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Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager


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BSF abducts teenager | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

BSF abducts teenager
Fri, Jan 21st, 2011 12:40 am

Jhenidah, Jan 20 (bdnews24.com)—On the very day the Indian authorities promised to stop border killing and ease tension, its border guards have abducted a teenage boy from Jhenidah.

Personnel of Indian Border Security Force took 'Shamim', 15, son of Abu Bakar from Maheshpur Upazila on Thursday, while he was bathing in River Ichhamati in Shyamkur border area.

Chuadanga 35 Rifles Battalion chief Lt Col Sultan Ahmed told bdnews24.com: "A patrol of BSF's Pakhiuara camp abducted him."

He added that he had contacted the commander of BSF 12 battalion and that a flag meeting had been scheduled.

During the two-day home secretary-level meeting, India regretted BSF's recent killing of a minor girl along the border near Fulbaru in Kurigram.

It promised to ease tension on the borders and stop killing of Bangladeshis.

The minor girl, Felani, 15, was shot dead by BSF troops on Jan 7, while she was returning to Bangladesh with her father.

The meeting discussed border management, mutual cooperation and security-related issues and put forward a set of proposals for discussion at the secretary-level meeting, said Bangladesh home ministry joint secretary Dr Kamaluddin Ahmed.
Millions of Bangladeshis fled to India every year illigally, How to stop that you give any sugesstion ?

Don't forget we save your sorry a.s.s.e.s in 71
Celebrated Photojournalist, activist and founder of Drik, Shahidul Alam speaks about the recent sensational photo of Felani, shot by Indian security Forces and overall Indo-Bangladesh relationship.

YouTube - Shahidul Alam on India
Millions of Bangladeshis fled to India every year illigally, How to stop that you give any sugesstion ?

Are you sure of your claim? But, we are fed up with millions of poor Indians coming and working in Bangladesh. They may not go back because BSF may kill them at the border. We hust cannot anymore save the a.s.s.e.s of so many Indians.


Illegal Indians in Bangladesh
Thursday May 26 2005 14:46:21 PM BDT
Mohammad Zainal Abedin from Bangladesh

Though Indian government and its print media relentlessly try to prove that the Bangladeshis are intruding into India daily, and Indian BSF (Border Security Forces) personnel engage try to push the Indian Bengali speaking Muslims to Bangladesh, the reality is totally otherwise.

According to the available reports, lakhs of Indians hailing from Indian states of West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assame, Tripura, Mizoram are illegally staying in Bangladesh庸rom urban to the rural areas. These states are extremely poor and the Indians come to Bangladesh in search of job and better living.

Most of these Indians enter Bangladesh without passport or visa, take shelter in the houses of their relatives. In order to justify them as Bangladeshis they collect certificates and other documents from the respective authorities with the help of their relatives or the agents in exchange of money.

In course of time they start to claim that they are Bangladeshis. Some Hindus, those who do not have relatives in the urban areas introduce themselves as Muslims and provide fake permanent addresses to justify them as Bangladeshis. Due to identical language, physical appearance and structure, none doubts that they are Indian Hindus. So they can easily live in Bangladesh illegally.

In the urban areas these Indians outwardly work in buying houses, garment factories,fashion houses,freight and forwarding agencies, educational institutions, computer training centers,restaurants, advertising agencies, bars and hotels, beauty parlours , guest houses, private firms and business houses. Some of them work as car and taxi drivers and even rickshaw pullers. I personally came across more than one hundred rickshaw pullers in Dhaka City over the last couple of months.

It is learnt that some of these Indian are the agents and operatives of Indian intelligence agency由AW (Research and Analysis Wing) and they are involved in carrying out subversive activities.They are involved in money laundering,檀oondy・and smuggling creating devatating effects on the economy.

Besides their outwardjobs, they might have been planted in Bangladesh to carryout sabotage.

It is apprehended these RAW agents might be engaged to create anarchic situation in the
country before and after the forthcoming general elections. Abrupt increase of political killings in the country, particularly robbery in Dhaka in recent days, indicates presence of such people in Bangladesh. Arrest of nine Indian from the venue of Prime Minister痴 scheduled meeting at Lakhsam proves the huge presence of RAW agents and operatives in Bangladesh.

It is difficult to ascertain the real figure of the Indians in Bangladesh who are scattered in the rural areas also. To justify the huge presence of the Indians in Bangladesh and the problems that are being surfaced let me quote a report of a Dhaka傭ased daily. The Choddogram Correspondent of the daily reported that about 1,100 hundred Indians illegally reside in Choddogram, a Bangladeshi Upazila that shares border with Indian state of Tripura. ]

Indians hailing from Tripura state illegally live in all the 14 unions of the Upazila. Tripura lags behind Bangladesh in every sector, having no infrastructure, particularly in the border areas. Indians daily labourers come to Bangladesh illegally to have work, sell and buy commodities in Bangladeshi bazars and meet their relatives living in Bangladesh.

Due to massive intrusion of the Indians local people of 舛hoddogram・Upazill are becoming jobless, as the Indians work in exchange of lower remuneration than their Bangladeshi counterparts. Workers of almost 80 per cent saloons of Choddogram are Indians. These saloon workers live in Bangladesh illegally.

