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Nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia as much a danger as Israel: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia as much a danger as Israel: Analyst

Following reports about Saudi Arabia’s attempts to buy nuclear weapons from Pakistan, a political analyst says an “archaic, kleptomaniac and totalitarian” Riyadh armed with nukes is as much a danger as Israel.

“Saudi Arabia is as much a danger as Israel. Its stunted development means that it will always have aggressive feelings towards more successful societies and, in particular, it is terrified of any expression of democracy. It has already occupied Bahrain and Wikileaks revealed the Saudi desire to attack Iran,” Rodney Shakespeare wrote in an article published on Press TV website.

Shakespeare emphasized that Saudi Arabia, “which has no depth of culture, no political legitimacy, [and] no technological success,” feels threatened by the political, cultural and technological progress of Iran.

Describing the Saudi regime as “archaic, kleptomaniac and totalitarian” which has no place in the Modern world, Shakespeare added that, “Despite vicious suppression, democratic forces are stirring and have even reached the capital, Riyadh, where protesters [are] shouting slogans against the Saudi regime.”

“Saudi Arabia, of course, is also a player of the sectarian card considering Shias as inferior, even non-Muslim. Playing the sectarian card is mad arrogance which will rebound on Saudi Arabia some day.”

Citing German intelligence reports about Wahhabis committing Houla Massacre of over one hundred people in May 2012 in Syria, Shakespeare said Saudi Arabia is exporting bigotry and viciousness and sending terrorists to Syria.

“We must hope that the Americans - who indulge the Saudis in their every whim and cruelty - will have the sense to stop Saudi Arabia from getting the atom bomb,” he concluded.

PressTV - Nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia as much a danger as Israel: Analyst
So they accept Israel to be a danger!
That's something to start with. We will get to Saudia Arabia later
i dont know why saudi wants to attack another muslim country, whatever the reasons may be but they cant win if they.

and Pakistan will never give them nukes to attack iran nor will support
another strike coming out of hatred specking out the Iranian street published by a very a pathetic source exposing the IQ of the iranian regime.
Pakistan may sell nuke because Saudis Are the aid Giver to Pakistan. Question is why Saudi Govt would even intend to to ask Pakistan where the US the wholsaller of Nukes has already keeping a starage within. If Saudi do not trust US why should they keep US in the holy land!

Nuclear program

Saudi Arabia has denied manufacturing the nuclear weapons under its peaceful civilian nuclear program, the country has allegedly allotted financial funds for its nuclear program, and as well received scientific assistance from various counties, including United States and Pakistan, the two nuclear triads. According to Western media reports, Saudi Arabia also facilitated funds for nuclear programs in the Arab world and was also behind providing financial assistance to boost the physics experiments necessary for developing the nuclear weapons.
Pakistan's involvement
Historically, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have extremely cordial relations which sometimes attributed as special relationship.[6] Many in Pakistan's political scientists and historians have summed up that Saudi interests in nuclear technology began in 1970s after Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto introduced Pakistan's leading theoretical physicists (who went on to join the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals), and took the discussion where Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto pointed out the advancements made in the Israeli and the Indian nuclear programme to intimidate the Muslim world, with the Saudi royal government in 1974 after the royal family paid a visit to Pakistan in 1974, as part of 2nd OIC conference, Lahore.[6]
It is widely believed that Saudi Arabia has been a sole financier of Pakistan's own integrated atomic bomb project since 1974, a programme founded by former prime minister Zulfi Bhutto.[6][7] In 1980s, Chief Martial Law Administrator and President General Zia-ul-Haq paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia where he unofficially told the King that: "Our achievements are yours".[6] This cooperation was allegedly enhanced by socialist prime minister Benazir Bhutto in 1995 and in 1998, the conservative Prime minister Nawaz Sharif took Saudi Arabia in confidence before ordering the nuclear tests (see the codenames Chagai-I and Chagai-II) in Weapon-testing labs-III (WTL) in Chagai remote site in Balochistan Province of Pakistan.[6] In June 1998, the Prime Minister paid a farewell visit to King Fahd and publicly thanked Saudi government for supporting the country after conducting the tests.[6] Soon, the Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Sultan traveled with the Prime minister Sharif where he toured a classified institute, the Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL) where the leading scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan briefed the Prince and the Prime minister Sharif also, on nuclear physics and the sensitive issues involving the weapon-grade explosives.[6]
Since 1998, the Western diplomats and intelligence agencies have long been rumored to have an agreement whereby Pakistan (would) sell Saudi Arabia warheads and its locally developed nuclear technology if security in the Gulf deteriorate, although both countries sharply denied the existence of such agreement between them.[7] In 2003 it was reported that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia had entered a secret agreement on "nuclear cooperation" providing Saudi Arabia with nuclear weapons technology in return for access to cheap oil for Pakistan.[8]
In March 2006, the German magazine Cicero reported that Saudi Arabia had since 2003 received assistance from Pakistan to acquire nuclear missiles and warheads. Satellite photos allegedly reveal an underground city and nuclear silos with Ghauri rockets in Al-Sulaiyil, south of the capital Riyadh. Pakistan has denied aiding Saudi Arabia in any nuclear ambitions.

