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Obama In India!!

Obama sure looks desperate nowadays...after effects of American & British defeat in Afghanistan & Pakistan.
Yes he is afraid of Pakistan that is why he had to call Nawaz Sharif to mollycoddle him

Obama phones Pakistan PM after announcing India trip
Chidanand Rajghatta,TNN | Nov 22, 2014, 05.31 AM IST

WASHINGTON: Hours after the White House publicly confirmed that President Obama will be the chief guest at India's Republic Day, the US president phoned Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to tell him that Washington values its ties with Islamabad.

The mollifying phone call made from Air Force One as Obama headed out to Las Vegas after announcing the India visit is ostensibly aimed at assuaging any feelings of hurt or pique in Islamabad, which has seen US-India ties grow steadily even as its own tormented relationship with Washington has floundered because of its dodgy stand on terrorism.

Having long demanded equal diplomatic treatment from the US vis-a-vis India, particularly in terms of presidential visits, Pakistan has lately found itself out in the cold despite its notional standing as a US ally. Earlierm president Clinton had visited Pakistan for five hours on his way back after a five-day visit to India in 2006. President Bush had too stopped by during his return from a 2006 trip to India in a visit that was shrouded in secrecy and tight security. The contrast to their India visit could not have been starker.

President Obama put an end to any such contrast or comparison by simply not going to Pakistan during his visit in 2010. Pakistan was promised that he would visit the country separately in 2011, but that pledge was effectively torpedoed when US forces found (and killed) Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad in May that year after years of suspicion that Pakistan was sheltering him.

The US president has now stepped it up several notches with New Delhi by accepting Prime Minister Modi's invitation to be the chief guest on India's Republic Day. The gesture goes far beyond a ceremonial commitment considering India now displays its military might, including its latest hardware, during the Republic Day parade. New Delhi wheeled out its latest nuclear capable Agni-5 missile in the 2013 Republic Day parade.

While the White House was circumspect on Obama's phone call to Sharif, the Pakistani foreign office said the country's prime minister asked Obama to play a role in resolving the Kashmir issue when he travels to India, while blaming New Delhi for the current deadlock in bilateral talks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"The Prime Minister (Nawaz Sharif) referred to his visit to India earlier this year, which was aimed at taking Pakistan-India relations forward. Subsequent unfortunate steps on India's part, including cancellation of foreign secretary level talks and the unprovoked firing across the LoC/Working Boundary resulting in civilian casualties, indicated that India was averse to normalization of relations with Pakistan," a statement from the Pakistan's foreign office said.

"Thus, while we remain open to the resumption of bilateral dialogue, the onus is on India to create a conducive environment in this regard. President Obama expressed his understanding for our position," it added.

The statement said that Sharif recalled his invitation extended to Obama in Washington to visit Pakistan and said he conveyed the expectation of the people of Pakistan to welcome President Obama sometime in the future. Obama have also assured Sharif that he would undertake a visit to Pakistan at an early date, "as soon as the situation normalizes in the country," according to the statement.

But the White House readout on the call made no mention of Kashmir or any prospective visit to Pakistan.

The White House statement reads: President Obama spoke by phone today with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan to discuss efforts by the United States and Pakistan to advance shared interests in a stable, secure, and prosperous Pakistan and region. President Obama and Prime Minister Sharif reaffirmed the valued relationship between the two countries and the importance of the US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue as a framework for guiding the bilateral relationship. The two leaders reiterated their commitment to combat terrorism and extremism and to promote peace and stability in the region. The President welcomed Pakistan's improved relations with the new Afghan government.

Pakistan's ministry of foreign affairs statement reads: President Barak Obama of the United States of America called the Prime Minister on telephone this evening. During their exchanges marked by cordiality, Pakistan-US bilateral relations and the evolving situation in the region, were discussed.

During the conversation, the Prime Minister recalled his warm and friendly meeting with the US President in Washington in October last year and their subsequent interaction at the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague in March this year. The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction at the direction of Pakistan-US relations which were on an upward trajectory, since his government came to power last year. President Obama noted that Pakistan-US relations were strong and robust. He was pleased to see that the Government had determined the right economic priorities and was successfully overcoming the challenges.

President Obama informed the Prime Minister of his forthcoming visit to India. Recalling his invitation extended in Washington, the Prime Minister conveyed the expectation of the people of Pakistan to welcome President Obama to Pakistan sometime in the future. The President also assured the Prime Minister that he would undertake a visit to Pakistan at an early date, as soon as the situation normalizes in the country.

Discussing the regional situation, the Prime Minister referred to the improvement of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, as manifest in President Ashraf Ghani's recent visit to Islamabad. The US President appreciated the Prime Minister's efforts in this regard and called it pivotal for the peace and stability in the region.

The Prime Minister referred to his visit to India earlier this year, which was aimed at taking Pakistan-India relations forward. Subsequent unfortunate steps on India's part, including cancellation of Foreign Secretary level talks and the unprovoked firing across the LoC/Working Boundary resulting in civilian casualties, indicated that India was averse to normalization of relations with Pakistan. Thus, while we remain open to the resumption of bilateral dialogue, the onus is on India to create a conducive environment in this regard. President Obama expressed his understanding for our position.

