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Obama to meet Dalai Lama on Friday as U.S. urges talks with China

Assassinating head of a major buddhist school of thought would pan out horribly even for retarded China. Retard think he could get away by assassinating someone who is considered equivalent to pope in Buddhism.


Not only should that terrorist be assassinated but his eyes should be gouged out, ear drums blown, tongue cut off and all his limbs cut off.

Dalai Lama is a terrorist pretending to do things because of his religion. He is the Buddhist equivalent of Osama Bin Laden who did the exact same things as his fellow terrorist, the Dalai Lama.
China's Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui summoned on Friday a senior U.S. embassy official in China after U.S. President Barack Obama held low-key talks with the Dalai Lama at the White House despite warnings from Beijing the meeting would damage ties.

Zhang summoned Daniel Kritenbrink, charge d'affaires of the U.S. embassy in China, on Friday night, according to a statement posted on the Chinese foreign ministry's website.

"The United States must take concrete actions to regain the trust of the Chinese government and people," Zhang said
WTF is summoning a US official going to do?

Kick out all US NGO's including USAID.

That should be the only proper response. But the spineless CPC cowards won't do it.
U.S stronger than China, in their hands have more cards than PRC when dealing with internal affairs in mainland of China.

The DaLai is an very old man, American had challenged Chinese many times by using it. Who will be next after 10 years ???
Obama meets with Dalai Lama despite China warnings

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama held low-key talks with the Dalai Lama at the White House on Friday after warnings from Beijing that the meeting with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader would "seriously damage" ties with Washington.

The private meeting lasted about an hour, although the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was not seen by White House photographers as he entered or exited the complex.

The White House sidestepped questions about whether it was worried Obama's meeting - his third with the Dalai Lama - would upset its relationship with China. Analysts said they did not foresee any serious consequences.

"We are committed to a constructive relationship with China in which we work together to solve regional and global problems," White House spokesman Jay Carney told a regular news briefing, noting that Obama and other U.S. presidents had previously met with the Tibetan leader.

China calls the Dalai Lama, who fled to India after a failed uprising in 1959, a "wolf in sheep's clothing" who seeks to use violent methods to establish an independent Tibet. The Dalai Lama maintains he only wants genuine autonomy for Tibet and denies advocating violence.

Human rights groups say China tramples on the rights of Tibetans and enforces its rule using brutal methods. More than 120 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since 2009 in protest against China. Most have died.

Obama reaffirmed his support for Tibet's unique religious, cultural and linguistic traditions and human rights for Tibetans, the White House said in a statement.

Obama also said he does not support Tibetan independence from China and the Dalai Lama said he was not seeking it, the White House said.

"We're concerned about continuing tensions and that the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibetan areas of China," Carney told reporters.

"We will continue to urge the Chinese government to resume dialogue with the Dalai Lama or his representatives without pre-conditions as a means to reduce tensions," he said.

To encourage those talks, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday he had named one of his officials, Sarah Sewall, as a Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues.

Sewall was sworn in on Thursday as an undersecretary responsible for human rights issues, a post which traditionally has involved work on Tibetan issues.

It was the third time Obama had met the Dalai Lama, who the White House calls "an internationally respected religious and cultural leader." Previous meetings were in February 2010 and July 2011.

In what appeared to be a small concession to the Chinese, the visit was held in the White House Map Room, a historically important room but of less significance than the more prestigious Oval Office, where he normally meets visiting leaders.

The Dalai Lama did not speak to the media after the meeting, although he did after the last time he met Obama in 2011.

A statement from the Central Tibetan Administration - the exiled Tibetan government - said it lasted almost an hour.

"This meeting sends a powerful message of hope to Tibetans in Tibet who are undergoing immense suffering," Lobsang Sangay, the group's leader, said in a statement.


The meeting came at a sensitive time for Sino-U.S. relations after China's increasingly assertive behavior in the East China and South China seas.

Obama has embarked on a strategic U.S. political and security rebalancing toward Asia, in what is seen as a reaction to the growing clout of China, and as part of this strategy, he plans a week-long visit to Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines in late April.

Friday's meeting, announced with little fanfare the evening before it took place, prompted a stern rebuke from Beijing.

