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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

Massive development, indeed the pilot managed to avoid hitting directly but the power lines and system made him unlucky....

Man :hitwall::hitwall:


You guys know me very well by now---. Here is what it looks like---.

It was un-chartered territory---high tension lines which are about 200 feet above the ground---.

The pilot had no reason and no excuse to be in that area---. He was showing off---high stepping---destroyed the nations property that he had no right of and destroyed nations investment that he had no right of---just to look cool and be praised---.

It was very obvious right from the begining---flat land and mountains don't mix very well with aerobatics and air show training---.

Now you guys can fight over it---.

Hum Pakistani bi ajeeb makhlooq hain yar,khud mobile se video bana raha hai aur saat mai awazein dey raha hai Fire brigade ko call karo.
Such a shame.


Video is very important for evidence---so if he started it he should stay with making the video---.

You guys know me very well by now---. Here is what it looks like---.

It was un-chartered territory---high tension lines which are about 200 feet above the ground---.

The pilot had no reason and no excuse to be in that area---. He was showing off---high stepping---destroyed the nations property that he had no right of and destroyed nations investment that he had no right of---just to look cool and be praised---.

It was very obvious right from the begining---flat land and mountains don't mix very well with aerobatics and air show training---.

Now you guys can fight over it---.


Video is very important for evidence---so if he started it he should stay with making the video---.

Explain the other times when Viper demos went without crashes. His particular jet was lower than usual, but what about the other guys. Why haven't the last 6 demos crashed. Just curious.
Including Soloturk

Explain the other times when Viper demos went without crashes. His particular jet was lower than usual, but what about the other guys. Why haven't the last 6 demos crashed. Just curious.
Including Soloturk


That is absolutely silly---. Just because they dodged the bullet---did not mean it was not flawed---.

There comes a time when the string is stretched to far and it breaks somewhere---.

Allow me to say---this pilot was on a personal mission of show and strut---carrying on the image of 27th february and went too far---.

His aircraft hit the power lines and went down---that shows---that he was blinded by his own enthusiasm---.

Hitting power lines meant that he had not done his homework before the flight---.

The flight path was not routed out properly---the pilot possibly went out of his way deviated into a no fly zone---.

If he would have survived---he would have been court martialled---and would have had to live with that all his life---.

He intentionally stayed in the aircraft and delayed ejection till the last---if he ever ejected---because in a flick of a second he would have realized his blunder---

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That is absolutely silly---. Just because they dodged the bullet---did not mean it was not flawed---.

There comes a time when the string is stretched to far and it breaks somewhere---.

I keep giving you credit for your intellect---and you keep bringing up reason for a lower level of intellect---.

Allow me to say---this pilot was on a personal mission of show and strut---carrying on the image of 27th february and went too far---.

His aircraft hit the power lines and went down---that shows---that he was blinded by his own enthusiasm---.

Hitting power lines meant that he had not don his homework before the flight---.

The flight path was not routed out properly---the pilot possibly went out of his way deviated into a no fly zone---.

If he would have survived---he would have been court martialled---and would have had to live with that all his life---.

He intentionally stayed in the aircraft and delayed ejection till the last---if he ever ejected---because in a flick of a second he would have realized his blunder---sensed the consequences of future of family and decided to lay down his life so that the family could get the benefits---.

Things that we parents do for our children---. Someone prove me wrong---.
Wasn't being silly or anything. Just wanted further input.

You're wrong about the no fly zone and his personal showboating. He messed up a maneuver yes, but not along the lines the way you described. There are other variables where he was wrong and that led to the incident.

Had he survived and made out of it with an ejection or a few hundred feet so spare, high chances of suspended from fighters.

Things we have to do for our elderly patients..
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It's possible although they say there are several computers to monitor and control certain aspects, however @Socra is the best guy for this info.
Highly unlikely - asked this of former USAF F-16 demo pilot today. All points to just a misjudged maneuver.

Ill reiterate the elephant in the room.

Soloturk does F-16 displays at low level in their dedicated jet for a multiple months assignment. So does the USAF viper demo team, Norwegian demo team, belgian demo team and so on.. all better tuned pilots to the airshow routine than ours.

We send out a good pilot but with about two weeks two prepare and even less actual practice time for the sequenced maneuvering and flight area.

Yet all those teams have had accidents(including fatal ones) over the years. Why are we so reluctant to assign mistakes to our demo pilot.

That is absolutely silly---. Just because they dodged the bullet---did not mean it was not flawed---.

There comes a time when the string is stretched to far and it breaks somewhere---.

Allow me to say---this pilot was on a personal mission of show and strut---carrying on the image of 27th february and went too far---.

His aircraft hit the power lines and went down---that shows---that he was blinded by his own enthusiasm---.

Hitting power lines meant that he had not done his homework before the flight---.

The flight path was not routed out properly---the pilot possibly went out of his way deviated into a no fly zone---.

If he would have survived---he would have been court martialled---and would have had to live with that all his life---.

He intentionally stayed in the aircraft and delayed ejection till the last---if he ever ejected---because in a flick of a second he would have realized his blunder---sensed the consequences of future of family and decided to lay down his life so that the family could get the benefits---.

Things that we parents do for our children---. Someone prove me wrong---.
What a preposterous account of what seems to be an unfortunate incident. I would stand up for this brave man.

There is a weather factor that must not be discounted. He curtailed the loop due to the cloud cover. He had committed to that manuver. If he had a little more altitude, things would have been different.

