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Obama Said to Invite Vietnam's President to Washington


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Amazing, that is nice if true. :smokin:

Obama Said to Invite Vietnam's President to Washington

ASIA NEWS Updated July 10, 2013, 7:23 p.m. ET
The Wallstreet Journal


Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang (left) meets the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing on June 20, 2013 during his two-day visit to China. President Barack Obama has invited Sang to visit the United States this month, sources said Wednesday, July 10, 2013. AFP PHOTO

HANOI—President Truong Tan Sang of Vietnam has been invited by President Barack Obama to visit the White House this month, according to people in Vietnam familiar with the matter, in what would be only the third presidential state visit between the two countries since diplomatic relations were established in 1995.

"President Sang has received the invitation from President Obama for a visit before the end of July and both sides are preparing for the trip," one of the people familiar with the planning said Wednesday.

An official announcement will be made after details of the agenda are worked out, the people said.

A spokesman for the White House National Security Council said the Obama administration had "nothing to announce at this point" about a possible visit by the Vietnamese leader.

The two countries have had delicate relations due partly to U.S. concerns over the communist country's handling of dissent. On Tuesday, the trial of prominent dissident Le Quoc Quan was postponed indefinitely because the judge was sick, state media reported.

But the U.S. remains Vietnam's No. 2 trading partner after China, and Vietnam has posted growing trade surpluses since 1997. In 2012, Vietnam recorded a surplus of $15.6 billion, versus $13.2 billion in 2011, according to U.S. data.

Defense relations have also developed, most recently with a visit to the Pentagon in June by Senior Lt. Gen. Do Ba Ty, the Vietnamese army's chief of general staff and deputy defense minister. Gen. Ty met with U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey. The two countries stepped up cooperation with their first high-level defense dialogue in August 2010, amid concerns over China's military buildup.

The Obama administration has responded to concerns over China's increasingly assertive posture in the region by announcing a refocused defense posture toward Asia.

Vietnam and the U.S. have so far discussed bilateral cooperation for maritime security, search and rescue operations, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

Mr. Sang recently completed a three-day trip to China, where he met President Xi Jinping. A joint statement refrained from touching on tensions between Hanoi and Beijing over conflicting claims to the South China Sea, parts of which are also claimed by other neighbors.

A visit to Washington would be the first by Mr. Sang since he took office in July 2011. He did meet Mr. Obama that November in Hawaii during a summit of countries involved in establishing the nascent Trans-Pacific Partnership trade grouping.

Vietnam and the U.S. established diplomatic relations in 1995, two decades after the country unified with the defeat of U.S.-backed South Vietnam by the communist North. Human-rights concerns have complicated relations and the countries' top leaders have had only two official visits. President Bill Clinton visited Vietnam in November 2000 and President Nguyen Minh Triet came to the Bush White House in June 2007.

Write to Nguyen Pham Muoi at phammuoi.nguyen@dowjones.com

Obama Said to Invite Vietnam's President to Washington - WSJ.com
So now Vietnam and the US are alliances.
Good move for Vietnam actually. together Vietnam and the US can fight the mutual enemy (we all know who)
So now Vietnam and the US are alliances.
Good move for Vietnam actually. together Vietnam and the US can fight the mutual enemy (we all know who)
ahem...I think it is too early for an alliance, unless China runs mad and threatens Vietnam amid the dispute. But at the moment the Sino-Vietnam relationship has improved a lot. Let wait how it develops.

Uncle Sam should forget the last war, ends arms embargo and provides financial support to the Vietnamese army. A strong Vietnam is good for all in the region.
if every time head of state met, a new alliance is formed. The world would be a very harmonious place.

Perhaps those die hard patriots are hoping for a communist ally?
if every time head of state met, a new alliance is formed. The world would be a very harmonious place.
Perhaps those die hard patriots are hoping for a communist ally?
That would be a major world news if two different partners, two former foes, capitalism and communism, shake hands, join a alliance to counter the greedy Chinese. :lol:

I think more or less, this action is one way to say: hei, be careful with me and my friends...
It is more. At present we are NOT in any alliance, maybe Mr Obama wants his Marines to return to Vietnam.
The U.S. wants to remain the Nr #1 in East Asia. They hate competition.

i'm not an expert , but Obama said that the 21st century is the century of east asia , so that must have mean there's something to be done there in east asia :D
That would be a major world news if two different partners, two former foes, capitalism and communism, shake hands, join a alliance to counter the greedy Chinese. :lol:

It is more. At present we are NOT in any alliance, maybe Mr Obama wants his Marines to return to Vietnam.

Oh, I see. That makes sense. I just wonder from the first place that is why Vietnam is now quite 'close' to the US, there must be some reason behind that because we all know that they had history issue (which is not existed anymore but might affect present relation).
I just told my assumption. every time visiting between two nations, there always must be reasons behind that.
Oh, I see. That makes sense. I just wonder from the first place that is why Vietnam is now quite 'close' to the US, there must be some reason behind that because we all know that they had history issue (which is not existed anymore but might affect present relation).
I just told my assumption. every time visiting between two nations, there always must be reasons behind that.
The reason is very simple: China-Russia are getting stronger , they can take Japan-S.korea any time they want and US must do something to remain balance , so they found that shaking hands with VN is the best choice.

Only VN can stop China's expansion to the South , VN also can't harm to US's core interest . Collaborating with Vn will bring mutial benefit for both :pop:
So now Vietnam and the US are alliances.
Good move for Vietnam actually. together Vietnam and the US can fight the mutual enemy (we all know who)
The U.S is still putting Viet Nam under arms ambargo:angry:

Until the arms embargo is lifted, then we talk further.....
A Vietnam-USA alliance is a great idea. This gives China the perfect excuse to roll across the border with our armored divisions into Hanoi!
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