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NSA Meet: Doval, Security Czars of 7 Nations Call for 'Collective Approach' to Deal With Terror Threat from Afghanistan


Sep 20, 2014
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Top security czars of India, Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries on Wednesday flagged concerns over the possible spread of terrorist activities from the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and called for a collective approach to deal with the challenge. In his opening remarks at the India-hosted Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval said the recent developments in that country have important implications not only for Afghan people but also for the region.

Chairing the meet, Doval said it is time for closer consultations, greater cooperation and coordination among the regional countries to deal with the challenges emanating from Afghanistan. “We all have been keenly watching the developments in that country. These have important implications not only for the people of Afghanistan but also for its neighbours and the region," he said.

“This is the time for close consultation, greater cooperation and interaction and coordination among the regional countries," he said. The dialogue is aimed at firming up a common approach for practical cooperation in confronting increasing threats of terrorism, radicalisation and drug trafficking following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Both Pakistan and China were also invited by India, but they decided not to attend the meet. The central Asian countries attending the dialogue are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

“I am confident that our deliberations will be productive, useful and will contribute to help the people of Afghanistan and enhance our collective security," Doval said. Iran had hosted the dialogue under the same framework in 2018 and 2019.

In his comments, Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s supreme national security council, talked about the challenges of terrorism, poverty and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan “The solution comes only through the formation of an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups," he said and hoped that a mechanism will be found out to address the challenges. “I would like to thank and appreciate the role that India has played, as they have a great role in Afghanistan," he said.

Secretary of Russia’s security council Nikolai Patrushev referred to various dialogue mechanisms on the Afghan issue including the Moscow Format and the Turkic Council and emphasised that they should not “duplicate work but complement each other". Patrushev also called for practical measures to combat challenges flowing out of the Afghan crisis, asserting that the Moscow Format of dialogue retains the important potential to coordinate efforts to settle the Afghanistan issue.

“In Moscow, we laid a good foundation to determine the position of our countries regarding the development of the dialogue with the Taliban as well as to practically coordinate the efforts of all stakeholders of the region," he said. “I expect that today we will be able to take another step forward in deliberating common measures for ensuring national security and maintaining regional stability," he said.

Chief of Kazakhstan’s national security committee Karim Massimov said the situation inside Afghanistan remains complicated. “With the Taliban movement coming to power, the situation inside the country remains complicated. There are many obstacles to forming an effective government system," he said.

“Terrorist organisations are intensifying their activities. We are strongly concerned with the operations of the Central Asian fighters. The social and economic situation of Afghans is deteriorating as the country is facing a humanitarian crisis," he said. Massimov said it is necessary to increase the humanitarian assistance for Afghan people and that the international community must put in efforts to ensure stability in Afghanistan.

“It is highly important to begin concrete actions," he said. Tajikistan’s security council secretary Nasrullo Rahmatjon Mahmudzoda the situation in Afghanistan triggered extra risk for the region.

He also said that there was a need to provide assistance to the people of Afghanistan as the country may face a humanitarian catastrophe, especially during the winter.

Security Officials Call on PM Modi

Meanwhile, the top security officials of Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries jointly called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi after attending the dialogue hosted by India.

It is learnt that Modi was apprised about the discussions at the ‘Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan’ by the security officials.

After Delhi Declaration, Russia issues own statement, with tweaks
The Indian Express takes a look at how the two statements differed.
| New Delhi |
Updated: November 11, 2021 7:30:24 am

Ajit Doval


NSA Ajit Doval with other dignitaries during their meeting, in New Delhi, Tuesday (PTI)

As Russia issued its own statement on the NSAs’ meeting on Afghanistan, there were at least five differences from the Delhi Declaration — a joint statement on the meeting signed by all eight participating countries — that was issued hours earlier Wednesday.

The meeting, chaired by NSA Ajit Doval, was attended by Russian NSA Nikolai Patrushev.
The Indian Express takes a look at how the two statements differed.

*The Delhi Declaration condemned in the strongest terms all terrorist activities and reaffirmed their firm commitment to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including its financing, the dismantling of terrorist infrastructure and countering radicalisation, “to ensure that Afghanistan would never become a safe haven for global terrorism”. The Russian statement said the sides reaffirmed their firm commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms but it did not mention “ensure that Afghanistan would never become a safe haven for global terrorism”.

*The Delhi Declaration emphasised the importance of ensuring that the fundamental rights of women, children and minority communities are not violated. The Russian statement, while emphasising the importance of ensuring the rights of women, children and minorities, did not call them “fundamental” rights or that they are “not violated”.



NSAs of Russia, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan participated in the meeting held in Delhi, chaired by NSA Ajit Doval. (Twitter: @MEAIndia)

*The Delhi Declaration called for a collective cooperation against the menace of radicalization, extremism, separatism and drug trafficking in the region. The Russian statement made no mention of collective cooperation on these issues.

