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Obama administration divided on ties with Pakistan: report


Aug 7, 2009
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WASHINGTON: The administration of US President Barack Obama is divided over the future of its relationship with Pakistan following the killing of Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

US commandos killed bin Laden in an urban compound only 55 kilometers (35 miles) from the Pakistani capital Islamabad on May 2.

The newspaper said that some officials, particularly in the White House, have advocated a strong US response.

“You can’t continue business as usual,” the paper quotes one of several senior administration officials as saying who discussed the sensitive issue only on the condition of anonymity.

“You have to somehow convey to the Pakistanis that they have arrived at a big choice.”

“People who were prepared to listen to (Pakistan’s) story for a long time are no longer prepared to listen,” the official went on to say.

But few officials are willing to consider the alternatives if Pakistan makes the wrong choice, the report said.

Every available option — from limiting US aid and official contacts to unleashing more unilateral ground attacks against terrorist targets — jeopardizes existing Pakistani help in the war on terror, The Post noted.

Military success and an eventual negotiated settlement of the Afghanistan war are seen as virtually impossible without some level of Pakistani assistance, the paper pointed out.

Obama administration divided on ties with Pakistan: report | World | DAWN.COM
Yes they are divided but both groups have their own concerns.
Group 1:
Pro-Israeli, they wanted to bang immediately Pak reactors by making bogus affiliations of Pakistani Scientists with Bin Ladan network (AS they tried in Past but there plan to attack on reactors were failed by PAK Army through diplomacy). This group thinks that this is the best time to stop US aid . jeopardizes existing Pakistani help in the war on terror. According to them PAk has no counter facility against Stealths so it will be an easy target.

Group 2:
THis group is thinking 20 years far away the consequences after attack on PAk reactors. They are thinking that after attack China will be the only option for Pakistan. Chines will get all new contracts for development as well as will get complete access to Hot Waters. PAkistan will also destabilize Afghanistan & will have more chances of an atomic war between India & Pakistan. Also there will be more chances that Pakistan will unite with Iran to make an alliance.

All these factors are under observations. Lets see what happened in near future.
Not surprising at all. After all who likes to be taken for a ride ?

Two situations are worth watching - either Pak begins to loose relevance to US


US realises the Chinese Camel is about to replace the US camel inside the Pak tent.
Forget division over Pakistan and not for Pakistan, Obama should focus on the US economy before the US system goes bankrupt.
soon you will heard that usa has devided by pakistan like we have devided USSR in past
U.S., Pakistan 'Mutually Exploited' Their Relationship

May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

In the two weeks since Osama Bin Laden was killed in a town 35 miles from the capital, Islamabad, relations between the U.S. and Pakistan have plummeted. Anatol Lieven, author of Pakistan: A Hard Country, talks to Steve Inskeep and what he sees for Pakistan in a post-Osama bin Laden world.


We're going to hear next from a man who's working to understand Pakistan. That country often baffles outsiders, and it's even more true after the discovery of Osama bin Laden near Pakistan's military academy.


For more than 20 years before bin Laden was killed, Anatol Lieven studied Pakistan as a journalist and a scholar. He's spoken with everyone from soldiers to spies to people on the street. His new book "Pakistan: A Hard Country" is, in many ways, a sympathetic view, although Lieven, too, is not sure how the Pakistani military failed to find bin Laden.

Mr. ANATOL LIEVEN (Journalist, Scholar, Author): There is the possibility that their failing to catch him was due to incompetence. But what made me particular suspicious was not that they would be looking for him in the vicinity of a military base, but you see, so many Pakistani military establishments have been attacked by Pakistani terrorists, that this, it seems to me, was an absolutely obvious place for the military to search. And, I mean, one of the worst aspects of this whole affair, from Pakistan's point of view, is that it does make it more difficult for us to trust Pakistan.

INSKEEP: There's a line in your book that seems particularly appropriate for the moment. You describe the relationship between Pakistan and the United States is a relationship of mutual exploitation heavily flavored with mutual suspicion. What do you mean by that?

Mr. LIEVEN: Well, both sides have benefitted from the other very considerably in the past. And the Pakistani military, it's true, has got a great deal of money from the U.S. over the years. On occasions, America has got a great deal out of Pakistan. In the 1980s, it was, of course, the critical base to destroy the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. And since 9/11, it supplies most of its needs in Afghanistan via convoys through Pakistan, and the Pakistanis have been instrumental in arresting a considerable number of international terrorists.

