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NUST goes Nuts, shamefully imposing restrictions on students !

Really? Then I wonder why we don't fire rapists from our public universities and make them chairpersons and deans. We are OK with covering women with dupattas and nothing more. Please, this shallow reasoning stinks of patriarchy. Who are you or I to tell a woman to dress how we say? If she wants a dupatta let her have it if not then let her not an educational institute's aim is to educate not programme. Why should I as a citizen of Pakistan go to a private institution and not a public one and dress how I want? And Oh, PS, decency comes from within a person not from the outside, the cover of the woman is not a judge of her character. It surprises me people see freedom as immoral and decent, your minds are corrupt, sir. You think freedom would have bikinis and all nude classes? Height of imagination..

That's stupid argument on many accounts.

1 - Where i said appoint rapists?? My stand is simple & firm on rapists - Chop-off their heads in public.
2 - Why don't you allow army personals to wear what they want? Why you don't allow police officers to wear what they want? Why you don't allow that a judge can come into court wearing just underwear? Obviously you shouldn't judge him from his cloths but his judgements.
3 - Kid - stop going personal and passing judgement about my mind when you don't know sh!t about me.
but not even in my wild guess it can't be jeans and tights.
Jeans is smart and well disciplined dress with Kameezz or shirt for females.
You are going in university for study, but not for Islamic lecture .... Wearing dopatta is the personal choice of candidate.... They are not going in university for Naqaab.... They goes for study with disciplined dress.... That's it...
Well - Whoever followed my posts knows very well that i have been declared "Kafir", so your religious fundo taunt will not work here :P

As i mentioned educational institutes also have sanctity like other institutes, for example in Hospitals no matter how competent a doctor is, you will not like him/her to spend time on gup-shap, romantic talks or smoking at canteen during duty times, same like students should focus on their education, they can do whatever they want outside premises of institute.

Good marks/IQ doesn't grantee the success. In our class a girl came 1st on merit list and was ahead of with good margin from number 2, she topped 1st semester with 3.94 CGPA - but by that time she realized that she should avail chance of "freedom", and you know what last semester she "just" passed by cheating and on top of that she got used by dozen as her first boy friend made pictures and circulated.

I am simply saying, if you prefer "dating" over "studies" than you should go to institute where you can find environment as per your wish, there are plenty of private institutes in Pakistan where you can get your desired "study environment", if that is also not as per your requirement than you can go to abroad, Is it difficult to understand?

Tu bhi sudhar jaa - don't jump from one extreme to other extreme.

Your views reek of misogyny, Love. The narrative you are referring to has been created to justify the male domination of women, there is little empirical proof of it. Who one 'dates' is none of the university's business or anyone elses. PU should be free of courting couples but not guns? Tell me what is more dangerous? Two people who want to live together or a guy with a gun?

We need to know our priorities, I will give you an example-->

Batool, S. S., & Khalid, R. (2009). Development and validation of emotional intelligence scale and emotional intelligence as a predictor of marital quality. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

This had nearly 1600 couples from all over Pakistan, check the appendix, nearly 56% (The entire sample had been drawn from urban and rural centres) of the ones from the cities met in university or university level education and rated high on their marriage quality. So, the 'courtship' is not at all that bad, it is just the image you are being fed of it. We have not seen it come up in the data.

-->ZADEH, Z. F. (2003). MARRIAGE SYSTEMS AND SUCCESS IN MARRIAGES IN PAKISTAN (Doctoral dissertation, Bahria University, Islamabad).

An early work done which showed that family acceptance in love marriages is the factor that dictates its success or failure, couple who had married by falling in love, most of them meeting in universities/educational institutes/professional workplaces and had their families accept their relationship showed great success. Couples that faced family opposition faced troubled marriages.

So really? I will email you these thesis if you want, I am not sure if they are available online.
Clarification for all.
1.The notice in question is of NUST Business School (NBS, one of the 9 schools of NUST) which has a formal dress code, and that is not a new story. These fines were always there

2.Come to the engineering school i graduated from (NUST SMME), u will find guys taking classes not only in jeans but often in their pajamas

3.Girls are to follow decent clothing and that is mentioned in the code of conduct students signed upon while joining the university.

