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Buddy, I think Romney would have opted for regular raids inside Pakistan stopping drones which means more destruction and more breach of sovereignty of Pakistan.

Romney's words against Russia also revealed what would have been the change in our region if he got elected.

For India, things are good considering Obama's efforts to strengthen bonds with us.

Romney is an idiot which is why I voted for OBAMA. My vote for OBAMA was actually a vote against Romney.
Well let's see what happens. Now he does not have to prove anything because this is second term and he does not have to run for election anymore. In the second term, President worry about their LEGACY , so chances are he will back off on Drones and just worry about getting the hell out of Afghanistan.

Ya now Obama has to focus on getting out of Afghanistan, there was rumor that if Romney came he might not get out of the fcuking war, and his economic policies were not good to, I think good decision by America
Kind of predictable. So, four more years for him to tinker around with America's economy then.
if ohio gets a re count.
Obama may still lose.
I heard somewhere that Romney is leading in popular vote, can anyone confirm that?
I heard somewhere that Romney is leading in popular vote, can anyone confirm that?

In electoral votes Obama is 281 and Romney is behind with 201 votes but still some states remain to bad counted
His is still better than Romney's economic policy

Both will bring down the American economy. It is a matter of who does it quicker.
Romney wants to label China a "currency manipulator". Surely that can't be good for Sino-American bilateral ties.
In electoral votes Obama is 281 and Romney is behind with 201 votes but still some states remain to bad counted

Ohio is still at risk of re count,so he needs one last state for a confirmed victory.
I feel pity for Romney, it's look like, in US, whenever a President stands for re-election he is bound to win, in last 100 years or so there have been only 4 elections in which the President lost his re-election. So it looks like second party candidate just stands for Presidency to give a fight. Obama was predicted to win so no surprises.
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