INSKEEP: Do we not really understand the country very well, not just when we talk about national security, but questions like corruption? Are we thinking about Pakistan the wrong way?

Mr. LIEVEN: To some extent. We're not wrong to see corruption as a huge problem in Pakistan. What I think we perhaps don't understand is the degree to which corruption also maintains the stability of the system. Some of it, of course, comes straight back to bank accounts in London or New York. But a very large part of it is actually plowed back into Pakistani society to buy political support. Of course, this does contribute to the stability of the existing political system.

INSEEP: Maybe what I'm thinking here as you talk is old-style political machines in cities in the United States a hundred years ago, where it was said that the political machine was terribly corrupt and raked money off the top and bought votes. But the people who sold their votes needed the money, and they also expected services, and they might have even gotten services, in some cases.

Mr. LIEVEN: Well, that's just it. I mean, Pakistan, I think, is more corrupt than America at its worse. But it wasn't even a hundred years ago that people in Chicago said of Mayor Daley he dunks, but he splashes. And that is very much the attitude in Pakistan. Of course they take money for themselves, but they of also splash a certain amount in our direction.

INSKEEP: There has got to be some impulse in the United States at this moment to just be so disgusted with this relationship, to want to walk away. Do you have any such impulse?

Mr. LIEVEN: I think everybody who has ever dealt with Pakistan has had such impulses, sometimes several times a day. The problem is, however, the United States does depend on Pakistan for supply routes to Afghanistan. If we didn't have those, we'd have to be a lot nicer, not just to the Russians, but to some very nasty regimes in Central Asia, which would lead us into a whole different set of problems, which might be just as bad as those of Pakistan. We do need Pakistani intelligence to go on pursuing international plots against the United States, and speaking as a Brit, of course, against Britain.

INSKEEP: The American journalist Lawrence Wright, writing in the New Yorker the other day, reviewed the history of U.S. aid to Pakistan, and essentially raised the question as to whether we had the incentives all wrong, because when there's a crisis, the U.S. shoves billions of dollars toward Pakistan. As soon as the crisis is over, we walk away. And he raised the question as to whether Pakistan then had a motivation to allow the problem with terrorism to go on and on and on, because that's how they get the money.

Mr. LIEVEN: One does need to remember that at the last count, the Pakistanis had lost 3,500 soldiers and police in the fight against their own extremists. And they've lost more than 30,000 ordinary people - on both sides, admittedly. This includes militants and militant's families, but still. So I don't think that Pakistan has an interest in keeping this crisis going.

On that score, they have lost considerably more in economic damage due to the, you know, the developing insurgency and terrorism than they've gained in aid from the United States. My view is that we need a consistent approach to the economic development of Pakistan, where I do think we can ensure to bring pressure of our aid is in aid to the Pakistani military.

INSKEEP: Well, let's clarify this. There have been billions of dollars in U.S. aid to the Pakistan military in the last decade or so. There is beginning to be a flow that is supposed to eventually amount to billions of dollars in civilian assistance. It sounds like you'd like to continue the civilian assistance, but take another look at the military assistance.

Mr. LIEVEN: That's precisely it. Unfortunately, it seems that America is heading in the opposite direction, because, of course, the civilian assistance is controlled by Congress, and Congress is very angry with Pakistan. I mean, it's put in a whole set of conditionalities, which mean, in my view, that most will never be distributed.

Of course, military aid is in the hands of the executive, and so that's how they go on essentially bribing Pakistan to cooperate. There is just one thing to be said, though, on this score, which is that perhaps Pakistan has an alternative. The Chinese have been making statements which suggest that if the U.S. does cut back severely on aid, China might step up to the plate and replace the United States.

INSKEEP: We've been asking about Western frustration with Pakistan. You get a sense of massive Pakistani frustration with the West. Do you think that Pakistanis would like to walk away from that relationship if they could?

Mr. LIEVEN: Yes, I think they would - at least the masses in Pakistan would. With the elites, of course, it is complicated - and actually not just the elites, quite a lot of society. Because on the one hand, you know, as all the opinion polls show, and I can certainly testify, you know, levels of anti-Americanism are among the highest in the entire Muslim world. On the other hand, of course, the Pakistani political elites have houses and apartments in London. So it is a curiously split relationship there.

INSKEEP: Anatol Lieven is author of the book "Pakistan: A Hard Country." Thank you very much.

Mr. LIEVEN: Thank you. It was a pleasure.

(Soundbite of music)

INSKEEP: This is NPR News.

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