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Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

Maybe that is better? For there to be no global hegemon, no sole superpower, no unipolar world?

Instead, I look forward to a multipolar world, where all the great powers act to balance each other out, without any one nation having sole global leadership and hegemony.

won't happen , we won't allow you carte blanche bullying of neighbours
Yah...except in the case of Mao's atrocities, they are not quacks, kooks, and attention getters. They are eyewitnesses, scholars, and peer reviewed papers of major and respected universities, think tanks, and human rights organizations. Heck they are the facts about the long murderous history of communist rule in China that one can find in any reputable encyclopedia, high school or college history book, and not just in "the West". The "birthers, truthers, moon landing" conspiracy nuts are just that; nut-birds and kooks who believe fluoride is a communist conspiracy and the government is shooting microwaves into their brains so wear an aluminium hat! Not so with scholars who have a Harvard chair in History or of Chinese scholars at respected universities and foundations for example, who have painstakingly documented Mao and communist atrocities in China. The facts are pretty easy to find online, you know. :agree:
Chinese lived through all those period. We do not need a Harvard history professor or some other self-righteous individual/organization to tell us what really happened.

As for Mao, he lead China through uncharted territory in order to realize the China dream. The Chinese people did followed his lead, mistake were made, lesson were learned and foundation were laid that leads to China today.

FYI, Chinese has Taoism as world view, from Yin and yang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang, which are often shortened to "yin-yang" or "yin yang", are concepts used to describe how apparently opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

Chinese take comprehensive view on all things and arrived at a assessment. Chinese recognized not only Mao's mistake but also Mao's positive contributions.

From Global Times's editorial, Mao denigration driven by political motives - Global Times
Mao denigration driven by political motives
Source:Global Times Published: 2013-12-22 23:58:04

December 26, only a few days away, marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong. On the Internet, there has been fierce debate between those who are pro-Mao and those who disparage him. Some foreign media even created a new word for this particular day - "Mao-mas." The day may serve as a time when the world comments on his merits and faults. Perhaps the term "Mao-mas" will become popular as time goes by.

Given the sentiment that you demonstrated, I guess you would be very surprise that there are active discussion/debate in China about Mao's good and bad.

BTW, Mao-mas is a word play on Christmas. As in Merry Mao-mas.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese people led by Mao initiated a revolution that brought about the most profound changes China had seen over the last few centuries. The aftermath of such changes is still under discussion today. Even when he has already passed away for 37 years, it is difficult to disregard the history of Mao's era to make a judgment about him, because we are still more or less influenced by his era, and an evaluation of his legacy will be affected by ideologies.

As you can see, Mao has become symbolism that were used by both opposite camp of political ideology. This leads to both over inflated and deflated characterization of Mao's achievements and mistakes.

We must admit that Deng Xiaoping's remark about Mao's life that he was "70 percent right and 30 percent wrong" represents the mainstream ideas about Mao. As the Cultural Revolution faded, most Chinese people began to recognize his mistakes as well as his achievements. That Mao is a great man has a strong foundation in Chinese society. Some think Mao has had an infamous reputation in society. This is only a naïve delusion of these people.

Deng's comment, 1980: Deng Xiaoping comments on Mao Zedong Thought
1980: Deng Xiaoping comments on Mao Zedong Thought
On October 25, 1980, Deng Xiaoping said that Mao Zedong's thought was the implementation and development of Marxism and Leninism and was the guiding principle of the Party.

Difference arose among 4,000 CPC high officials on whether to include Mao Zedong Thought when they were discussing the draft "Resolution Regarding Certain Historical Problems of the Party since the Founding of PRC." Deng emphasized that Mao Zedong's thought could not be omitted. It was not only a theoretical issue, but also a political issue at home and abroad.

"The cultural revolution is indeed a blunder. We should sturdily criticize the blunder made by Mao Zedong in his later years. But still we should stick to the truth. And we should not attribute all the mistakes to Mao Zedong's character. Mao Zedong is not an isolated person. He remains our Party leader until he passes away. We should not overwrite Mao Zedong's mistake. Humiliating Mao Zedong is humiliating our Party, our country. This is against the historical facts."

