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Now, Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India

best of luck to india and the new premier of china


was watching indian program about this..the chinese clearly said ladakh is a disputed territory..

i thought ladakh was only disputed between pakistan and india not china..
so i welcome if this is there first time :D

But problem is that: China is not interested in cricket, so india is worried NOW.
"several hundred kilometres inside India"

the word 'serveral' means more than 3, 3 hundred kilometres in, than 3 hundred kilometres out, totally of more than 600 kms.
how many helos can fly more 600 kms with one fuel?

indians making up stories with brains
According to news reports Chinese Platoon is still camped inside Ladakh sector. Indian soldiers should just go home they are not up to the task of defending their held territory. Many Indian soldiers still using WW II weapons against China's modern weaponry.
that doesn't make sense.... the supply lines and etc or not important than life's of the personal who died in that attack....

From a strategic point you can argue otherwise, moral point is with the lives of the soldiers.
Chinese choppers enter several hundred kilometres inside India

That's one hell of a deep incursion, if it's indeed true, why didn't India or rather IAF intercept them . !!

They were too busy trying to find the ISI link in it.

Sorry couldnt resist. hehee.
India's government is so weak...

How come they didn't send fighters?? Do they even have radar coverage of the area?? TOTAL FAILURE.
this is what I am talking about, bxxlshxt made up by the Indian media. those papers are really trying hard to undermine whatever credibility they might have left.
Chinese becoming more assertive with their growing might was expected and all surrounding countries have called that in the past.

In any case don't know what China wants, but India does not want a military confrontation for sure. We are trying to talk to china and situation will be resolved soon.

Mind you there is a status quo agreement with China on the border, this is an isue of interpreting the loosely demarcated LAC.

In the meantime, cheerleader nations, keep waiving the pompoms, you have been kept for a job.
Chinese PM visit is imminent. May be china wants to use this incident as a bargain chip.
Wrong, they aren't using Pakistan's territory just limited strike against Taliban in Waziristan. Pakistan got a favorable deal with US after Pakistan lifted the ban on NATO shipments. US also officially apologized to Pakistan which was a diplomatic win, US has never apologized to any nation not even Iraq for the bs WMD lie.

But stop focusing on months old history here, right now you have a enemy platoon and two choppers flew in "hundreds of kilometers" inside your territory of control and no response whatsoever. Focus on that don't be a typical Indian and derail the thread.

Hah Indian Air Force wouldn't dare because if they do enter that area PLAAF will be deployed and things will escalate very quickly. That's China's territory now.

my foot about those platoon and chopper... If India really want to kick that stupids outta our territory we might do it in minutes... but India really not interested in war.... such a stupids think it as weakness... lol our Battalions moving to that area... If china really want a war... then bring it straight... why china following such double standard? what ever you are talking about weak blah blah... it is called maturity.... immature kids only thinks to fight for small reason...
When the McMahon Line was drawn, there were no inputs from China. I suggest it is China's way of saying they don't recognise the Line.
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