In 2011, Prince Turki al-Faisal, who has served as the Saudi intelligence chief and as ambassador to the United States has suggested that the kingdom might consider producing nuclear weapons if it found itself between the atomic arsenals in Iran and Israel.[19] In 2012, it was confirmed that Saudi Arabia would launch its own nuclear weapons program immediately if Iran successfully developed nuclear weapons. In such an eventuality, Saudi Arabia would start work on a new ballistic missile platform, purchase nuclear warheads from overseas and aim to source uranium to develop weapons-grade material.
Officials in the West believe Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have an understanding in which Islamabad would supply the kingdom with warheads if security in the Gulf was threatened. A Western official told The Times that Riyadh could have the nuclear warheads in a matter of days of approaching Islamabad. Pakistan's ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Naeem Khan was quoted as saying that "Pakistan considers the security of Saudi Arabia not just as a diplomatic or an internal matter but as a personal matter." Naeem also said that the Saudi leadership considered Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to be one country. Any threats to Saudi Arabia is also a threat to Pakistan.[20] Other vendors were also likely to enter into a bidding war if Riyadh indicated that it was seeking nuclear warheads. Both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have denied the existence of any such agreement.[21] Western intelligence sources have told The Guardian that the Saudi monarchy has paid for up to 60% of the Pakistani nuclear programme and in return has the option to immediately receive five to six nuclear warheads off the shelf, and if necessary 'several dozen' more warheads if Saudi Arabia requires it. The warheads can then be fitted onto the Saudi CSS-2 ballistic missiles or be carried on the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Nuclear program of Saudi Arabia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
another strike coming out of hatred specking out the Iranian street published by a very a pathetic source exposing the IQ of the iranian regime.
Why so much hate for the Iranian brothers!
It's like being caught in a fight of two of your friends.! :confused:
Why so much hate for the Iranian brothers!
It's like being caught in a fight of two of your friends.! :confused:

its not new they are always aganist iran and shias...

both of you should ask the mullas in iran why so much hate coming from the arab worlds towards them. what have they done ?
both of you should ask the mullas in iran why so much hate coming from the arab worlds towards them. what have they done ?
Nothing,just because those Arabs are racists and interested in a sectarian war too much.
Iran is a good excuse for them to blame their problems on it and suppress their own people with it.
Iran is your nightmare,that's a good thing to see.
both of you should ask the mullas in iran why so much hate coming from the arab worlds towards them. what have they done ?

Dude don't take me wrong....but old days are gone....I don't know specially SA is over reacting for Iran somehow. If Arab don't like Shia I understand.

I spend 20 years in SA, now when I came out side I did not find one guy from any country who talk good about SA. I have tons of friend From Sudan, Emirates, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt they all hate SA. Can you tell me reason why!
Dude don't take me wrong....but old days are gone....I don't know specially SA is over reacting for Iran somehow. If Arab don't like Shia I understand.

I spend 20 years in SA, now when I came out side I did not find one guy from any country who talk good about SA. I have tons of friend From Sudan, Emirates, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt they all hate SA. Can you tell me reason
What reason did your friends give you for hating SA?
Nuclear-armed Saudi Arabia as much a danger as Israel: Analyst

“Saudi Arabia is as much a danger as Israel. Its stunted development means that it will always have aggressive feelings towards more successful societies and, in particular, it is terrified of any expression of democracy. It has already occupied Bahrain and Wikileaks revealed the Saudi desire to attack Iran,” Rodney Shakespeare wrote in an article published on Press TV website.

Wikileaks?! Lolzz...look where they get their info from! Seriously anyone doing their research would use Wiki only for definitions not as a full reliable source!

“We must hope that the Americans - who indulge the Saudis in their every whim and cruelty - will have the sense to stop Saudi Arabia from getting the atom bomb,” he concluded.

Havent seen many Americans indulging in Saudi more like the other way round...
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