Many Indians are working in tea-stalls, hotels, groceries, clinics, garment factories, construction and agriculture farms. Many of them work as tailors, bus-conductors, cobblers, carpenters, masons, rickshaw pullers, etc. These Indians reside in Bangladesh enjoying the blessings of a number local influential people.

These Indians are involved in various crimes and anti-social activities. As the Indians do not have any permanent address, they commit various types of crimes, including murder, theft, robbery, rape and just sneak into Indian soil. These Indians bring narcotics like wine, ganja, opium, phensedyl, etc. from India while they smuggle ornaments, diesel, edible oil to India.

Most of these Indians are Hindus. Many of them married local girls belonging to poor families and live in Bangladesh. Some of them left their wives along with three to four children. These children deserted by their Indian fathers live subhuman lives and involve them in anti-social activities to earn their livelihood.

Choddogram is not the only Upazila, where illegal Indians reside permanently. They are available in almost all the villages of Bangladesh if there is at least one Hindu family. There prevails strong public opinion in Bangladesh in favour of arresting all the Indians who illegally enter Bangladesh and live here.

No Indian was ever killed by Bangladesh Rifles when they intruded into Bangladesh. But a survey confirms that 337 Bangladeshis were killed, 466 wounded, 491 kidnapped and 68 women raped during the last five years. BSF detained 467 Bangladeshis while they were either working in their fields or bathing or fishing in the common rivers during the same period.

Bangladeshis cannot go to plough their lands near the border with India. They even cannot fish or bathe in the common rivers. Indians plunder their houses, cattle, paddy fields, and other valuable belongings. India pushes her Bengali speaking Muslims branding them as Bangladeshis.

Under the situation, the government should immediately detect and nab the illegal Indians to avert disruptive activities in the country. It is apprehended that most these Indians will be enrolled in the voter痴 list of the coming elections and they may play a vital role to elect the party of Indian choice. So these Indians should immediately be detected and deported to India. Otherwise it will be difficult to expel them in future.*
Are you sure of your claim? But, we are fed up with millions of poor Indians coming and working in Bangladesh. They may not go back because BSF may kill them at the border. We hust cannot anymore save the a.s.s.e.s of so many Indians.

Oh yes! A reader's opinion! :lol: Looks like he took an Indian article and edited it.
try something better next time.
Bangladeshi members read and think. গত বছর সীমান্তে মাত্র ৩১ জন বাংলাদেশী নিহত হয়েছে আগের বছরে যেখানে ৫৫ জনের মৃত্যু হয়েছিল। ৩৬৫ দিনে মাত্র ৩১ জন! দিন হিসেব করলে তো প্রতি দিন একজন করেও মারা যায় নি! সীমান্তের বিষয়গুলোকে অনেক সময় একটি পক্ষের দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে দেখা হয়। সীমান্তে ‘অপরাধীদের’ আক্রমনে ৬০ জন বিএসএফ সদস্য আহত হয়েছে।:angry:
Millions of Bangladeshis fled to India every year illigally, How to stop that you give any sugesstion ?

Don't forget we save your sorry a.s.s.e.s in 71

Oh really ? India must be a rich country .:blah::blah:
I heard there are over half a million illegal Indians in Bangladesh.

My sympathies with this teenager's family, hope he is brought back to safety.
what where the 35 Rifles Battalion Doing when they saw BSF abducting the Teenager???
Oh yes! A reader's opinion! :lol: Looks like he took an Indian article and edited it.
try something better next time.

Indians in Bangladesh
Indians in Bangladesh Total population
500,000 (2009)
Regions with significant populations : Dhaka

There are hundreds and thousands of Indians in Bangladesh, most of whom are illegal migrants and refugees. According to data produced by the Bangladeshi Ministry of Home Affairs, as many as 500,000 Indians were staying in Bangladesh illegally in 2009.

They were found working in different establishments such as NGOs, garments, textile, IT and sent money back home through hundi transfer systems. Most of them came on tourist visas and tended to stay back.

The migrant community has often been a source of contention between the two countries; according to available reports, the lakhs of Indians illegally staying in the country hailed from the Indian states of West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assam, Tripura and Mizoram and were spread across numerous urban and rural areas.

One of the reasons contended for their migration is that these states are relatively poor and the Indians tend to come to larger centres in neighbouring Bangladesh in search of jobs and better living.
Indians in Bangladesh
Indians in Bangladesh Total population
500,000 (2009)
Regions with significant populations : Dhaka

There are hundreds and thousands of Indians in Bangladesh, most of whom are illegal migrants and refugees. According to data produced by the Bangladeshi Ministry of Home Affairs, as many as 500,000 Indians were staying in Bangladesh illegally in 2009.

They were found working in different establishments such as NGOs, garments, textile, IT and sent money back home through hundi transfer systems. Most of them came on tourist visas and tended to stay back.

If you can provide us a link for that data produced by your government, I assure you on behalf of all the Indians on PDF no one will bring up this issue of "Illegal Bangladeshi migrants in India" ever again. The onus is on you.
BSF shoot them, they shout why not BS arrested them.

BSF arrest them, they shout BSF abducted them.

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