What ever happened, the Chinese people did it and lived through it together.
We do not need outsider with ulterior motive and limited knowledge to tell us what to think, we can form our own opinion.
Dwelling in the past is unproductive, we would just move on.
You are talking like a wannabe God himself, I bet you grand parents have immigrated to the US too, why you do not go back from where you came.
Iraq enjoyed a high standard of living for all its population, the kurds were used by the west Against Syria Turkey, Iran and Iraq alike.It is your authorities USrael that has staged the 9/11 affair and has given te green light to Saddam to invade Kuwait, that is why you went there not for democracy or the kurds. The same with afghanistan. What did you achieve apart from death and destruction going on in those lands up till now with daily bombings and deaths.
And you are proud of your failures!?
If you think 9-11-01 was staged you are either nuts or an idiot, but just as with 1000 I see you are yet another brave defender of your ideals from the freedom, prosperity, and security, of NATO Canada, the evil West that is blamed for everything by people not "man enough" to take responsibility for their own countries! Are you actually a citizen of Canada? If so then I hope you earned the right to critisize your Candaian soldiers actions in places like Iraq and Afghanistan by actually serving Queen and country and not simply enjoying it's prosperity and freedom while other Canadian boys did your fighting for you. Like I said, you guys have absolutely zero credibility with me. You are utter hypocrites. And as for my family?


Robert Jackson? He's my 8th great-grandfather. His father Richard, my 9th great-grand, came to America in 1627 but you are missing the point. It isn't when they came here. It's about posting on PDF about how evil and terrible and responsible the "West" is, that NATO countries are,..........while living in the lap of prosperity, democracy, and the freedom of one of those countries!!! That is the very definition of ingrate, hypocrite. Zero, zilch, no credibility with me.
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If you think 9-11-01 was staged you are either nuts or an idiot, but just as with 1000 I see you are yet another brave defender of your ideals from the freedom, prosperity, and security, of NATO Canada, the evil West that is blamed for everything by people not "man enough" to take responsibility for their own countries! Are you actually a citizen of Canada? If so then I hope you earned the right to critisize your Candaian soldiers actions in places like Iraq and Afghanistan by actually serving Queen and country and not simply enjoying it's prosperity and freedom while other Canadian boys did your fighting for you. Like I said, you guys have absolutely zero credibility with me. You are utter hypocrites. And as for my family?


Robert Jackson? He's my 8th great-grandfather. His father Richard, my 9th great-grand, came to America in 1627 but you are missing the point. It isn't when they came here. It's about posting on PDF about how evil and terrible and responsible the "West" is, that NATO countries are,..........while living in the lap of prosperity, democracy, and the freedom of one of those countries!!! That is the very definition of ingrate, hypocrite. Zero, zilch, no credibility with me.

Sorry to have raised your ire to this idiotic level.
You do not know from where I come so please keep your narratives for yourself.
As for freedom, I do believe in the freedom that the founding fathers of the USA thought of not the fake one imposed by the Zionists to advance their agendas at any price, be it American or Canadian or European lives, not to forget the lives of innocent people lost to these lost lives and souls.
The difference here is that you are too emotional, that blinds you from reality altogether.
Its true if you look at history. Both world wars were ended when the US stepped in against the invading alliances.
japanese games. anime

You are right about Japanese penetration of global markets but the thing to note is that both these products -- games and anime -- have very little Japanese cultural content. They are predominantly set in a Western or neutral context and they don't feature human heroes with Asiatic features.

