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Obama Cancels Summit With Putin

I love it when you guys think you are civilized and others are savages, despite the fact that your countries have the darkest histories, have fought the majority of wars in history and are responsible for death and suffering of hundreds of millions of people in past century.
If being civilized means something like that, we people prefer to stay uncivilized.

Sorry, but you need to look into what Eastern Europe went through under the Communist regimes after WW2. The Reds did to Germany and Eastern Europe what one can only describe as savage, barbaric, and subhuman like. Is it any wonder Eastern Europeans despise Communism so much?

And BTW, Eastern European countries and Germany didn't enslave Africans or starve 4 million Bengalis in india, neither did they invade Iraq, or occupy Afghanistan in 1979 and murder 1 million Afghans.

Flamer84 is an Indian, though since he is cheerleading for the West I guess he also considers himself to be a part of the West.

He's Rumanian.

The civilised world should impose sanctions against Russia :coffee:

I think its time Russia and Europe patch up and try to leave the past behind. EU and NATO have done very little to help Europe, rather they have dragged European countries into wars for israel and turned Europe in a multicultural social experiment.

Europe future now lies with Russia and Eastern European countries.
Sorry, but you need to look into what Eastern Europe went through under the Communist regimes after WW2. The Reds did to Germany and Eastern Europe what one can only describe as savage, barbaric, and subhuman like. Is it any wonder Eastern Europeans despise Communism so much?

And BTW, Eastern European countries and Germany didn't enslave Africans or starve 4 million Bengalis in india, neither did they invade Iraq, or occupy Afghanistan in 1979 and murder 1 million Afghans.

He's Rumanian.

I think its time Russia and Europe patch up and try to leave the past behind. EU and NATO have done very little to help Europe, rather they have dragged European countries into wars for israel and turned Europe in a multicultural social experiment.

Europe future now lies with Russia and Eastern European countries.

I said nothing about Communism in my post! Actually I despise communism the way it was being executed under USSR and its satellite states. There are other countries which are neither Western or Communists.

Btw, Communists also didn't start WW1 and WW II which caused more than 100 million deaths. The Eastern Europeans didn't attack Vietnam to cause hundreds of thousands of deaths. They didn't starve and bomb nearly 1 million Iraqis to death.The Communists didn't colonize Africa, didn't take its people their slaves, torture them and didn't steal their natural resources. They barely executed any coups to overthrow democratic governments. Communists never dropped nuclear weapons on 2 cities to vaporizes its people within minutes. The list goes on and it won't end.

Don't get me wrong, as I said I hate Communism and they weren't angels, but the 'Civilized World' has much more blood on its hands.
The civilised world should impose sanctions against Russia :coffee:

I know sucking up runs in your blood but let's look at this in a subjective manner. Russia has requested that the US extradite/not give political asylum to individuals, yet Washington ignored Russia. When the tables have turned and an American (Snowden) received political asylum, Washington was humiliated and in rage even though they have had a history of doing the same.

No surprise Obama and others in Washington through a hussy fit, after all diplomacy has never been a strong point of Obama especially since Obama is afraid of Putin. Then again Obama's advisers probably urged Obama to cancel since he coward down to Putin before.
US elites are offended because basically they are caught with pants down for entire world to see it:

1.) Chinese by giving loudspeaker to Snowden about NSA global spying network totally made joke of the US because for years it accused Beijing for the same thing and then to make things worse , in master chess move exported Snowden to Moscow....

2) Russians got vital info on US spying program and got unique chance to remind US officials on Russian "Snowdens" on US soil , rebuffing extradition and make Obama admin. look weak both externally and internally.
I said nothing about Communism in my post!
Well, i assumed you probably knew the reason why flamer84 made that comment about Russia. Eastern Europe suffered a great deal of repression and subjugation under the Soviet occupation and then the Communist regimes setup by the Soviets. Which is why to this day a lot of Eastern Europeans have this resentment towards Russia.

Actually I despise communism the way it was being executed under USSR and its satellite states. There are other countries which are neither Western or Communists.