"The United States' arrangement for its leader to meet the Dalai would be a gross interference in China's internal affairs and is a serious violation of the norms of international relations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement ahead of the meeting.

"It will seriously damage Sino-U.S. relations," she said, urging the White House to cancel the meeting.

"(If) the U.S. president wishes to meet any person, it's his own affair, but he cannot meet the Dalai," she said. "The Dalai is definitely not a pure religious figure. He is using the cloak of religion to engage in long-term activities to separate China. He is a political exile."

Previous meetings between Obama and the Dalai Lama drew similar criticism from China, but did not have serious repercussions.

Jonathan Pollack, an analyst with the Brookings Institution think tank, said it was extremely unlikely that China would takes steps such as canceling high-level meetings over the Dalai Lama's visit, given there was so much at stake in U.S.-China relations.

"That would be, as the old Chinese proverb goes, lifting up a stone to drop it on your own feet," he said.

"Obviously the Chinese are predictably and ritualistically agitated, but their words, compared to what they have said in the past, are, if anything, a little less sharp."

Diplomats in Beijing have told Reuters Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to meet at a nuclear security summit in the Netherlands next month.

The choreography of Friday's meeting - and the Chinese reaction - followed predictable patterns, said Douglas Paal of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

"They've arranged it to be held in the same fashion, roughly, that it's been held most times the Dalai Lama has come," he said. "There's no escalation."


The Dalai Lama was not seen by the White House press corps and the White House did not give photographers access to the meeting.

Carney declined to say whether this restriction was made as a concession to China.

"We don't have photographers in every meeting the president has," he told reporters.

The White House released its own photograph of the two leaders after the meeting. It showed the Dalai Lama gesturing as he spoke to Obama.

The Dalai Lama is scheduled to stay in the United States for a speaking tour lasting another two weeks. He is due back in Washington on March 7 after stops in California and Minnesota.

Obama meets with Dalai Lama despite China warnings| Reuters
I wonder how Michelle Obama feels about her husband meeting with a slavemaster. After all, she was descended from slaves herself. Why doesn't Obama care about humiliating his wife, and the 40M other African-Americans in the USA too?
I wonder how Michelle Obama feels about her husband meeting with a slavemaster. After all, she was descended from slaves herself. Why doesn't Obama care about humiliating his wife, and the 40M other African-Americans in the USA too?

China hasn't played the american seperatist's card yet, it will be a shock wave the day that we return American's favor to taste their own medecine...the reason that Americans are still able to hold the country together is because they still have a good standard living, the days White Americans, Latinos and Blacks see their standard living downgraded, they will start to blame each others and on immigrants and especially when all possess Guns, it will be the worst civil war could ever happen...only one single match is required to ignite the flame on entire America.
you guys are great ,obsession with Dalai Lama i guess.

indians are obsessed
no one cares about him until he starts his provocation. Do$$lar lama agent on the payroll of cia
I have been saying this: why dont your people show you full support by immolating yourselves like their followers did some time ago?

Here my source of information and quotations of various sources of do$$lar's link with cia:
on this thread: [Question] Why do we Chinese dislike Dalai Lama? | Page 5
Refer to post # 67

" The Dalai Lama and the CIA (Part 2)--Excerpts from German and Austrian Media

Published:2012/09/28 08:00

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)In June 2012, as the subject of the fourteenth Dalai Lama’s connection with the CIA was publicly reported by First German Television (ARD) and Southern German Daily (Suddeutsche Zeitung SZ), the issue has triggered a series of follow-ups by European media. The news headline highlighted the historical facts that the Dalai Lama did receive financial aid from the CIA for armed guerrilla operations. The ongoing media criticism lasted for a whole week in Europe, questioning that the Dalai Lama’s image is outwardly non-violent, but in fact inwardly he is violent.

Excerpts from the German language media:

June 8, 2012, the Financial Times Germany (FTD) Online:

A Permanent Stain - The Dalai Lama and His Links with the CIA

The Dalai Lama is the epitome of wisdom and gentleness. But apparently he knew more about the support for violent resistance in Tibet by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) than he has previously admitted. He himself even accepted financial support from the CIA.