If China or Japan get to the point where Asian men and women are the main characters in regular TV shows around the world, then we can start comparing it to the American media conquest.
Sorry to have raised your ire to this idiotic level.
You do not know from where I come so please keep your narratives for yourself.
As for freedom, I do believe in the freedom that the founding fathers of the USA thought of not the fake one imposed by the Zionists to advance their agendas at any price, be it American or Canadian or European lives, not to forget the lives of innocent people lost to these lost lives and souls.
The difference here is that you are too emotional, that blinds you from reality altogether.
And I'm guessing from your response that you don't have the guts to say. You just love running down other people's countries and cultures without fear of anyone calling your's to task, right? It doesn't matter in any event. If you're Canadian, then you should be ashamed of yourself for holding in such contempt your own country and her soldiers and sailors and their efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, who have fought and died while you bad-mouthed them but enjoyed the freedom they provide. If you are not from Canada, then you are a hypocrite and ingrate, for sucking off their teet of prosperity and freedom of that country as a disloyal immigrant, as you accuse them of the worst evil and actually despise the very culture that you have become a citizen of. If you are still a foreign national, then you are like 1000, one of these PDF anti-Western, anti-NATO, "patriots" who rail on and on, about the evils of the west....from the freedom, comfort, and security, of just such a Western country. Meanwhile, 'Western' men were sacrificing and dying to build up the country that he came from. In any case, it certainly makes one understand more clearly why the anti-immigrant parties are on the rise in Europe.
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When it gets to be over 30 million, how much more do you need to prove what a monstrosity communist rule has been? You keep saying, "Where is your evidence?" and yet I have posted two links detailing how scholars, some Chinese, using Chinese records, detail that for example, Mao's atrocities numbered well over the 45 million that died in just a few years of the so called, 'Great Leap Forward'.

So, let me get this straight. Because the USA sends it's military into say, Afghanistan, as a response to the attack of 9-11-01 being launched from there, or because we go into Iraq, at the behest of the United Nations, YOU think that means that Chinese tanks were justified in crushing the pro-democracy movement in your country and justify your support for your blood-soaked communist party and the extinguishing of any movement toward democracy and individual rights in your country? That is truly bizarre reasoning. :cuckoo:

There's no justification for killing of civilians in any country. Not even for US under the name of freedom or democracy! Given the dirty history of mass murdering native Americans, slavery and racism in the US you are in no position to criticize the past of other countries in a pathetic way. How many millions of people around the globe have been killed in the conflicts or wars initiated by the US after WWII? Do you believe that only the US soldiers got a damn licence to kill and could get away with it in a good name?

Everybody knows CCP has terminated their communist goal and China is practicing a mixture of good socialism and capitalism. There exist, only in the US, brainwashed eggheads like you that are still delusional.
Obama administration is becoming more and more hysteric about China.
Ah, yet another poster who rails on and on about how everything is the West's fault and how evil NATO countries were regarding Iraq. So evil....that you moved to one to enjoy it's freedom, its democracy, it's security, it's prosperity. You guys have absolutely zero credibility with me. You know who else didn't give a damn about the plight of the Kurds, Shias, and everyone else in Iraq? You. Instead of living off the freedoms in Europe that those dreaded Westerners have built for centuries while you bad-mouth them, why don't you be a man and go back to your homeland and fight the good fight, because buddy, while you've been sucking off the Western teet, here is a list of my countrymen who will never see their families again, while fighting to build a new Iraq based on representative government and respect for religious and ethnic minorities. Aren't happy with the way it turned out? Well then how 'bout you stop kibitzing the impossibly difficult task they had to accomplish while enjoying the Western freedom they provided for you and get your butt on a plane back to Iraq and act like a real man and take responsibility for your own country so American men don't have to again!

I'm not anti west neither do I hate this state or NATO. However i'm not in favor of bullshitting everyone about how the USA cares about everyone, cares about us so much that they brought us 'freedom & democracy'.
Western civilization started not long ago compared to the Middle Eastern one, every civilization has it's time now it's the west so save me that speech as well.

This is about the leaders of the US, not you & other military personnel. They can do us and everyone else a favor so you won't have to get your countrymen killed either, don't put sanctions on life supplies to genocide people and don't bomb them. Then you won't have to lose anyone either. Most of America's wars are to keep their superpower status, back in the cold war your wars were to reach the superpower status, none of them are about defending the US anymore, Iraq is not even capable of reaching the US to start with let alone all the other states that went through war with the US of which most did not even have any ballistic missile.