Btw, Communists also didn't start WW1 and WW II which caused more than 100 million deaths. The Eastern Europeans didn't attack Vietnam to cause hundreds of thousands of deaths. They didn't starve and bomb nearly 1 million Iraqis to death.The Communists didn't colonize Africa, didn't take its people their slaves, torture them and didn't steal their natural resources. They barely executed any coups to overthrow democratic governments. Communists never dropped nuclear weapons on 2 cities to vaporizes its people within minutes. The list goes on and it won't end.

Don't get me wrong, as I said I hate Communism and they weren't angels, but the 'Civilized World' has much more blood on its hands.

It should be noted that once upon a time this very "civilized" world and Communism were bed buddies. In fact, the very banksters that run the West today and own the major financial institutions were the ones who funded the Red "revolution" in Russia and elsewhere (Rothschild).

BTW, Communism alone is responsible for the deaths of close to 200,000,000 people world wide.
Well, i assumed you probably knew the reason why flamer84 made that comment about Russia. Eastern Europe suffered a great deal of repression and subjugation under the Soviet occupation and then the Communist regimes setup by the Soviets. Which is why to this day a lot of Eastern Europeans have this resentment towards Russia.

It should be noted that once upon a time this very "civilized" world and Communism were bed buddies. In fact, the very banksters that run the West today and own the major financial institutions were the ones who funded the Red "revolution" in Russia and elsewhere (Rothschild).

BTW, Communism alone is responsible for the deaths of close to 200,000,000 people world wide.

That's a bold claim, mind to provide some examples and sources?
That's a bold claim, mind to provide some examples and sources?

In the Soviet Union alone, from 1917-1989, 60,000,000 people murdered by various successive communist regimes, especially during the Russian civil war, then Lenin's forced collectivization policy, which was later continued and further intensified under Joseph Stalin. Then millions more died during Stalin's "5 Years plans" due to the rapid industrialization, and then the Stalinist purges which again involved deaths of millions of people, liquidation of entire villages, towns, and even an officer corp deems as a threat to Stalin's plans.

When the Germans invaded in 1941, they captured three million Soviet POW's within the first month of the war. Entire Soviet Army groups capitulated. In the eyes of Stalin and his NKVD henchmen, they were all traitors and thus their families and relatives were either sent to siberian gulags for labor or liquidated.

Then millions more slaughtered by NKVD rear guard units when the Germans were making gains from 1941-1943. Entire villages were liquidated under the fear that they would cooperate with the Axis armies. Every army group had a special NKVD detachment that positioned itself at the rear of advancing forces making sure that no soldier retreats and any that did were shot.

After the war, 5 million Soviet POW's were in German camps captured by the Soviets, most of them died in Gulags or were liquidated for having been traitors. Millions of Ukrainians, and other Russians/Soviets who sided with the Axis were either liquidated or sent to the gulags. Millions of Axis POW's suffered a similar fate.

Soviet Invasion of Afghan, 1 million Afghans died as a result.

During Chinese civil war, 2,000,000, 40,000,000 people died during the cultural revolution. In Cambodia, 3 million died. During the Korean War 2,500,000, In North Korea 1,600,000, in the Second Indo-China/Vietnam War 3,500,000, Eritrean War of Independence 2,000,000, and numerous other conflicts which will require a lot of research to dig through.
In the Soviet Union alone, from 1917-1989, 60,000,000 people murdered by various successive communist regimes

A lot of people died but 60 million is simply an exaggeration , you often hear about GULAG , but death rate did not exceeded 1,6 million people by all accounts.

Also i don`t know where did you learn about "5 million Soviet POW" killed as traitors , this is simply rubbish. Soviet POW were killed en masse by Nazis and it is well documented. And also with the exception of Stalingrad POW most of German POW returned alive to their homes unlike other way around....

While communism indeed sucks and turn out to be major failure , things should not be blown out of proportion.
Sorry, but you need to look into what Eastern Europe went through under the Communist regimes after WW2. The Reds did to Germany and Eastern Europe what one can only describe as savage, barbaric, and subhuman like. Is it any wonder Eastern Europeans despise Communism so much?

