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Nuclear strike With Rafale

The french have inducted it way back.

Yes only France. The plane cant compete with the F35 and EFT. India picked Rafale for cost factor. France is not reliable. They have armed Pakistan to the teeth and look at what happened with Russia.
There is nothing in nuclear weapon that need to celebrate. Definitely till now nukes perfectly saving WW3, but still there is nothing to celebrate. Lets see the future, if we survive.

Very true, those how celebrate and glorify that capability, doesn't think about the consequences and the responsibility it takes if you are able to use it. It is no doubt an important part of the fact that we have only "minor" conflicts in the region over the last decades and we surely need the nuclear triad to deter China, but I'm happy that Indian governments always showed the awareness and responsibility by seeing it as a last and 2nd strike option.

Wrt to Rafale and India, the ASMP-A missile is out of questions while special treatments of the fighters for this special roles might be part of the deal.
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