*The Delhi Declaration said that recalling the “relevant UN Resolutions on Afghanistan”, the participants noted that the UN has a central role to play in Afghanistan and that its continued presence in the country must be “preserved”. The Russian statement said they noted that the UN plays a central role in Afghanistan and the permanent UN presence in the country must be “maintained”.

*While the Delhi Declaration said they will hold the next meeting in 2022, the Russian statement did not commit to a timeframe. It said participants agreed to continue interaction on the Afghan issues within this format.

It is important to note that Russia is likely to attend the Troika plus meeting with Pakistan, China, US and the Taliban in Islamabad on Thursday — a development watched closely by New Delhi.

Top security czars of India, Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries on Wednesday flagged concerns over the possible spread of terrorist activities from the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and called for a collective approach to deal with the challenge. In his opening remarks at the India-hosted Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval said the recent developments in that country have important implications not only for Afghan people but also for the region.

Chairing the meet, Doval said it is time for closer consultations, greater cooperation and coordination among the regional countries to deal with the challenges emanating from Afghanistan. “We all have been keenly watching the developments in that country. These have important implications not only for the people of Afghanistan but also for its neighbours and the region," he said.

“This is the time for close consultation, greater cooperation and interaction and coordination among the regional countries," he said. The dialogue is aimed at firming up a common approach for practical cooperation in confronting increasing threats of terrorism, radicalisation and drug trafficking following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Both Pakistan and China were also invited by India, but they decided not to attend the meet. The central Asian countries attending the dialogue are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

“I am confident that our deliberations will be productive, useful and will contribute to help the people of Afghanistan and enhance our collective security," Doval said. Iran had hosted the dialogue under the same framework in 2018 and 2019.

In his comments, Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s supreme national security council, talked about the challenges of terrorism, poverty and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan “The solution comes only through the formation of an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups," he said and hoped that a mechanism will be found out to address the challenges. “I would like to thank and appreciate the role that India has played, as they have a great role in Afghanistan," he said.

Secretary of Russia’s security council Nikolai Patrushev referred to various dialogue mechanisms on the Afghan issue including the Moscow Format and the Turkic Council and emphasised that they should not “duplicate work but complement each other". Patrushev also called for practical measures to combat challenges flowing out of the Afghan crisis, asserting that the Moscow Format of dialogue retains the important potential to coordinate efforts to settle the Afghanistan issue.

“In Moscow, we laid a good foundation to determine the position of our countries regarding the development of the dialogue with the Taliban as well as to practically coordinate the efforts of all stakeholders of the region," he said. “I expect that today we will be able to take another step forward in deliberating common measures for ensuring national security and maintaining regional stability," he said.

Chief of Kazakhstan’s national security committee Karim Massimov said the situation inside Afghanistan remains complicated. “With the Taliban movement coming to power, the situation inside the country remains complicated. There are many obstacles to forming an effective government system," he said.

“Terrorist organisations are intensifying their activities. We are strongly concerned with the operations of the Central Asian fighters. The social and economic situation of Afghans is deteriorating as the country is facing a humanitarian crisis," he said. Massimov said it is necessary to increase the humanitarian assistance for Afghan people and that the international community must put in efforts to ensure stability in Afghanistan.

“It is highly important to begin concrete actions," he said. Tajikistan’s security council secretary Nasrullo Rahmatjon Mahmudzoda the situation in Afghanistan triggered extra risk for the region.

He also said that there was a need to provide assistance to the people of Afghanistan as the country may face a humanitarian catastrophe, especially during the winter.

Security Officials Call on PM Modi

Meanwhile, the top security officials of Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries jointly called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi after attending the dialogue hosted by India.

It is learnt that Modi was apprised about the discussions at the ‘Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan’ by the security officials.

No government is a “Truly Inclusive” government. A broadly representative (ethnically, tribally, provincially) government is a realistic goal, but just as the BJP would exclude members of Congress, or Putin would exclude people from Navalny’s party, from their top posts, so will the Afghans pick from amongst those that align with their ideology. According to Sangar on the Afghan eye podcast, the upper ranks of the Talibs are a lot of the old timers from the 90s, but the lower ranks are ethnically and provincially very diverse.
phat gayie endia ki, phat gayie endia ki...nahien phati nahien phat to 1947 mein gayie thee...aajkal chir rahie hai....hahahahaha
No Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, US
So basically it was a meeting of the supporters of the old northern alliance, the faction out of power. No wonder China thinks this meeting hosted by India, which they perceive as a spoiler, was pointless.
Lol - Indians got caught lying again .... this is so embarrasing for India ... big slap in the face for them.
Top security czars of India, Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries on Wednesday flagged concerns over the possible spread of terrorist activities from the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and called for a collective approach to deal with the challenge. In his opening remarks at the India-hosted Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval said the recent developments in that country have important implications not only for Afghan people but also for the region.