The Prime Minister also urged President Obama to take up the cause of Kashmir with the Indian leadership, as its early resolution would bring enduring peace, stability and economic cooperation to Asia.

The two leaders agreed to stay engaged to further strengthen Pakistan-US relations in their common desire to promote peace and prosperity in South Asia.

Obama phones Pakistan PM after announcing India trip - The Times of India
Obama have also assured Sharif that he would undertake a visit to Pakistan at an early date, "as soon as the situation normalizes in the country," according to the statement.
For the first time Indian republic day will have such a significant guest!! This is awesome news!!! Hail Modi!!!

Man, with each passing day I am becoming more and more of Modi fan( i was already one to start with) and I am well past the point of return!! I wish he remains the PM of India for the rest of his life!!!

If there is one area Modi has impressed highly so far, it's diplomacy. In other areas the jury is still out. Ironically diplomacy was one sector everyone was skeptical about before the elections citing lack of experience.
I mean seriously??? RD parade??
cant believe it..really!!
Any links?

Tourists like me would suffer.

Not just tourist but common delhiwala would also suffer ...... Btw r u coming India during that time ?
India is a big market , its obvious that USA want Indians in their league ... and India is also part of BRIC , so US will do its best to defect the relationship between Russians and Indians , we might be hearing same old Statements from Obama , that Pakistan should counter terrorist along LOC and finish terrorist hideouts blah blah blah ... after all modi will be in need of a black guy polishing his b@lls
Need some tissue papers? :lol:
Need some tissue papers? :lol:

lolz why ? Obama already called NS and take him in confidence over his trip to India .. and our COAS is already in US , meeting with high military officials and Congress leaders .... along with that , we are meeting with Russians .. its you who might use some tissue paper :)
lolz why ? Obama already called NS and take him in confidence over his trip to India .. and our COAS is already in US , meeting with high military officials and Congress leaders .... along with that , we are meeting with Russians .. its you who might use some tissue paper :)
This only shows u know nothing. Still u dare to keep itself at par with India in diplomacy?
No point talking to amateurs.
There are certain Issues which have to be discussed regarding invitation of US President Visit to India

a) Usually Republic Day Chief Guests travel in S-600 Mercedes Benz Pullman Guard Limousine along with Indian President,

question is Will Obama use his country Cadillac Limousine or Indian Government Mercedes Benz?

Some of the earlier Republic day function video reveals that Foreign Leaders who have been invited as Chief Guests have always preferred to Travel with Indian President on Republic Day.

Video Courtesy: Mr. Abingdon Boy

The video shows that the Chief Guest is travelling along with Indian president in our Government Mercedes Benz Car.

b) Security of the Chief Guest ( US President) will be handled by our SPG or US Secret Service.

c) will there be any restrictions regarding the visit...

There are certain Issues which have to be discussed regarding invitation of US President Visit to India

a) Usually Republic Day Chief Guests travel in S-600 Mercedes Benz Pullman Guard Limousine along with Indian President,

question is Will Obama use his country Cadillac Limousine or Indian Government Mercedes Benz?

Some of the earlier Republic day function video reveals that Foreign Leaders who have been invited as Chief Guests have always preferred to Travel with Indian President on Republic Day.

Video Courtesy: Mr. Abingdon Boy

The video shows that the Chief Guest is travelling along with Indian president in our Government Mercedes Benz Car.

b) Security of the Chief Guest ( US President) will be handled by our SPG or US Secret Service.

c) will there be any restrictions regarding the visit...


I dont know about other things. But US never allowed its president security on other forces, even in UK or France or in any friendly country. Secret Service always remain present for its president.
There are certain Issues which have to be discussed regarding invitation of US President Visit to India

a) Usually Republic Day Chief Guests travel in S-600 Mercedes Benz Pullman Guard Limousine along with Indian President,

question is Will Obama use his country Cadillac Limousine or Indian Government Mercedes Benz?
I'm almost certain Obama will be using the Cadillac in India ("The Beast") so either the two presidents (of India and the US) travel in their respective limousines (Cadillac and S-600 Pullman) separately one behind the other or the Indian president rides with Obama in the Cadillac.

b) Security of the Chief Guest ( US President) will be handled by our SPG or US Secret Service.

It's quite simple, it will be a joint effort. Whenever a head of state travels to a foreign land it is up to the hosts to provide security however the security of the head of state can and will still be handled by their own security. The US POTUS security is obviously elevated but it is not that unique. Look at when Modi travels abroad- Nepal, Bhutan, Fiji Australia or even the US- the SPG is still there, you can still see them providing the close protection to the PM. So whilst the Secret Service will still be around Obama there will be SPG in there also in both a liaison and security capacity. One only has to look back to Obama's visit in 2010- the SPG were there providing security for Obama also.

c) will there be any restrictions regarding the visit...

Restrictions like what?

Anyway for a security/motorcade junkie like me this will be a pretty exciting day- the POTUS's motorcade is always a pleasure to see as is the PM of India's but unlike the former, we rarely get to see the latter- R-day is one of the few occasions to see it in all its glory.
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