The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetans, has maintained the image of a moral authority in the world for decades, but this image of being a pacifist is now threatened to collapse. This is because a new documentary “CIA in Tibet” has revealed that the highest Tibetan authority apparently knew more about the support of the CIA for violent resistance in Tibet than he has so far admitted.

The documentary film producer Lisa Cathey interviewed a CIA veteran who described a meeting with the Dalai Lama in 1964. The film is based on interviews with a total of 30 former secret service agents and it will be released in a few months. Parts of it, however, have already been released on the website of Kefiblog.com. According to the reports of the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung" and the TV “Panorama,” the U.S. government's documents show that the American CIA and the Nobel Peace Laureate had stayed significantly closer than previously known.

The Chinese government is probably delighted with this wave of criticism regarding the CIA connections with the Dalai Lama. The world’s fascination for this “Top Tibetan” has long been a thorn in Beijing’s side.

Journalists rely on decoded documents released from the American government a few years ago. The information has never been used by any of the media before. According to the documents for the year 1951-1965, the Dalia Lama and the U.S. government had agreements to conduct the CIA’s Tibet program. At first, representatives of the Dalai Lama made contact with the U.S. embassy in the Indian capital, New Delhi, and the U.S. consulate in Calcutta.

A brother of the Dalai Lama also directly paid a visit to the U.S. government. Their contacts were all asking explicitly for military assistance. According to the "Suddeutsche Zeitung", the Dalai Lama, by 1958 at the latest, has already been informed about the military training program for Tibetan guerrillas by the CIA. This information was disclosed to a reporter by the religious leader for over a decade ago during an interview.

These are not new allegations. What’s already known is that, after the Nixon government established diplomatic relations with China, the CIA has terminated military support for the Tibetans in the early seventies. Also, in the nineties, there were already some books and movies uncovering the connections between the CIA and the Dalai Lama. In his autobiography of 1991, he had written about the contacts of his brothers with the CIA: "My brothers thought it was wise to keep this information from me."

In 1998, a spokesman for the Tibetan government in exile told The New York Times and admitted that in the sixties, they did well receive $ 1.7 million annually from the CIA. The training of guerrilla fighters and the military operations were financed with the money. But the spokesman refuted the report that the Dalai Lama had personally received the money of US$ 180,000 annually. The "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" discovered from their research into the CIA documents that the sum transferred was used as "cash assistance for the Dalai Lama."
Flecken auf den Lebenslauf: Der Dalai Lama und die Nähe zur CIA | FTD.de

June 8, 2012, the print version of Southern German Daily (SZ):

Seemingly Sacred - As a leading symbol of pacifism, the Dalai Lama knows much more about CIA’s involvement in Tibet than what he is willing to admit. Now, this holy monarch has fallen into the shadow of armed violence.

When in the face of his relationship with the CIA, the Dalai Lama, being regarded as the highest moral authority of pacifism, is now in a difficult situation to defend himself.… On the one side he accepts CIA’s financial assistance shamelessly to carry out guerrilla warfare and on the other side he uses the soft image of the Dalai Embassy to conduct non-violent protests; all these are of great conflicts whether in the past or present. Nobel Peace Prize winner, Tibetan guerrillas, and the U.S. CIA ─ when these three are put together, they sound strange, like the Pope, his women and his Porsche. But sometimes this world is just so strange.

Although there is no evidence that the Dalai Lama lied, but he has never told the whole truth either. His role is opaque. His attitude in dealing with this issue does not seem candid. For those who are enlightened, the truth should be only one.

Believers respect him as “monarch,” “Buddha of great compassion,” “ocean of wisdom,” “white lotus lord,” “supreme guru” and "treasure of wish-fulfilling.” ... Although the Dalai Lama once said that he is willing "to become any other living being for anyone as one wishes," apart from Beijing, probably nobody in the world would want him to become a chess piece of the US CIA during the Cold War. His direct connection with the CIA does not match his supreme moral authority at all.

June 10, 2012, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Online, Germany:

Dalai Lama “Rambo” – In a documentary film, former CIA officers talk about how the Dalai Lama, an icon of pacifism, was pursuing armed resistance against China.