The coup the US supported, it gives you an idea that they started messing around way before the Saddam chapter, all so that a pro US Iraq would come to existence as that helped in the war against the Soviets.
Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Add to that Iran, Mossadegh.

Do everyone a favor by not bombing them instead, it'll save the life's of your friends as well, me & you happy. 500.000 dead children because of the sanctions, shouldn't we call it genocide ? But the US will get away with it being the strongest state.
I'm not anti west neither do I hate this state or NATO. However i'm not in favor of bullshitting everyone about how the USA cares about everyone, cares about us so much that they brought us 'freedom & democracy'.
Western civilization started not long ago compared to the Middle Eastern one, every civilization has it's time now it's the west so save me that speech as well.

This is about the leaders of the US, not you & other military personnel. They can do us and everyone else a favor so you won't have to get your countrymen killed either, don't put sanctions on life supplies to genocide people and don't bomb them. Then you won't have to lose anyone either. Most of America's wars are to keep their superpower status, back in the cold war your wars were to reach the superpower status, none of them are about defending the US anymore, Iraq is not even capable of reaching the US to start with let alone all the other states that went through war with the US of which most did not even have any ballistic missile.

The coup the US supported, it gives you an idea that they started messing around way before the Saddam chapter, all so that a pro US Iraq would come to existence as that helped in the war against the Soviets.
Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Add to that Iran, Mossadegh.

Do everyone a favor by not bombing them instead, it'll save the life's of your friends as well, me & you happy. 500.000 dead children because of the sanctions, shouldn't we call it genocide ? But the US will get away with it being the strongest state.
Why don't you "patriots" who whine about how the USA is handling your country's affairs actually get off your butts, get on a plane then, and do the job that American men are having to do while you live in the security, freedom, and prosperity of a NATO country?
Why don't you "patriots" who whine about how the USA is handling your country's affairs actually get off your butts, get on a plane then, and do the job that American men are having to do while you live in the security, freedom, and prosperity of a NATO country?

USA isn't handling anything, so much for a strategic partner as the US calls it, they even refuse to sell effective weaponry, they supply very little ammo/bombs so that they make sure Iraq doesn't do anything beyond what the US wants, approving Apaches took the US months close to a year because some trash called Menendez didn't like the idea of selling Apaches to a state not allied to the US.

Iraq is not short of manpower, they have enough people. They are in need of an effective intel agency, an organized military, police and government to root out the corruption. That will take a lot of time.
I can go and join though it doesn't matter whether I go or not, the past remains the same which can be pointed out by me or someone else.

Besides you didn't even respond to anything I said, you just held your speech.


It doesn't matter anyway, i'm not interested since it already happened. Just pointing out that the US started the wars to keep hegemony, your reasons of Saddam's barbaric behavior wasn't why the US brought us their democracy.
USA isn't handling anything, so much for a strategic partner as the US calls it, they even refuse to sell effective weaponry, they supply very little ammo/bombs so that they make sure Iraq doesn't do anything beyond what the US wants, approving Apaches took the US months close to a year because some trash called Menendez didn't like the idea of selling Apaches to a state not allied to the US.

Iraq is not short of manpower, they have enough people. They are in need of an effective intel agency, an organized military, police and government to root out the corruption. That will take a lot of time.
I can go and join though it doesn't matter whether I go or not, the past remains the same which can be pointed out by me or someone else.

Besides you didn't even respond to anything I said, you just held your speech.
Who do you think fought and died to build that Iraqi security and intel, and for that matter, roads and medical care and reconstruction? Well, one group were the nearly 4,500 of my countrymen who gave their lives in that effort....while you sat in the comfort of the Netherlands. That is what gets my ire. That is why you and those like you, have no credibility with me. That's why I don't respond to your running down my country's actions.
Obama administration is becoming more and more hysteric about China.
US want China
to directly confront them now when China's military is still modernizing. Chinese leaders are too smart for that.
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