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NWFP may be lost, coalition leader warns


Apr 9, 2007
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NWFP may be lost, coalition leader warns

Friday, July 25, 2008

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: The situation in the NWFP is extremely worrisome as the Wednesday’s meeting of coalition partners was warned in plain words that the Frontier province was on a fast track of breaking away from Pakistan because of Islamabad’s blind following of Washington’s war on terror.

A meeting participant told The News that while Maulana Fazlur Rehman cautioned the country’s top leadership that Pakistan was in the process of losing the Frontier province, the ANP-led NWFP government too admitted that the local Taliban had extended their influence to most parts of the settled districts, including even those surrounding the provincial capital.

“I am telling you that the Frontier province is breaking away from Pakistan,” the worried JUI-F leader announced in the meeting, adding that he did not understand the rationale for putting the integrity of our own country at risk just to please the United States.

A presentation given by the Frontier government on the situation in the province, too, was quite disturbing for those who attended the meeting. According to the source, the Frontier government conceded that the influence of the Taliban had grown tremendously and extended to many parts of the settled districts of the province. The local Taliban, the meeting was told, had now the capacity to create trouble in the districts of Charsadda, Mardan and Hangu, which surround the provincial capital Peshawar.

In the south and north of Peshawar, their presence is felt, thus, creating alarms for the authorities. The PML-N representatives, led by Mian Shahbaz Sharif, too, expressed their complete dissatisfaction over the ongoing policy on the war on terror and urged that there was a dire need for making a national policy to meet the growing threat of extremism and terrorism. The meeting was told that President Musharraf’s eight-year policy to deal with such issues with the barrel of gun had put Pakistan’s future at stake.

Among the coalition partners, the PML-N and the JUI-F asked for an immediate review of Islamabad’s policy on the war on terror and insisted that the issue must be brought before parliament for detailed and extensive debate to formulate a home grown national policy on the issue.

The meeting was also told that what President Musharraf had done to this country should not be pursued. The meeting agreed that to win the hearts and minds of the people, the political leadership had to take important decisions on the basis of what parliament would suggest for the internal security of the country. The issue of extremism and terrorism, the meeting further agreed, should be taken as a case of Pakistan’s internal security and be addressed through the policy of engagement, dialogue and administrative steps.

The source though said that the meeting did not discuss anything regarding the prime minister’s forthcoming visit to the United States, it however, expected that the future interaction between Pakistan and the United States on the war on terror would be in line with the decision taken by the top coalition partners on Wednesday in the Islamabad meeting that was also attended by the Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani, the DG ISI, the DG IB and others.

The Army chief, the source said, also fully endorsed the decisions taken by the political leadership of the country. The source said that he found the Army chief a professional soldier, who was not interested in politics and wanted the politicians to lead.

NWFP may be lost, coalition leader warns
As always usual fear mongering. The PML-N as fit to its form just rants about every think not being good but have yet to come up with a counter-proposal to deal with the problem in FATA.

"In the south and north of Peshawar, their presence is felt, thus, creating alarms for the authorities. The PML-N representatives, led by Mian Shahbaz Sharif, too, expressed their complete dissatisfaction over the ongoing policy on the war on terror and urged that there was a dire need for making a national policy to meet the growing threat of extremism and terrorism. The meeting was told that President Musharraf’s eight-year policy to deal with such issues with the barrel of gun had put Pakistan’s future at stake."

Humbug! What's holding these champions of democracy from leading the way to come up with a national policy? If the Taliban are going from Pakistan to Afghanistan, then how is it only an American or Afghan problem? Our Fazlur Rehman sahib is as usual shoving his head in the sand and trying to act oblivious to whats going on around Pakistan in terms of International Pressure. By simply calling this someone else's war while people are going from the FATA to Afghanistan is denying the reality and the whole nation will have to pay for this lack of leadership and ownership.
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So how come that on one hand they all agree that the increasing Taliban threat is alarming and on the other hand they are afraid to neutralize it. How is it then makes only the US war on terror and not ours? Perhaps US is right in saying then that the Taliban threat is increasing and turning a blind eye to it or perhaps continuing with the blame game can result into a much more devastating scenario. US this time isn't going to stay put. It would be better if we set our track right and if indeed the threat of Taliban is rising then prioritize them into those who can negotiate against those who don't understand other then the way of the gun. And use swit and decisive military force to take those elements out like Mehsud.
Risk of failure.