Chairing the meet, Doval said it is time for closer consultations, greater cooperation and coordination among the regional countries to deal with the challenges emanating from Afghanistan. “We all have been keenly watching the developments in that country. These have important implications not only for the people of Afghanistan but also for its neighbours and the region," he said.

“This is the time for close consultation, greater cooperation and interaction and coordination among the regional countries," he said. The dialogue is aimed at firming up a common approach for practical cooperation in confronting increasing threats of terrorism, radicalisation and drug trafficking following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Both Pakistan and China were also invited by India, but they decided not to attend the meet. The central Asian countries attending the dialogue are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

“I am confident that our deliberations will be productive, useful and will contribute to help the people of Afghanistan and enhance our collective security," Doval said. Iran had hosted the dialogue under the same framework in 2018 and 2019.

In his comments, Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s supreme national security council, talked about the challenges of terrorism, poverty and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan “The solution comes only through the formation of an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups," he said and hoped that a mechanism will be found out to address the challenges. “I would like to thank and appreciate the role that India has played, as they have a great role in Afghanistan," he said.

Secretary of Russia’s security council Nikolai Patrushev referred to various dialogue mechanisms on the Afghan issue including the Moscow Format and the Turkic Council and emphasised that they should not “duplicate work but complement each other". Patrushev also called for practical measures to combat challenges flowing out of the Afghan crisis, asserting that the Moscow Format of dialogue retains the important potential to coordinate efforts to settle the Afghanistan issue.

“In Moscow, we laid a good foundation to determine the position of our countries regarding the development of the dialogue with the Taliban as well as to practically coordinate the efforts of all stakeholders of the region," he said. “I expect that today we will be able to take another step forward in deliberating common measures for ensuring national security and maintaining regional stability," he said.

Chief of Kazakhstan’s national security committee Karim Massimov said the situation inside Afghanistan remains complicated. “With the Taliban movement coming to power, the situation inside the country remains complicated. There are many obstacles to forming an effective government system," he said.

“Terrorist organisations are intensifying their activities. We are strongly concerned with the operations of the Central Asian fighters. The social and economic situation of Afghans is deteriorating as the country is facing a humanitarian crisis," he said. Massimov said it is necessary to increase the humanitarian assistance for Afghan people and that the international community must put in efforts to ensure stability in Afghanistan.

“It is highly important to begin concrete actions," he said. Tajikistan’s security council secretary Nasrullo Rahmatjon Mahmudzoda the situation in Afghanistan triggered extra risk for the region.

He also said that there was a need to provide assistance to the people of Afghanistan as the country may face a humanitarian catastrophe, especially during the winter.

Security Officials Call on PM Modi

Meanwhile, the top security officials of Russia, Iran and five central Asian countries jointly called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi after attending the dialogue hosted by India.

It is learnt that Modi was apprised about the discussions at the ‘Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan’ by the security officials.

Am wondering when India is going to do surgical strike on the Afghanistan or is India is thinking of sending there forces to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. Opps that terrorist infrastructure belongs to the India.
Come on India you are a supa power from 2014 so act like one and send your battle tested Rafael's from which even China is scared of. On a another note India could deploy plane carriers to the Afghanistan coast and block off their sea lanes so they can be starved out of their caves. Oppsie again Afghanistan is a land lock country my knowledge of geography is letting me down. How about removing 100, 000 soldiers from the Kashmir valley and giving them a break from beating women and children their and sending them for some real battles? Oppsie again Iran would not let them to pass through their lands as Iran don't want to get involve in rescuing Indians when their arses are going to get kicked by the Taliban.
So what India can do then just stay paper tiger, have a barking media and stay irrelevant and have a cup of tea and dream of the bygone era when India used to spread terrorism through Afghanistan. Basically India should just shut up and bark in silly little tea parties higher tables are reserved for someone else.
This is a useless meeting. Not sure why India went through the pain of setting this up.

India will be better served by focusing on the procurement of good quality PPE for its frontline soldiers. Insurgency will inevitably escalate and given the current scenario, India should focus on strengthening its defense.
Most useless thing ever happened in mankind history.

sangris use this to fool domestic though, india supa powa, india no 1 :rofl:
This is a useless meeting. Not sure why India went through the pain of setting this up.

India will be better served by focusing on the procurement of good quality PPE for its frontline soldiers. Insurgency will inevitably escalate and given the current scenario, India should focus on strengthening its defense.

domestic purpose, 56 inch modi
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