I am not a fighter pilot but I can see the pain through the eyes his little son, giving shoulder to his father's cascatte. That is enough for me to stand up for him!

That is absolutely silly---. Just because they dodged the bullet---did not mean it was not flawed---.

There comes a time when the string is stretched to far and it breaks somewhere---.

Allow me to say---this pilot was on a personal mission of show and strut---carrying on the image of 27th february and went too far---.

His aircraft hit the power lines and went down---that shows---that he was blinded by his own enthusiasm---.

Hitting power lines meant that he had not done his homework before the flight---.

The flight path was not routed out properly---the pilot possibly went out of his way deviated into a no fly zone---.

If he would have survived---he would have been court martialled---and would have had to live with that all his life---.

He intentionally stayed in the aircraft and delayed ejection till the last---if he ever ejected---because in a flick of a second he would have realized his blunder---sensed the consequences of future of family and decided to lay down his life so that the family could get the benefits---.

Things that we parents do for our children---. Someone prove me wrong---.

I haven't seen a more pathetic post than this on pdf. Shame on you that you are judging a soul who is no more to defend himself. I'm sad at the loss of a Pilot but not for an aircraft. Accidents happen and these F-16s are not meant to be preserved in Museum. He was not on a personal mission rather doing his job where he was required to prepare for celebrations of his country's biggest day and that's an honour which you won't understand.
Building a theory of him being court martialed and not ejecting due to family benefits shows how cheap your mentality is.
You lost my respect old man
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Hope people understand that prior to conducting such aerobatics, the flight path, the entire routine, along with altitude etc. is run by the AHQ and approved. This is not a case of a pilot just getting up in the air and running a routine as a cowboy. To suggest such things is being factually incorrect. Every single thing to the nth amount of detail is documented and rehearsed. It is impossible for the pilot to come up with the aerobatics routine while up in the air. There are officials on the ground that observe and give feedback to pilots during such shows and the preparation. If the pilot is acting like a cowboy, there are people observing and serious repercussions await.

In this case it's quite possible the pilot became disoriented or visibility etc. was an issue. Nothing that people are stating, or that is in the press or in the open domain suggests "showing off" by the pilot. It is too premature to even state this was because of a pilot error.
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I haven't seen a more pathetic post than this on pdf. Shame on you that you are judging a soul who is no more to defend himself. I'm sad at the loss of a Pilot but not for an aircraft. Accidents happen and these F-16s are not meant to be preserved in Museum. He was not a a personal mission rather doing his job where he was required to prepare for celebrations of his country's biggest day and that's an honour which you won't understand.
Building a theory of him being court martialed and not ejecting due to family benefits shows how cheap your mentality is.
You lost my respect old man

Never forget---two enemy aircraft do not make the PAF conquerers ( GOT ).

You kids do not have the ability to look at the faults in a critical manner---. Your emotions take charge of your common sense---.

This pilot hit the high tension power lines---.

Which clearly means that he was where he was not supposed to be---secondly---he did not know there were power lines---and the mountain area by itself next to open valley is a big no no for an aerobatic demo training flight.

If visibility issues were present---the flight should have been cancelled---.

But definitely this was a flight of an over zealous and over eager pilot basking in the glory of the past incidents---.


What a preposterous account of what seems to be an unfortunate incident. I would stand up for this brave man.

There is a weather factor that must not be discounted. He curtailed the loop due to the cloud cover. He had committed to that manuver. If he had a little more altitude, things would have been different.

I am not a fighter pilot but I can see the pain through the eyes his little son, giving shoulder to his father's cascatte. That is enough for me to stand up for him!


Obviously the weather issue was there---the cloud cover was there---it just did not happen within mere second or a blink of an eye---and yet the pilot did not restrain from continuing the flight and no one from the ground pulled him back.

About his son---with his last act the father made sure the family would be well taken care of---.

If the pilot had ejected in a timely manner he could have been court-martialed for being at fault---.

We parents end up doing strange things for our children---.

When I was single I never thought I would do things for my children that I would do now---.

You kids do not have the ability to look at the faults in a critical manner---.

This pilot hit the high tension power lines---.

Which clearly means that he was where he was not supposed to be---secondly---he did not know know there were power lines---and the mountain area by itself next to open valley is a big no no for an aerobatic demo training flight.

If visibility issues were present---the flight should have been cancelled---.

But definitely this was a flight of an over zealous and over eager pilot basking in the glory of the past incidents---.

You are a disgrace, I pity you and your old age bitterness. Your pathetic interludes confirms to me that your girlfriend was stolen by an Air Force pilot.
i beg to disagree Sir....F16A has three reported incidents of Stagnation stall / Compressor stall following high angle of attack and low speed....the aircraft of BAF was being pushed to the limit when encountered Compressor stall.....there can be many other factors at play here.....

So with MLU, I heard engine was also enhanced. Wouldnt that have fixed the issue?
You are a disgrace, I pity you and your old age bitterness. Your pathetic interludes confirms to me that your girlfriend was stolen by an Air Force pilot.


No sir---I am not---but you sir are a shameless person---.

I have only put forward an analysis of what happened from known information---.

Hitting of the high tension power lines made things easy to assess---.

No sir---I am not---but you sir are a shameless person---.

I have only put forward an analysis of what happened from known information---.

Hitting of the high tension power lines made things easy to assess---.

But where he hit power lines? Are you referring that CCTV footage? I didn't get this.
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