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Obama abandons bid to return Man to moon

Red Dwarf

Nov 19, 2009
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US President Barack Obama will Monday formally propose abandoning plans to return US astronauts to the moon, by ending the costly Constellation next-generation rocket program.

Arguing it must trim spending in tough times, the administration will instead direct NASA to turn to long-range research and development which could eventually lead to a manned space program to Mars, a senior US official said.

"We are canceling the program, not delaying it," Obama's budget chief Peter Orszag told reporters.

The decision will mean that NASA will be constrained to low-earth orbits for years to come, and will transform the aspirations of the US space program following the planned retirement of the Shuttle fleet in September.

Under the new plan, Obama will also propose boosting the development of commercial rockets and other vehicles that can ferry US astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), an outside US government advisor said.

The Constellation program was launched in 2004 by then-president George W. Bush after the Columbia space shuttle mission ended in disaster with the death of all seven crew members in 2003.

NASA has faced growing pressure to cut its budget as the US government's debt soars and the United States buckles under the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The agency has also seen dwindling political support, with its White House and congressional paymasters reluctant to fund the type of expensive manned space exploration that saw the agency put 12 men on the moon.

NASA is estimated to have already spent a little over nine billion dollars on Constellation, including 3.5 billion on the component Ares 1 program and 3.7 billion on the Orion program.

The Obama administration plans to hike NASA's budget by 5.9 billion dollars over five years to boost commercial development, with the goal of a first commercial flight to the ISS launching by 2015, the advisor said.

In the meantime, NASA will rely on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft to ferry US astronauts to the orbiting space station after the shuttle program is retired.

Only five more shuttle flights, including an Endeavour mission scheduled for a February 7 launch, are planned.

The White House wants NASA to take on the lead innovator role it played during the 1960s with the Apollo program that put men on the moon, to help now develop a dynamic new commercial space sector.

Getting the cancellation through Congress will be a tough mission for the administration, as lawmakers from Florida and other states with close ties to the space program are likely to oppose moves that could threaten local jobs.

Source : Obama abandons bid to return Man to moon
So next man in moon will be a Chinese...

In this race, India has some potential!!!!

So Know, thanks to Obama, one country is out of the race and four are remaining.....

Power to the one that wins!!!!
In this race, India has some potential!!!!

So Know, thanks to Obama, one country is out of the race and four are remaining.....

Power to the one that wins!!!!

I can see only China in this race. Only they got the things needed to such a thing. They don't have any problems on money, political will etc.

Russia is capable but they don't have money. I don't think Japan and EU have any plans for a manned space mission. Even if they got one, it must be still in its infancy just like India
In this race, India has some potential!!!!

So Know, thanks to Obama, one country is out of the race and four are remaining.....

Power to the one that wins!!!!

if Economy rich America has adondened the program who had all kind of resources then consider this list to go further down........ If America is no longer interested in such project that means something is seriously wrong
if Economy rich America has adondened the program who had all kind of resources then consider this list to go further down........ If America is no longer interested in such project that means something is seriously wrong

Completely agree with you
I can see only China in this race. Only they got the things needed to such a thing. They don't have any problems on money, political will etc.

Russia is capable but they don't have money. I don't think Japan and EU have any plans for a manned space mission. Even if they got one, it must be still in its infancy just like India

Not really!!!

Remember the Helium-3 project was started by the Russian orginally, do not forget about that. The race did come afterwards and also the realization of it. You are dicounting to many things as well as US. Obama was stupid to even make this Statement!!!!!

Anyways, China relies on US for there funding, and that is a very important sentence. If US does not provide enough funds to China in given futhure there is a possiblity of a problem for China to succeed in this race.... My simple opinion, ofcourse...
if Economy rich America has adondened the program who had all kind of resources then consider this list to go further down........ If America is no longer interested in such project that means something is seriously wrong

I think you need to research on a thing call Helium-3 before you answer that question.


The Race is still On!!!!
I can see only China in this race. Only they got the things needed to such a thing. They don't have any problems on money, political will etc.

Russia is capable but they don't have money. I don't think Japan and EU have any plans for a manned space mission. Even if they got one, it must be still in its infancy just like India

dude, Japan wants a moon base by 2030.

They are so inclined at being the first Asian on the moon.

I am not really sure about the Chinese intent on the moon as of yet.
Based on the capabilities displayed so far,They should not have any problems going to the moon.( however something inside me says, Going to the moon as second wont satisfy CPC ego, They probably want to go straight to mars, cementing their Chinese century theory).

India has already declared its intent on getting to the moon. Probably attempt will be made sometime after 2020.
Americans have been to the moon already so there is really no more race left from the American side perhaps could be a race for others thats another story i agree with Obama US should look further mars etc .
There is a conspiracy theory out there that in one of the Apollo missions NASA discovered an Alien base on the moon and the aliens chased them away. They aren't able to go back to the moon because the alien threat.
There is a conspiracy theory out there that in one of the Apollo missions NASA discovered an Alien base on the moon and the aliens chased them away. They aren't able to go back to the moon because the alien threat.

May I also add: As much as the earthlings are afraind of alians; moon aliens at the same time are afraind of earth aliens. To this day, they are still afraid of touching Americans Lunar Vechicle Module, and seen to this day in space, it still shows off as a tiny, little, dim light of a ... white spot. :azn:
There is a conspiracy theory out there that in one of the Apollo missions NASA discovered an Alien base on the moon and the aliens chased them away. They aren't able to go back to the moon because the alien threat.

The only thing that would make it worthwhile for us to return to the Moon is if Osama bin Laden starts broadcasting messages from Al Qaeda on the Moon (AQoM). Otherwise, we are going to spend our money on stuff like drones that fly for a week under Artificial Intelligence control. It would be a very good thing for China to go to the moon. In fact, we should sell them our old Apollo plans, for $100 B or so.
The only thing that would make it worthwhile for us to return to the Moon is if Osama bin Laden starts broadcasting messages from Al Qaeda on the Moon (AQoM). Otherwise, we are going to spend our money on stuff like drones that fly for a week under Artificial Intelligence control. It would be a very good thing for China to go to the moon. In fact, we should sell them our old Apollo plans, for $100 B or so.
You are discounting the value of human dreams, Truthseeker. So has Obama. We'll be dismantling Amundsen-Scott and McMurdo next, I suppose.

Furthermore, the Chinese won't be interested in buying Apollo technology: it was all declassified three decades ago, and the Chinese never pay for intellectual property of any sort if they can simply copy the data. As several Chinese students have explained to me, in their view copying isn't stealing if nothing physical is taken from the victim.
The only thing that would make it worthwhile for us to return to the Moon is if Osama bin Laden starts broadcasting messages from Al Qaeda on the Moon (AQoM). Otherwise, we are going to spend our money on stuff like drones that fly for a week under Artificial Intelligence control. It would be a very good thing for China to go to the moon. In fact, we should sell them our old Apollo plans, for $100 B or so.

you keep your $100 b, and the cable you use to jerk your escape module back to earth.
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