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NSA leaker Edward Snowden: U.S. targets China with hackers

Regina Ip is a member of Current Hong Kong Legco and the head of New People's Party in Hong Kong, a Pro-Government and Pro-Chinese party. And she is the head of it

Oh, she was also the Director of Immigration in Hong Kong and was considered a candidate of Chief Executive of Hong Kong back in 2012.

I think her voice is the solid reference of Hong Kong Immigration policy and the voice of China.

My post was addressed to CD and he is a Hong Kong Resident like me, he will understand, my post is not addressed to you and I hardly think you know what is going on politically in Hong Kong at this moment.

Regina Ip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New People's Party (Hong Kong) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wow a hk resident with multiple passports living in hk and a radical right winger!

She cannot be "the voice of China". HK's diplomatic policies are dictated by China!
wow a hk resident with multiple passports living in hk and a radical right winger!

She cannot be "the voice of China". HK's diplomatic policies are dictated by China!

see my revised post for detail.

She say what the Chinese say. lol stop thinking you understand out own politic, and she is a LEFTIST. HER PARTY is PRO-CHINA and she DOES NOT HAVE MULTIple PAssport, you are require to give them all up WHEN YOU RUN FROM THE OFFICE
see my revised post for detail.

She say what the Chinese say. lol stop thinking you understand out own politic, and she is a LEFTIST. HER PARTY is PRO-CHINA and she DOES NOT HAVE MULTIple PAssport, you are require to give them all up WHEN YOU RUN FROM THE OFFICE

my first statement is addressed to you!
Götterdämmerung;4403549 said:
Our east Europeans an their understanding of democracy and civil rights.

awww, you sound hurt cupcake! :smokin:
Would you like some bombs instead of some hurt sense of pride because there's a disk somewhere that stores your pornhub search history?
Götterdämmerung;4403574 said:
Silly me thought that you were discussing maturely with me. :girl_wacko:

Why do you quote one liners? There's more to my posts.
Maturely, after you throw in Stasi analogy? If Stasi suspected you they came and took you away for questioning that consisted of a little more physical actions then merely checking your history.
Götterdämmerung;4403581 said:
It was a one liner when I saw you post. You later edited it. Now, it's too late.

lol.....mr. mature debater!
Chill out! You have already made your confession!

dude, I do not need to live in HK to get the situation out of Hong Kong, I still visit from time to time and I still have relative in Hong Kong.

So dude, unless you have any other thing counter my statement I quote form Regina Ip, a Pro-China top HK politician, I think we should part way, ta-ta
I just hope that the HKSAR police is protecting him from accidents and mishaps for now.

don't think they are any good. If US decided to indict him, HKP will then need to arrest him, then a court battle about extradition will begin, it will only suck up the public fund....We are going to have another Julien Assange saga in Hong Kong soon
Götterdämmerung;4403437 said:
The average person is innocent until proven guilty. By snooping our mails, phones, etc. the state puts all its citizens under general suspicion, which is unconstitutional. In that case how are we different than the Stasis from the former East Germany?
Your laziness is evident. There is a difference between 'fact' and 'content'.

You called Mom -- that is a fact.

You told Mom you just became a castrato -- that is content.

The NSA collects facts of phone calls, which is technically no different than the phone companies must do in order to properly route signals, then and now, but it does not record contents of those calls. In order to actually record the contents of those phone calls, the NSA must literally tap into every phone lines, over the air (OTA) and hard, in the US.

If the postman reads your 'From:' and 'To:' addresses, does that mean he just 'snooped' into the content of your letter? That is what your beloved dictatorship of yore used to do: literally opened envelopes to read or tapped into hard phone lines to listen, if not on all citizens then at least to those were under suspicion.
who is Regina Ips and why does she come into play after scouring all the postings above yours!?

Regina IP has been one of the most prominent politicians in HK for as long as I can remember. She was notably associated with the Right of Abode saga and Article 23 controversy. Though she has not been very consistent after the collapse of the the Tung Chee-hwa Administration nearly a decade ago, of which she was a major part of.

As for Snowden, extraditing him back to the US doesn't serve our interests, it only serves the interests of AMERICA who I don't care about at all.

The HK Judiciary is famous for being very independent and transparent. However Beijing still has the greatest amount of influence on the HK Government, since most important roles in the HK Government are made by "appointment" not by direct elections. We only elect about half of LegCo, the rest are appointed, along with all the highest seats in Government who are also appointed.

So Beijing could step in and block any extradition if they wanted. Which they should do, in my opinion.

Snowden is not a Chinese citizen so I have no obligation to care about him. But we should do what is in the best interests of China, not America. Whether that means granting him safe passage to Sweden or making a deal with someone else, I don't know.
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