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Nuclear War with India "Inevitable"

Why is there a proclamation for war for every other thing?And nuclear war would be disastrous for people on both sides and other surrounding natioms like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan,etc. Don't be war mongers and have respect for other human lives.:hitwall:
Why is there a proclamation for war for every other thing?And nuclear war would be disastrous for people on both sides and other surrounding natioms like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan,etc. Don't be war mongers and have respect for other human lives.:hitwall:
Probably watching too much of Harry Potter ! There ain't a magic wand out there that can solve all the problems the world has, the only thing that can is dialogue & as they say there is nothing that cannot be resolved sitting across a table by having a decent conversation.
yes water will become an issue; our lifeline is water, a substantial part of our economy is agrarian based

indian blocking or limiting our water (in violation of agreements) would --and SHOULD -be considered an act of war.....all options should be on the table --diplomatic and other options.

however to think that we will go to nuclear war over water is ridiculous.....that merely revolves around the whole mutually-assured destruction thing. What's the point of water anyways if it is contaminated with radiation
Finally one sane thread, where both Indians and Pakistanis are not interested in a war to kill each other.
My dream has come true today with respect to PDF on this thread.

Where is Mr Zarvan, I hope this thread does not fall in his eyes, else he will go to any extent of stupidity to see a nuclear war between the two nations whoes intentions are to normalize all outstanding disputes via Confidence building measures.
rnt four wars enough(1947, 1962,1971 and 1999)
how many more reasons u want from us to start another war..
1-we r holding ur water dat brought gr8 famine.
2-we released d excess water dat brought era's worst floods
3-we r sending terrorist in balochistan to destablise pakistan
4-we r responsible for riots in karachi
5-we r tainting ur image in intenational sphere..

nuclear war..huh?
most stupid thread on pdf ever.
i think Pakistan should declare a no-first use policy..........then we can go back to the good old conventional warfare days!!!!............we all know who would win in that situation!!!!:yahoo:
i hope members will like this article

i hope our Pakistani counterpart on pk def go through this article

'India didn't block water even during war'
TNN Apr 6, 2010, 03.57am IST
NEW DELHI: As Pakistan drums up officially-sponsored hysteria on the "water dispute" with India, the government believes Islamabad is giving political overtones to "technical" issues.

On Saturday, Sharat Sabharwal, Indian envoy to Pakistan, described Islamabad's attempts to paint a picture of India as a water thief as "preposterous and completely unwarranted".

Even though Pakistan submitted a "non-paper" to India during the foreign secretary talks in February, Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was quoted as telling TV interviewers on Friday that it wasn't India stealing Pakistan's water but Pakistan was wasting its water.

"The total average canal supplies of Pakistan are 104 million acres/ft. And the water available at the farm gate is about 70 million acre/ft. Where does the 34 million acre/ft go? It's not being stolen in India. It's being wasted in Pakistan," Qureshi is reported to have said in an interview.

In fact, in an interview on March 16, Pakistan PM Yousuf Raza Gilani contradicted his own government's contention that India's "water theft" was adversely affecting its crops. "When I took over as prime minister, there was shortage of wheat, Now there is a surplus. There is so much surplus that we had to construct new storage for our strategic reserves," he said.

Sabharwal quoted Pakistan's own documents to say that it lets 38 million acre feet (MAF) of water flow into the sea, and that too, during the kharif crop season. Pakistan has, in its internal strategies, bemoaned the lack of its own storage capabilities and the lack of hydropower generation capabilities.

According to World Bank, Pakistan has only 150 cubic metres water storage capacity as against 5,000 cubic metres in US and Australia and 2,200 cubic metres in China. With the appalling lack of storage capacities in Pakistan, World Bank estimated that its water shortfall would increase by about 12% in the next decade. Sabharwal noted that this had nothing to do with India but was a more fundamental question of mismanagement of scarce resources by Pakistan.

"Water productivity in Pakistan remains low... crop yields are much lower than international benchmarks. India has nothing to do with these issues of water management that are internal to Pakistan. Only Pakistan can seek solutions to these matters," Sabharwal said.

"We have never hindered water flows to which Pakistan is entitled, not even during the wars of 1965 and 1971... those who allege that India is acquiring the capacity to withhold Pakistan's share of water completely ignore the fact that this would require storage and canal network on a large scale. Such a network simply does not exist," he added.

'India didn't block water even during war' - Times Of India

Will somebody close this stupid thread?

Yes, shortage of water MAY lead to a conflict b/w both countries...but nuclear?

It is better to die thirsty...
Just Close your Eyes dear, and there will no nuclear war.

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