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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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Close, but no cigar. After all, Pakistan had to approve the request and they did, so what else might be brewing? For instance the case of disputed Kashmir remains on the boil and so long as the Indian is belligerent about that, there is little likelihood of moving forward -- UNLESS, there is reason to believe that the Indian is saying something else in private (maybe Holbrooke is more successful than it seems)
(think regionally)

So, what happens if the Talib movement in Afghanistan, decides it does not want to be known as the talib movement, what if it transforms itself into a Islamist political party of some sort (one that the world can live with) - and "developments" allow the US to declare victory and move out -- who would that leave holding the bag? After all where is the larger Islamist problem??

And what's all this about transferring "surplus" US equipment to Pakistan to help in Waziristan?? It would require a much larger bureaucracy to handle that, where would these be positioned?

Mr. gates says that the US would seek to help Pakistan out of it's "economic problems" - in financial circles, the word is gaining ground that the Pakistan economy now has a strong and significantly large "middle class" (read investment).

Now the most confusing thing for me in this scenario is that Pakistan has not requested similar facilities - could it be that the Pakistani govt has every intention of failing at this as well??

What's wrong with this picture??
^ For us Indian army and police are terrorists who kill thousands in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and we dont care about relations with India, India is not in a strategic area. We have border with China, Middle East, and Central Asia.. all the important regions we want to do trade with.

India is in the inner core of South Asia it has no strategic value.


Among friends are you known as Nk Zaid Hamid?
China is a marriage of convenience vs India. I dont read too much into it.

So how do you describe the relation between India and UK or US?

BTW,nobody is Mr Know-all,please do not judge others ignorance optionally.
Do you think the soviets would spare us if it was in neighboring Afghanistan?
It all depends on your behaviour

India is also a 3rd world developing nation.
IMF : India 10B USD net donor
Pak ?

Whats the point, even if we are friends for a year or 2, something like mumbai or samjhota express happens so why be friends in teh first place?
Samjhota = LeT

East Pakistan was thousands of miles away from West Pakistan infact it was closer to India than West Pakistan and yes we will never forget about Kashmir until it is free from indian oppresion.
similarly Kashmir is also closer to india
Somewhere on this forum an address for the Balochi Govt in exile has been posted. It points west from Pakistan.

If i get a website with Indian Government in Exile would you say the same for that ? And oh yeh Indo-Israel evil nexus is also not hidden so no surprise if India got Israel on board in Indian terrorism in Balochistan.

You mend your ways and on a quid pro quo India should tone down its diplomatic opposition.

India had this bad habit since Pakistan was created in 47 so it has nothing to do with our ways.

Close down what you run in Pak-Occupied-Kashmir, Punjab, FATA among others

There is no area called ***. Its Azad Kashmir and there is also no international border between Azad Kashmir and Indian Occupied Kashmir hence anyone going from Azad Kashmir into Held Kashmir is not at all any crime. They are just moving into their own land.

The day we had anything running in FATA it will be a hell for Indians trust me.

India has to maintain deterrence vis-a-vis ChinoPak. Do the math the ratios may surprise you.

Then do not cry when China or Pakistan maintain the same deterrence.

What never started can't be stopped.

Oh you mean thousands of Kashmiris killed by Indian forces, hundreds of women raped by Indian soldiers, youth, boys killed in fsake encounter by Indian army in Held Kashmir is not a starter? is it only the trailer ?

So who killed these innocent Kashmiris if not in Indian state terrorism? I think aliens right.

there is no provision of plebiscite after what happened in 1971.

oh and who decided that ? The UN?
To lamayuru: Do I have to post the map of Asia again. Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state india controls and that too a disputed territory all the way up north far away from the rest of india connected to Pakistan:


^ For us Indian army and police are terrorists who kill thousands in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and we dont care about relations with India, India is not in a strategic area. We have border with China, Middle East, and Central Asia.. all the important regions we want to do trade with. We have a rail link to Turkey (Europe).