4.There is NO talibanization in NUST for God's sake, a set of harsh rules regarding intermixing of girls and boys after university hours were implemented recently but that were EMERGENCY measures after a couple of incidents that i won't disclose here. All sort of intermixing or team work is STILL ON in different societies and events at NUST. Go to the albums at NUST Olympiad, NUST Media Club, NUST International Model United Nations' 2013 and you will see that its not some Lal masjid people are talking about
Lastly, NUSTians doing the negative publicity, shame on you.. Some of your concerns for admin are valid and you should follow the proper channel to get yourself heard.
The rest of the people criticizing the only university in Pakistan i.e in top 500 international universities an No.1 in Pakistan, get over the jealousy and get a life... (that goes for DAWN and other media groups who didn't cover the 5th World Engineering Congress held at NUST recently but followed some notice board snapshot they caught hold on the social media.

A Proud #NUST graduate

Got it from a NUST page.
An advice to all, please don't comment negatively about something you don't know about.
Jeans is smart and well disciplined dress with Kameezz or shirt for females.
You are going in university for study, but not for Islamic lecture in ground.... Wearing dopatta is the personal choice of candidate.... They are not going in university for Naqaab.... They goes for study with disciplined dress.... That's it...

I will agree to this for a private party, but when it comes to national education institution, they should and must abide by our cultural norms and rules of the institution. I am not against girls wearing this jeans but this jeans culture has gone over board when it comes to our youth. Results are evident in our tv shows and dramas.
Jeans is smart and well disciplined dress with Kameezz or shirt for females.
You are going in university for study, but not for Islamic lecture in ground.... Wearing dopatta is the personal choice of candidate.... They are not going in university for Naqaab.... They goes for study with disciplined dress.... That's it...

You are right sir, I also don't mind it and so as many others like me n you but that is matter of personal choice however in university there is a dress code and students agree to it before joining then why so much of hue and cry. I believe issue is blown out of proportion and out of actual circumstances in which the orders are issued.
That's stupid argument on many accounts.

1 - Where i said appoint rapists?? My stand is simple & firm on rapists - Chop-off their heads in public.
2 - Why don't you allow army personals to wear what they want? Why you don't allow police officers to wear what they want? Why you don't allow that a judge can come into court wearing just underwear? Obviously you shouldn't judge him from his cloths but his judgements.
3 - Kid - stop going personal and passing judgement about my mind when you don't know sh!t about me.

Like I said an institution has its responsibilities to educate, not programme. For example look at the PU dress code it says 'Students should be decently dressed.' So a shalwar Kameez is decent, a jeans and top are decent what is not? I know personally, in a lot of departments females are approched by males and told to cover their heads and ideally dorn a hijab. That is a problem, you want laws? They are written.

Army officers are allowed to wear what they want once they are off duty within their base the function of the military is completely different from a university, or an educational institute.

I'm quoting on what you said, old man, I suppose if I am the kid, write well what you have said and I will respond in the same. I hope to know more than sh!t about you.
Your views reek of misogyny, Love. The narrative you are referring to has been created to justify the male domination of women, there is little empirical proof of it. Who one 'dates' is none of the university's business or anyone elses. PU should be free of courting couples but not guns? Tell me what is more dangerous? Two people who want to live together or a guy with a gun?

We need to know our priorities, I will give you an example-->

Batool, S. S., & Khalid, R. (2009). Development and validation of emotional intelligence scale and emotional intelligence as a predictor of marital quality. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

This had nearly 1600 couples from all over Pakistan, check the appendix, nearly 56% (The entire sample had been drawn from urban and rural centres) of the ones from the cities met in university or university level education and rated high on their marriage quality. So, the 'courtship' is not at all that bad, it is just the image you are being fed of it. We have not seen it come up in the data.

-->ZADEH, Z. F. (2003). MARRIAGE SYSTEMS AND SUCCESS IN MARRIAGES IN PAKISTAN (Doctoral dissertation, Bahria University, Islamabad).

