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Obama might send troops into Pakistan

Two amazing things here: firstly that an up until now credible politician can turn out to be such an idiot as to make GW look intelligent: and secondly he can get so close to running America.
Two amazing things here: firstly that an up until now credible politician can turn out to be such an idiot as to make GW look intelligent: and secondly he can get so close to running America.


The man is **** as a doorknob. I really don't think the US has anything to worry about.

Here is why:

I don't think the US is ready to accept a woman or a non-white as a president. Call me corny if you will, but I really think so. If that is all the Democrats have to offer, the GOP will win hands down, no matter how weak a candidate they present. Americans vote with their gut not their head.

I welcome your comments.
Wow I never thought I'd see the day when a man makes George W Bush look intelligent. America you do yourselves proud!:enjoy:
Obama's threat to strike Pakistan
US politicians must have better grasp of issues
Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri is fully justified in expressing his and his government's sense of outrage at a recent comment by a US politician. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama stated the other day that if he won the White House he would not hesitate to order unilateral military strikes against terrorist targets inside Pakistan. Mr. Obama's comments are only the latest in a line from Washington, where powerful men have clearly opined that the American military could go into action against Taliban and al-Qaeda elements inside Pakistan in a bid to finish them off or smoke them out. Clearly, the American point of view has been dictated by the fact that Pakistan's own military and intelligence services have to date been unable to rein the terrorists in. American frustration is therefore pretty much understandable, but not acceptable. Moreover, when Obama is willing to negotiate with leaders of states the US has reservations about, it makes little sense why he must treat Pakistan with such contempt.

The frustration a state feels over the inability of another to do what must be done can never be an excuse to say or do things that can leave international law turned on its head. Of course there have been violations of Pakistani territorial integrity in recent times by the US military, but to suggest that it can or should be accepted as a normal affair would be morally and politically wrong. Senator Obama, waging an uphill battle to prevent the Democratic nomination for the presidency from going into Senator Hillary Clinton's hands, was without doubt trying to score political points with his threat to strike targets in Pakistan. But it was politics that demonstrated an embarrassingly poor understanding of relations between states and, on a broader level, of the ramifications that might follow an assault by a sovereign state on another. The senator appeared not to be worried that he was speaking of striking targets in a country that remains operational as an independent state. In other words, in his own partisan political interest, he was quite willing to undermine the security of a state whose particular problems he may not even be aware of.

Senator Obama and others like him, in America and elsewhere, will need to demonstrate a better grasp of international affairs. The urge for power must be accompanied by a willingness to be responsible in behaviour. Anything less than that is a sign of immaturity as well as a hint of future danger.


The man is **** as a doorknob. I really don't think the US has anything to worry about.

Here is why:

I don't think the US is ready to accept a woman or a non-white as a president. Call me corny if you will, but I really think so. If that is all the Democrats have to offer, the GOP will win hands down, no matter how weak a candidate they present. Americans vote with their gut not their head.

I welcome your comments.
I honestly don't know. I do know that the bulk of the American public wouldn't mind, but the electoral system is geared toward white protestant. I think the greatest impediment is not that the American public wouldn't vote for a Clinton or Obama, but that it's assumed they couldn't win and therefore won't get the nomination.
By all rights the democrats, even given their incompetence, should win this presidency in a cake walk. That means that either a black man or a white woman should be the next president. If the Democrats don't shoot themselves in the foot and they DON"T win the next election, you'll have been proved right.;)

When pakistan was doing enough till last year, they were saying' you are not doing enough'. So pakistan made a peace deal and stepped back. Guess what---we found out right away that pakistan was doing a lot at that time because time showed us that the taliban style raids increased. So, instead for thanking us at that time, our arse was being chewed for no reason.

They are at it again----pakistan must state clearly----results are right in front of your face---it is the others that are not doing enough.

So, Obama's dad was a muslim---so would there ever be a time that he see's the light and converts to his father's religion. Can one imagine an elected president and declaringto be a muslim.

