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Nuclear strike With Rafale


May 5, 2010
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At the heart of a mission of strategic air forces

This a nuclear air strike, French style.

The following footage was released by the French Air Force.

It shows a Force de Frappe‘s nuclear strike mission flown by a Rafale B multirole jet carrying an ASMP-A nuclear missile (weirdly blurred in the video) belonging to the EC (Escadron de chasse) 1/91 Gascogne at Saint-Dizier.

The video is extremely interesting as it shows the entire mission profile, from the take-off to the return to base, including the aerial refueling from a C-135FR aerial refueler and the simulated attack on the ground target. It lets you hear some radio comms as well.

The attack run is performed at high-speed and ultra low-level: 1,000 km/h at 100 meters.

Last October, the French Air Force celebrated 50 years of French deterrence by the Forces Aériennes Strategiques which are responsible for Paris’s nuclear weapons.

Whilst most countries are a bit “shy” and they usually don’t make their nuclear attack training public, the French are quite proud to showcase their special strike capabilities.

There is nothing in nuclear weapon that need to celebrate. Definitely till now nukes perfectly saving WW3, but still there is nothing to celebrate. Lets see the future, if we survive.

Those who oppose are war mangers and live in fools paradise or the are corrupt to the point of blindness, they must either be sent for reeducation or be ignored.
Choregraphed video to sell their crap planes..

If Rafale is crap, then you want us to use HAL TEJAS for this purpose. Please do not post one liner if you have something substantive to say, speak up with some proof.

And to other people please do not teach War philosophy here it is a defense forum i come here for to gain knowledge on defense related not for anti war class..:welcome::welcome::welcome:
If Rafale is crap, then you want us to use HAL TEJAS for this purpose. Please do not post one liner if you have something substantive to say, speak up with some proof.

And to other people please do not teach War philosophy here it is a defense forum i come here for to gain knowledge on defense related not for anti war class..:welcome::welcome::welcome:

This plane is not proven. Ppl have used Libya and Other African countries to counter it has seen combat. Get real. That's a joke. French tech is not on par with American tech. India had stated the EFT was better than Rafale but Rafale won based on price.

At least give some proof for your baseless and ridiculous claims

What proof. All you and others want to hear is how great this plane is. So you will only be open minded to that. No matter what anyone states, you will never accept anything else.
Choregraphed video to sell their crap planes..

Stop saying bulshit,this video just shows to the french people how the air force will react if the president orders a nuclear strike against an ennemy.
If the video was in english,probably yes.
Cuz the typhoon is proven ? It has even never droped a bomb in any conflict....
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Stop saying bulshit,this video just shows to the french people how the air force will react if the president orders a nuclear strike against an ennemy.
If the video was in english,probably yes.
Cuz the typhoon is proven ? It has even never droped a bomb in any conflict....

It has better tech than RAFALE. And you are just a paid troll steering sentiment to buy your crap. Look how you royally f-ked India with other weapons? Look how France helped the arms race between Pakistan and India by selling better weapons to both countries at a time. You think we are blind?

If Rafale is crap, then you want us to use HAL TEJAS for this purpose. Please do not post one liner if you have something substantive to say, speak up with some proof.

And to other people please do not teach War philosophy here it is a defense forum i come here for to gain knowledge on defense related not for anti war class..:welcome::welcome::welcome:

Who speaks with one liners? You just joined this site, you got a lot to learn. Nobody is preaching war philosophy, but there is nothing wrong with learning how to fight a war. That's a part of DEFENCE.....I have no clue what your post is about and who is intended for.

It has better tech than RAFALE. And you are just a paid troll steering sentiment to buy your crap. Look how you royally f-ked India with other weapons? Look how France helped the arms race between Pakistan and India by selling better weapons to both countries at a time. You think we are blind?

Lol,you really think that i'm talking about rafale 24h/24 and a paid troll. ?
You can buy it or not,i won't cry or kill myself.
Also,If it has better technology,show sources. :)
Eurofighter has a mechanically steered pulse doppler radar called CAPTOR whereas Rafale has a PESA radar which is completely automated and technologically superior to the European fighter’s. Rafale’s radar is able to track up to 40 aircraft and can engage eight of them.
Rafale is also an omni fighter,what about the euro ?
So what ?
(also,during exercises it always f*cked the typhoon.)

Dogfighting with further Rafale weapons system reduction:
FAF Rafales vs RAF Typhoons : 3 – 1

Final balance sheet (in both scenarii the Rafales did not have full weapons systems…):
FAF Rafales vs RAF Typhoons : 7 – 1

The former Red Arrows team leader – Peter Collins – stated Rafale as a “war-fighter par excellence”. He added that he deemed the Rafale to be the best and most complete combat aircraft that he had ever flown. He concluded in saying that if he had to go into combat, on any mission, against anyone, he would, without question, choose the Rafale.

In another aircraft exercise in the UAE, even the F-22 Raptor, a fifth generation fighter, could hardly do anything to “tame” Rafale. According to Jean-Marc Tanguy’s information, defence journalist, the balance sheet lies in the figures hereafter:

Also you can say bla bla bla,crap,bla bla bla,your govt (actually) chose the rafale,and you can be angry,or cry,it won't change anything. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
There is nothing in nuclear weapon that need to celebrate. Definitely till now nukes perfectly saving WW3, but still there is nothing to celebrate. Lets see the future, if we survive.

Quit the defence forum and join some environmental / social ones.

Those who oppose are war mangers and live in fools paradise or the are corrupt to the point of blindness, they must either be sent for reeducation or be ignored.

Kaku1 has a point, Nuclear weapons have delayed WW3.

Who in 1945-1960 could have imagined that the greatest damage wouldn't be from fire-bombing a city or a nuclear weapon, but from a click of the mouse from a house somewhere, perhaps by a 16 year old?

Cyber warfare, especially now with all the necessity of having to be electronic will do more damage in the long term than a nuclear bomb ever could.

A Nuclear bomb goes off and destroys a city, the nation rallies around the President and is ready to serve. Where as Cyber warfare would bring down the infrastructure decapitating the movement of information. Complete anarchy?
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