I suggest you take a trip to Bulgaria or the Baltic states and ask the average person, not a policy and not a businessman - he lived better under communism, or now?
Much of eastern Europeans now wash toilets Western Europeans, as good uncles Western Europeans have destroyed almost the entire industry in these countries.
People who stayed at home, salaries are often not enough to pay for gas and electricity.
Flamer84 is an Indian, though since he is cheerleading for the West I guess he also considers himself to be a part of the West.

Didn't expect that from you.

This guy has had so many arguments against Indians as well.

Stop trolling just because you get a free license here to do that and stick to the topic
Didn't expect that from you.

This guy has had so many arguments against Indians as well.

Stop trolling just because you get a free license here to do that and stick to the topic

Who asked you? :no:

Don't tell me that some guy from Romania argues exactly like an Indian on all the topics I've seen on this forum.

Not that it has anything to do with you.
Didn't expect that from you.

This guy has had so many arguments against Indians as well.

Stop trolling just because you get a free license here to do that and stick to the topic

The commie chibot is upset because i didn't agree with his 50 cent buddies with China stroooong! on other threads,and you know that when you don't praise the magnificent chinese empire you must be an indian.
The commie chibot is upset because i didn't agree with his 50 cent buddies with China stroooong! on other threads,and you know that when you don't praise the magnificent chinese empire you must be an indian.

Thanks for proving my point, Indian. :lol:
Kennedy, Reagan would have went on with the meeting. Obama lacks a spine, he cant look Russians in the eye like the former presidents did.
This is just political theater of Obama's own doing. Barack Obama is an aberration in American politics. No country is immune.

In the immediate aftermath of his Presidency, there will be no shortage of accolades heaped upon him by starry eyed fawning admirers, from the ordinary people to the media elites who skewed their jobs for him. But once that love fest dies, and usually they do pretty quickly, objective historians will take over and will deliver a scathing review of his failure as a President. It started already.

The Amateur: Edward Klein: 9781621570905: Amazon.com: Books

Klein gave an excellent comparative analysis of Obama to past Presidents, including Kennedy who bumbled early but learned quickly to the good hearted but also bumbling Carter, and Obama rated lower than both. Granted, Klein is one of many and Obama will have his own cadre of professional pundits and historians who will give different opinions of his Presidency. But what both sides cannot deny are the facts, or accounts, of crucial events that inevitably compelled all Presidents to act and/or react. The politically streetwise ones generally were proactive and aggressive. Obama is not that type. He prides himself on being an intellectual, perhaps too much of an intellectual for the Presidency but that someone has to do the job, and that arrogance, as amply recorded by others and explained by Klein, made Obama a passive and reactive President, vulnerable to exploitation by the likes of Putin.
Sorry, but you need to look into what Eastern Europe went through under the Communist regimes after WW2. The Reds did to Germany and Eastern Europe what one can only describe as savage, barbaric, and subhuman like. Is it any wonder Eastern Europeans despise Communism so much?

And BTW, Eastern European countries and Germany didn't enslave Africans or starve 4 million Bengalis in india, neither did they invade Iraq, or occupy Afghanistan in 1979 and murder 1 million Afghans.

He's Rumanian.

I think its time Russia and Europe patch up and try to leave the past behind. EU and NATO have done very little to help Europe, rather they have dragged European countries into wars for israel and turned Europe in a multicultural social experiment.

Europe future now lies with Russia and Eastern European countries.

This would be a lot easier if Russia wouldn't be stuck in a Cold War mentality and suport some rogue states like Transnistria for example.I've stated on this forum that i would like to see europeans to cooperate military more amongst themselves and eventually ditch NATO and not let ourselves dragged all over the world in american wars.We've had romanian soldiers coming home in boxes from Afghanistan and is naturally to ask "what da fudge does a country like mine have to do with A'ganistan,why do our soldiers have to die in a foreign land so far away from home?"....The fact is that Russia is not exactly the civilised parther you can have a reasonable discussion with.
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