India is in the inner core of South Asia it has no strategic value.


Never recieved any such statements officially from your government stating Indian army and police as terrorists. But yes do heard of someone accepting terrorism as state policy in the past and some lunatic who killed civilians as there national. So it is not very complex to understand who is a terrorist. No one cares whom you claim and what you claim until proven in the international court. People even claim Americans as terrorists but when it comes to proof then shun their mouth.

And regarding the strategic value lets not go into figures to derail the thread. I think you would have enough skills that you can easily google them out about the strategic importance of India.
On another note.

India should stop funding terrorists in Pakistani province Balochistan.

India should change its proxy war against Pakistan on internationa diplomatic level.

India should close down all its training camps in Afghanistan which are being used against Pakistan.

Stop expanding your weapons and nuclear weapons which are excelerating armed race in the region.

India should stop state terrorism in Held Kashmir.

Allow UN and international Human Rights bodies to hold Plebiscite in Held Kashmir so that India Pakistan should be at peace at last

Do you have any proofs or this is another theory out of nowhere??:what:
Pakistan failed to provide any evidence at any stage. They just keep shouting same thing again and again nut never produced anything. Recently some rumours are there that Pakistan has given some "proofs" to USA & India. Next day, both denied straight away that they had got anything. On the other hand PFO said they don't comment on media reports.:bounce:

(1) There is NO proof that India is linked with Balochistan.
(2) Pakistan also plays proxy war against India. One example would be UNSC. India opposes Pakistan only when it feels its interested unsatisfied. Similar things Pakistan does as well. So why ranting?:)
(3) Again there is NOT a single proof you provided that India is running caps in XYZ province. Ofcourse same can not be said about *** though it is offtopic.:hitwall::hitwall:
(4) How on earth you know India terrorise the people at "held" Kashmir. Last time we checked, some other country has accepted its role for terrorism as its state policy.:woot::woot:
(5) I believe a senior person like you, would be knowing about UN resolution. Please pull your army back. Allow kashmiri pandits back to their place from where they are displaced. Then your suggestion might be valid. BTW, India is not bound for this plebiscite.

At last a request from my side, please try to stick on the topic. Your post has nothing to do with it. There are other threads for those as well.
To lamayuru: Do I have to post the map of Asia again. Kashmir is the only Muslim majority state india controls and that too a disputed territory all the way up north far away from the rest of india connected to Pakistan:

Indians are not a Hindu State, it is a secular society with the potential to live together we have muslim majority regions spreaded across the a nation. For example Aligarh in UP.

So based on that Pakistan can not lay claims on any territories of India. By the way Kashmir is connected to India not a separate region. Andaman and Nicobar are not connected being very true.
China is a marriage of convenience vs India. I dont read too much into it.

So how do you describe the relation between India and UK or US?

BTW,nobody is Mr Know-all,please do not judge others ignorance optionally.

Buddy; you can easily tell that he or she person is on a mission.

He or she person is not going to stop unless being stop.:smitten:

Never recieved any such statements officially from your government stating Indian army and police as terrorists. But yes do heard of someone accepting terrorism as state policy in the past and some lunatic who killed civilians as there national. So it is not very complex to understand who is a terrorist. No one cares whom you claim and what you claim until proven in the international court. People even claim Americans as terrorists but when it comes to proof then shun their mouth.

And regarding the strategic value lets not go into figures to derail the thread. I think you would have enough skills that you can easily google them out about the strategic importance of India.

Terrorist - a person who terrorizes




Taliban prefer not to be known as Taliban

US declaring victory and paying attention to problems at home, a "remote" possibility ?? -- we think we are the center of the world, even for Americans, we are not.

Similar facilities?? Well, if my "conjecture" had "greater" validity, we might see the Pakistani government preparing to service the increased flow of commerce and people to people contact with India and may need larger facilities to accomplish that -- yet we do not see that, as yet.
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