Allah indeed works in strange ways.

From NBC's Lauren Appelbaum and Andrew Merten

Here's their actual exchange over Pakistan... Obama said, I find it amusing that those who helped to authorize and engineer the biggest foreign policy in our generation are now criticizing me for making sure we are on the right battlefield and not the wrong battlefield in the war against terrorism. Chris [Dodd], respectfully, and you and I are close friends, but the fact is, you obviously didn't read my speeech because what I said is that we have to refocus, get out of Iraq, make certain that we care helping Pakistan deal with Al Qaeda, Afghanistan as well, in the hills of Pakistan. But ... Chris, if we have actionable intelligence on Al Qaeda operatives including bin Laden and president Musharraf who cannot act, then we should. I think that's just common sense."

Said Clinton: "Well, I do not believe people running for president should engage in hypotheticals and it may well be that the strategy we have to pursue on the basis of actionable intelligence -- but remember we've had some real difficult experience with actionable intelligence... But I think it is a very big mistake to telegraph that and to destabilize the Mushareff regime, which is fighting for its life against Islamic extremists, who are in bed with al-Qaeda and Taliban. And remember, Pakistan has nuclear weapons. The last thing we want is to have al-Qaeda like followers in charge of Pakistan and having access to nuclear weapons. So, you can think big, but remember, you shouldn't always say everything you think if you're running for president because it can have consequences across the world, and we don't need that right now."
^^Yes that's the real thing, I don't know why press has twisted the words.
There are lot of 'IF' in his statement. Please, listen your self the real words.

This is Obama vs Hillary over Pakistan.
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Obama vows to hunt Al Qaeda in Pakistan

* US presidential hopeful says US made mistake by relying on Musharraf

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Criticising the Bush administration’s reliance on President Pervez Musharraf’s role in the war on terror, United States presidential hopeful Barack Obama has vowed to go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan.

News One TV channel on Friday quoted him as saying in a CNN Democratic presidential debate in Austin, Texas, that the US had made a mistake by putting all its “eggs in the Musharraf basket”. He said the US should go after Al Qaeda and make sure that Pakistan was serious about hunting down terrorists and expanding democratic rule.

Promising that he would do everything to keep America safe if he were to become president, Obama said, “I will do whatever is required to accomplish that. I will not hesitate to act against those that would do America harm.”

The Democratic senator also attacked rival Hillary Clinton for her decision to support US troop deployment to Iraq. Terming the military’s intervention in Iraq as the “single-most important foreign policy decision of this generation”, he said, “I believe I showed the judgment of a commander-in-chief [by standing against troop deployment]. And I think that Senator Clinton was wrong in her judgments on that.”

The Illinois senator also suggested that sending US forces to Iraq had negatively impacted military operations in Afghanistan.
unfortunately, obama has overwhelming support from muslims. people are so stupid here. most people are voting for him, simply because he's black and claims to respect islam. some people i know here, in all their wisdom, think that by pulling out of iraq, obama is helping the ummah. no one seems to realize pakistan is the only muslim nuc-state. gosh, this is driving me nuts.
most of the stuff the he mentioned proves that he's idiot, he's resorting to common one-liners that cheer up the ignorant population.
Thats a new problem in the making for our new government.:undecided:

When this Obama will come in power he will know the ground realities.

If he doesnt .

Then I fear that Pakistans honey moon with Americans will end.

Cuz the new gov in pakistan will be a democratic one which will be very much sensitive on this issues specially when the collation would contain people like Nawaz.

With new gov in Pakistan and Obama in washington and not
realizing ground situation.

I see a real confrontation.:guns:

And by the way its not that much easy to bully a country like pakistan.
In the air, the US will rule supreme. Of that there is no doubt.

But in a ground attack, is where the US will have all the problems.

no buddy USA rules the ground supreme too
but yes pakistan is one country that wil make vietnam iraq and afghanistan combined look like a walkin the park

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