The doctrine of two swords exists not only in Christianity, but in the Buddhist tradition as well. The spiritual and temporal swords should work together to heal the world - for example, to liberate it from communism. ... In his early days, the other "Holiness" (the Dalai Lama) also took advantage of the CIA's assistance … In the film “CIA in Tibet”, retired CIA operatives, from their golf courses and their armchairs, talk about the old days… Today we can be certain: The Dalai Lama, icon of pacifism, was pursuing - albeit reluctantly - armed resistance, as long as this resistance was sponsored by the Americans. In 1971, a special Tibetan unit fought with the Indian Army against today's Bangladesh. A year later, the Dalai Lama participated as a guest of honor in a military ceremony in India, during which those Tibetans who fought were awarded medals of valor. … Two of the Dalai Lama's brothers were the contacts people for the CIA and knew the details of the Tibetan guerilla struggle. In his autobiography the Dalai Lama says, "My brothers thought it wise to keep this information from me," which can be interpreted as the wise self-reporting of a peacemaker asked about traces of violence during a more ambiguous time.

(Retrieve from: Dalai Lama ‘Rambo’ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany))

June 9, 2012, the Mirror Weekly Online, Germany (Der Spiegel Online):

CIA instructor in Tibet- Dilemma on the roof of the world

There is an almost forgotten chapter of Tibetan history: In the fifties and sixties, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency trained peasants, monks and nomads to become guerrilla resistance fighters. A documentary now awakes the memories of the mountain guerrillas - and the dilemma of the Dalai Lama.…

The Dalai Lama had never clearly said “No” to the CIA

Thousands of Tibetan guerrillas launched their attacks from the semi-autonomous Himalayan kingdom of Mustang some time later. It is unclear even today how many of them, either Tibetan or Chinese soldiers died. One thing is certain: the Dalai Lama had never made publicly a clear statement against the use of violence, nor had he agreed. In 1967 the CIA was to scale down the operation. In 1974, the Dalai Lama appealed to the last fighters to lay down their weapons.

Since then, he has argued for the display of so-called "middle way": no violence and no independence of Tibet, but he wants to have more religious and cultural autonomy well beyond the boundaries of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Among young Tibetans in exile, this is controversial. Many are willing, like their fathers and grandfathers, to take up arms.

"Shadows on the monarch?" Probably not. In a 1993 interview with "The New York Times," the Dalai Lama criticized the CIA action as "not very healthy," because they were only politically motivated, but not out of "genuine sympathy" for the Tibetan people…

Dokumentation: CIA bildete Widerstandkämpfer in Tibet aus - SPIEGEL ONLINE

June 12, 2012, The Press Online (Die Presse Online):

The Dalai Lama is not a Rambo, neither Jesus, nor a liar

Der Dalai-Lama ist weder Rambo noch Jesus, und auch kein Betrüger « DiePresse.com

June 14, 2012, The Standard Online (Der Standard Online):

The Dalai Lama was On the Payroll of the CIA

Dalai Lama auf CIA-Gehaltliste - Tibet - derStandard.at

The above news excerpts about the reporting of “the Dalai Lama and the CIA” are translated from German media. What is worth mentioning is that a handful of European media still cannot provide impartial reportage despite the historical evidence due to hidden reasons behind it. Among them, the “Mirror” Weekly (Der Spiegel), a German newsmagazine, acts like the Dalai Lama’s personal medium, extolling him with every endeavor for over a decade; during this wave of criticism, it still tries to speak for the Dalai Lama in an attempt to mitigate the effect of reporting on the historical facts that “the Dalai Lama is a hypocrite.” As for the Austria media, they are still immersed in the Dalai Lama's visit to Austria (May 17-26); after they have managed to catch up with this wave of news reporting, The Press (Die Presse), with the reporting that the Dalai Lama did receive subsidy from the CIA to train Tibetan guerilla forces, maneuvers “anti-logic” to appease the criticisms from the internet that “the Dalai Lama is a swindler” by the following argument: In the early nineties, the documentary films aired in BBC already revealed the CIA scheme. This is not news anymore; in a way, the Dalai Lama was not lying.

