done by non state actors not Pakistani Government. Third Obama needs no direct talk with Pakistanis when he has specially assigned people coming frequently in Pakistan.

I think Russia should be more concern in losing a big purchase rather then Pakistan.

You completely missed the point.

I'm not looking at it as 'Obama visiting India', I'm looking at it as 'Obama not visiting Pakistan'...surely it sends a signal doesn't it?
You completely missed the point.

I'm not looking at it as 'Obama visiting India', I'm looking at it as 'Obama not visiting Pakistan'...surely it sends a signal doesn't it?

When Bush visited India he came to Pakistan and played cricket and left. When Clinton visited India he came to Pakistan for few hours lectured Musharraf and on TV , played golf in Pakistan and left. I think Obama don't wanna stay for playing sports in Pakistan :lol:
with current indian situation, it seems impossible that even for great us investment there, india will be minutely be able to balance out china in 100 years atleast..

that also shows how desparate usa is, after losing iran, now turkey, not convincing arab world, and growing chinese influence in the region..
First: Why would Pakistan mind Obama visit to India ,when he wants to twist Indians arm to buy F-18s and other US products. He needs jobs in US and India has the money to buy made in US ( he will tell forget Russia buy from us) .

I think Russia should be more concern in losing a big purchase rather then Pakistan.

I remember when George Bush Came , he said forget NSG . From now on you can trade Nuclear materials and reactors.

That worked out very well for India. :lol:
Two very important signals coming out:

1. He will not be visiting Pakistan.
2. He will be visiting 26/11 terror attacks' sites.

if he is not visiting Pakistan then it's will be the first time when a US president or even someone lower in rank visited india without going to pakistan..
You completely missed the point.

I'm not looking at it as 'Obama visiting India', I'm looking at it as 'Obama not visiting Pakistan'...surely it sends a signal doesn't it?

you mean that every other president of every other country visits Pakistan right after or before they visit india so Obama not coming to Pakistan is wierd??? or it is a must for a state head that when they visit india or Pakistan they must visit the other country???

He has a reason to visit india; the fighters deal, nuclear deal...

Why should he come to Pakistan; to discuss F-16 MLU's?? (sarcasm)

seriously, i dont think we should give a cr@p
Obama is not visiting Pakistan.. we may loose what?
Why should we be worried?

Replace American President with Chinese President or KSA's.. then we would definately worry.

Let Mr obama tour of india be the longest tour of Amrican President.. let him take indian nationality, let him marry an indian..w/e

Point is why should we worry.
I think Obama is afraid to face the Pakistani media, Hillary has already gotten a beating, and a lot more questions are in store for Obama.
The most simple reason i understand is because of security reasons Obama will not visit Pakistan. Thats it.

Obama in Pakistan will be a target practice for TTP.
Simply i cannot get more frank than that.

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