Ohh please. Leaders are meant to be the ones who could make tough decisions when the time comes and if they cant then they have no right to be leaders. Just by blaming and putting their heads into the sand wont do any good either. Either step up and do the necessary or step down and let others who could step up to the occasion take the place.
Humbug! What's holding these champions of democracy from leading the way to come up with a national policy? If the Taliban are going from Pakistan to Afghanistan, then how is it only an American or Afghan problem? Our Fazlur Rehman sahib is as usual shoving his head in the sand and trying to act oblivious to whats going on around Pakistan in terms of International Pressure. By simply calling this someone else's war while people are going from the FATA to Afghanistan is denying the reality and the whole nation will have to pay for this lack of leadership and ownership.

This mess didn't happen over night and wont clear with just words, the new government has somewhat controlled most of the governance, and it is trying to heal the indigenous populace, you cant expect arms to silence their cry, they want results and we need to provide them with that, what Musharraf has done will not be easy to clear up, he has upset all provinces of Pakistan, if you want to point fingers at those who torched FATA and Baluchistan, point it at the previous government.

Policy making fine, but you need stability to make it run, unless that policy is directed to create stability. This chaos will resolve if the political powers in FATA are allowed. In the past Musharraf murdered and arrested political opponents in FATA. Stabiliy is the means from which FATA will recover from.
=Interceptor;177712] what Musharraf has done will not be easy to clear up, he has upset all provinces of Pakistan, if you want to point fingers at those who torched FATA and Baluchistan, point it at the previous government.

Did Musharraf ask the Bughti family to destabilize Pakistan and seek Indian, Iranian or Afghan help against Pak?

Did Musharraf ask India to establish FOUR consulates on NWFP boder? For what purpose?

Did Musharraf ask Fazalulah to implement SHARIAT in Swat and slaughter anti-shariat public?

Did Musharraf ask Abdullah Mehsud to strike a deal with foreigners and set himself free from Gauntanamo Bay and return to NWFP and attack Pak Army?

Did Musharraf request these fanatics to perform suicide bombings and kill innocent public & policemen?

Why not point fingers at the PPP and PML government in 1980's and 1990's who supported the Taliban and bread them? Gen Naseer Babar (PPP) used to call the Taliban his children and same was the case with Hameed Gul.

Musharraf has to clean this mess created & groomed of the 1980's !

In the past Musharraf murdered and arrested political opponents in FATA. Stabiliy is the means from which FATA will recover from.

Please read what PPP Prime Minister says about Musharraf's 'War on terror'. There will be NO CHANGE IN POLICY !!!

War on terror is our own war, says Gilani
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban in its own interest, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said on Saturday as he embarked on his first official visit to the United States.

“Extremism and terrorism are our own problems. This is our own fight,” he told reporters at the Chaklala Airbase before his departure. “My priority is to maintain law and order in the country ... and that’s why it is in our own interest that extremism and terrorism is contained,” he said.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help

ISLAMABAD: Grandson of Nawab Akbar Bugti, Barahamdagh Bugti, has said that he would accept any help from India, Afghanistan and Iran to defend Balochistan.

Talking to a foreign news agency from an unidentified place through telephone, he said the military operation in Balochistan has continued for the last four years and not for four days in which innocent people had been killed.

He said the government was conducting military operations to loot the resources of Balochistan as well as to keep the people of Balochistan backward. He said they were fighting to defend Balochistan and they would resist those who come to loot their resources in the name of development. To a question about the supply of weapons from the neighbouring country, he said they preferred the integrity of Balochistan over Pakistan.

Bugti said Pakistan was an atomic power and it used weapons against Baloch people. He said they had also right to accept help from abroad.

"The Punjab and Pakistan do not have right over our gas resources. If anyone wants to take it by force, then the Baloch will resist it," he added. To a question about negotiations, he said the government had got a chance to refresh the Army in the name of negotiations.

He urged the people to sacrifice for the defence of Balochistan and said that peace talks would not solve the problems of Balochistan. He claimed that 40 to 50 security forces personnel were killed on the first day of the recent operation and the militants seized their weapons. Bugti alleged that the security forces had killed 60 people, including women and children, in shelling by helicopters in different areas of Dera Bugti.

Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help

With traitors like these ..... !
SO interceptor let me get this straight

Bibi started the TAliban and gunja ****** protected them but its musharafs fault.
But on the other hand to reduce poverty in Pakistan This government will spend 100million dollars to investigate who killed ''BIBI''.

TO the gentleman living in Saudi or Dubai before u blame Iran (and its pretty obvious why)It was Iran who helped last time to crush this garbage in Pakistan.its Iran thats building a big wall on there side of the border cause these same people were training and sending them into Iranian Baluchistan.on the other hand we all no where the money come for AL_qaide and don't forget the MAdrasshs supported and finance 100% by Saudi money.wanna put a blame on some one lets point the finger in the right direction.:blah:
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