The Dalai Lama’s connection with the CIA is nothing new, but the main reason why such “old news” could spring into the headlines of prominent European media this June is as follows: The Dalai Lama seems to be an icon of peace who not only repels violence, advocates benevolence, but is also an influential Buddhist representative in Westerners’ mind. However, such an image of absolute peace and non-violence has been utterly subverted due to the exposure of these violent historical facts such as his connections with the CIA as well as the Tibetan guerilla forces. The whole process, in which the Dalai’s peace image is overturned by the devastating truth, sends shock waves throughout European mass media.

Chairman Zhang Gongpu of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation indicates that, although a handful of European media are mesmerized by the Dalai’s halo (Nobel peace laureate), intimidated by the enormous political power of Tibetan “Buddhism,” and try to evade the undeniable historical evidence, most of the media still deserve praise for their professional reporting on the historical facts that the Dalai Lama was connected with Tibetan guerilla forces and the CIA and he supports violent secession; this is because history will be eventually scrutinized by the public eye; the more historical records are revealed, the more it goes to show the violent nature of the Dalai Lama, who indeed violates the Buddhist precepts. We can conclude that Tibetan “Buddhism” is only a fake Buddhism, and the Dalai Lama is by no means a Buddhist.

Editor’s Note:

This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on

September 1, 2012.
BBC News - Obama's meeting with Dalai Lama irks China

The US leader vowed "strong support" for the protection of Tibetans' human rights in China during the encounter.

China had urged the US to cancel the meeting, saying it would "seriously impair China-US relations".

Beijing described the Dalai Lama as a separatist, while the spiritual leader said he only advocates greater autonomy for Tibet, not independence.
besides some lip services, what obama can do exactly??? :rofl:

some $ support some tibetians to burn themselves to ashes???

It only makes CCP even more resolved when dealing with tibetian separatists.

Barack Obama offers 'strong support' for Tibet rights in talks with Dalai Lama
World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: February 22, 2014


The Dalai Lama speaks at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) during a panel discussion in Washington DC on February 20, 2014
Washington: US President Barack Obama on Friday offered "strong support" for Tibetans' human rights in a meeting with the region's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama that defied China.

"The president reiterated his strong support for the preservation of Tibet's unique religious, cultural, and linguistic traditions and the protection of human rights for Tibetans in the People's Republic of China," a White House statement said.

The White House said that Obama supported the Dalai Lama's "Middle Way" path of peaceful dialogue and encouraged China to resume long-stalled talks with the exiled leader or his representatives.

The statement rejected Beijing's charges that the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace laureate and self-described pacifist, had a separatist agenda and that his meeting was part of a plot to split China.

"The president reiterated the US position that Tibet is part of the People's Republic of China and that the United States does not support Tibet independence.

"The Dalai Lama stated that he is not seeking independence for Tibet and hopes that dialogue between his representatives and the Chinese government will resume," it said.

Mao let him go more than 40 years ago. Otherwise, you think he could escape into india???

If we want him dead, we would have already eliminated him long time ago.

Assassinating head of a major buddhist school of thought would pan out horribly even for retarded China. Retard think he could get away by assassinating someone who is considered equivalent to pope in Buddhism.

Can this dalai lama collect 1 cent tax, nominate even the lowest level officials or ....???

It cannot do a damn thing in tibet.

So stop this type of nonsense. head my axx.

The reality is Dalai Lama is still the head of Tibetan Buddhism, so Chinese ranting is mainly useless.

If idiots like you can take some time to do research, you will find tibetians and uighurs flourish better under CCP's rule than under any other dynasties.

Only those separatists from those who conduct terrorist activities will be treated as terrorists.

Yeah I know what you means with terrorists ( the ethnics that China want to kill ). similar to Uighurs in Xinjiang
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Tibet is under our administration. Without China, Tibet is still poor.

Look, Dalai Lama is struggling. No one could split Tibet from China.
If idiots like you can take some time to do research, you will find tibetians and uighurs flourish better under CCP's rule than under any other dynasties.

Only those separatists from those who conduct terrorist activities will be treated as terrorists.

If you don't read anything beside your argument, no one could understand why Tibet and Xinjiang residents still protest the occupation of China ...
The problem is it won't impair US-China relations. That's why US do not give a shit. Chinese Foreign ministry should have just ignore this than it would not be news. You can't call "all in" all the time as it shows your bluff.
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