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I heard somewhere that Romney is leading in popular vote, can anyone confirm that?

So far Romney is slightly ahead in Popular count but that is irrelevant because in the US, Presidents are elected by Electoral college and not by a Popular vote.
Both will bring down the American economy. It is a matter of who does it quicker.
Romney wants to label China a "currency manipulator". Surely that can't be good for Sino-American bilateral ties.

Romney wanted to increase military budget to two trillion dollars more and tax the rich
As if any one of them made a difference to Pakistan. We didn't have a 'dog' in this race.
I'm on CNN and Romney is ahead in popular votes
I'm on CNN and Romney is ahead in popular votes

By 330 votes in a country of 330 million people ( 72% of votes in ).

Anything can happen by the time the other 28 % info comes in.

California information just came in and now Obama is also winning Popular Vote by over 40,000 votes ( with 75% of voting information in )
Romney can relocate to the Cayman Islands now to be with his money :azn:
Romney wont give up until the last moment, he wont be coming for concession speech until its all cleared! Still two or three states remain
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