An early work done which showed that family acceptance in love marriages is the factor that dictates its success or failure, couple who had married by falling in love, most of them meeting in universities/educational institutes/professional workplaces and had their families accept their relationship showed great success. Couples that faced family opposition faced troubled marriages.

So really? I will email you these thesis if you want, I am not sure if they are available online.

And how asking for discipline is male domination? My point is simple & clear if you want to understand. In educational institutes you should follow discipline and do what you are supposed to do there like any other institute/offices. Pakistan has 796k km territory outside campus for doing your personal activities. And discipline is for everyone irrespective of gender.
Meriden wants to keep students from wearing skinny jeans that are too skinny.
Meriden Schools Ban Revealing Clothes | NBC Connecticut
Students in Meriden can no longer wear revealing clothing to school.

The city's board of education voted on Tuesday night to change the district's dress code to address clothing choices that they feel are distracting in the classroom and it goes into effect on Wednesday.

The changes address form fitting shirts, skirts, or pants. "Undergarments and private body areas must not be evident or visible through clothing" and students cannot wear undergarments as outerwear.

"Administration was determining that the students' clothes were too form fitting to be worn in school, and it was a distraction to the educational environment," said Board of Education President Mark Hughes.

Parents previously said the changes to the dress code suit them just fine.

“The guys they wear their skinny pants and have their pants hanging down to here," said parent Nicole Johnson. "The girls, they have the leggings and you can see right through them.”

Board President Hughes said they aren't banning styles of clothing, like skinny jeans, but they think some of them are too tight and inappropriate for school.

Hughes said the dress code would not affect many students because most go to school dressed appropriately.
Like I said an institution has its responsibilities to educate, not programme. For example look at the PU dress code it says 'Students should be decently dressed.' So a shalwar Kameez is decent, a jeans and top are decent what is not? I know personally, in a lot of departments females are approched by males and told to cover their heads and ideally dorn a hijab. That is a problem, you want laws? They are written.

Army officers are allowed to wear what they want once they are off duty within their base the function of the military is completely different from a university, or an educational institute.

I'm quoting on what you said, old man, I suppose if I am the kid, write well what you have said and I will respond in the same. I hope to know more than sh!t about you.

Why you are giving examples of student organizations goons again & again? And show me where i asked fore Hijab/Dupatta? Why you want to put words in my mouth as per your wish?

Function of Educational Institutes are far more critical than army - Only if you know the importance.
alibaz said:
4810330 there is a dress code .

Covering head, taking dupatta, Ban on Talking with opposite sex is not a type of code as he said. Impose of their views on others,,,.. This is dictatorship... Same as tu Muslim, Yeh kafir, Wo shia, Mein Muslim,, Tu kafir, Yeah kafir, Wo kafir...................
Clarification for all.
1.The notice in question is of NUST Business School (NBS, one of the 9 schools of NUST) which has a formal dress code, and that is not a new story. These fines were always there

2.Come to the engineering school i graduated from (NUST SMME), u will find guys taking classes not only in jeans but often in their pajamas

3.Girls are to follow decent clothing and that is mentioned in the code of conduct students signed upon while joining the university.

4.There is NO talibanization in NUST for God's sake, a set of harsh rules regarding intermixing of girls and boys after university hours were implemented recently but that were EMERGENCY measures after a couple of incidents that i won't disclose here. All sort of intermixing or team work is STILL ON in different societies and events at NUST. Go to the albums at NUST Olympiad, NUST Media Club, NUST International Model United Nations' 2013 and you will see that its not some Lal masjid people are talking about
Lastly, NUSTians doing the negative publicity, shame on you.. Some of your concerns for admin are valid and you should follow the proper channel to get yourself heard.
The rest of the people criticizing the only university in Pakistan i.e in top 500 international universities an No.1 in Pakistan, get over the jealousy and get a life... (that goes for DAWN and other media groups who didn't cover the 5th World Engineering Congress held at NUST recently but followed some notice board snapshot they caught hold on the social media.

A Proud #NUST graduate

Got it from a NUST page.
An advice to all, please don't comment negatively about something you don't know about.

Thanks for clarification, the debate should be over after this.
AND Dawn is indeed the most biased and shameful face of Pakistan media
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