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Not so secular India

India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world. And their birth rate is far higher than the non-Muslim population.

The Muslims who died in communal violence in India, will have their revenge when they turn India into a full Islamic state.

Don't worry about that still they will be Indian. Think about East Turkmenistan. :azn:
I've visited India and I know for a fact Muslims in cities like Delhi live in segregated neighbourhoods while Christians in Hyderabad live in segregated neighbourhoods. Never seen that happen in Pakistan. Where I live in Karachi, there are people of different ethnicities and religions. Never once have I or my family members been discriminated on the base of religion. I wont deny I've been discriminated on the base of my ethnicity numerous times but thats another problem.
That being said there are some places in Pakistan (only in Punjab) that are known for discriminating against religious minorities.
Some people need to stop blindly following the media.

Hindu population declined from 22% to 1% in last 65 years in Pakistan. I don't think Hindus would be more than 0.1% left after 10-20 more years.

If Muslims had problem with India then how come Muslim population increased from 9% to 14% in last 65 years ?? Why no one left Pakistan ??

BTW, I don't care about Hindus or Christians of Pakistan. They are Pakistani.

I care about Indian people and we will decide what to do. It's none of your business to think about people of other country. No matter what, They will remain Indian. Simple !!
I've visited India and I know for a fact Muslims in cities like Delhi live in segregated neighbourhoods while Christians in Hyderabad live in segregated neighbourhoods. Never seen that happen in Pakistan. Where I live in Karachi, there are people of different ethnicities and religions. Never once have I or my family members been discriminated on the base of religion. I wont deny I've been discriminated on the base of my ethnicity numerous times but thats another problem.
That being said there are some places in Pakistan (only in Punjab) that are known for discriminating against religious minorities.
Some people need to stop blindly following the media.

I have seen you lament before that minorities are treated much better than India than in Pakistan. was that a lie? Your uncle is powerful politician and your cousin or who ever it is a Miss world from India. You don't have to lie for scoring brownie points.

And who said there is no segregation of minorities in Pakistan? you have a very small minority population in Pakistan compared to India. But still they are extremely segregated sometimes in walled slums like the christian slums in Islamabad. And I dont have to enlighten you about the Mohajir and Pashtun segregation in Karachi.
India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world. And their birth rate is far higher than the non-Muslim population.

The Muslims who died in communal violence in India, will have their revenge when they turn India into a full Islamic state.

I know its your wet dream.. But a very cheap one though
Oh my do we have a Chinese talking bout human rights..

Google...er...Baidu "Tiananmen square massacre" if it allows you..:argh:

we are learning from you guys using human rights when ever it suited us, humanrights apply to all nnation not just for china only.
Hindu population declined from 22% to 1% in last 65 years in Pakistan. I don't think Hindus would be more than 0.1% left after 10-20 more years.

I feel sorry for people like you. Now brace yourself for the truth.

What was the % population of the minorities (Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc) during 1947 and now ?
We use the first census carried out in 1950/1 to determine the decrease or increase of minorities in WEST PAKISTAN alone, Indian media uses 1947 indicators to distort the truth to show a Pakistan where minorities are decreasing which is incorrect. Lets leave Bangladesh out and concentrate on the statistics of west Pakistan. I will use hindus as an example who have increased over time.

Now lets answer your question, 1947 stats cannot be used becuase of mass migration of hindus towars india. Lets use 1950 for a better comparison shall we as it was when the migration and internal deisplacemt was over. There were 39,448,232 people in Pakistan and a total of 6.54 milllion hindus, of which 5.4 million left for India.
http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/akhwaja/papers/The Big March December 2005.pdf

Now Pakistan was left with 1.1 million from whom half were unfortunately killed from Muslims who heard of killing in India of other Muslims.

So by that account 500,000 hindus were left and today they are higher than 4 million, percentage does not matter becuase muslim population boomed and there were alot of immigrants who entered Pakistan.

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Similarly we have many hindus who serve in our civil service and have reached great heights. Today there are 4 million hindus in Pakistan, increases from half a million.

What % of minorities are in high position and visible position or are admired ?
Read my answer to second question and come to Karachi and you will see the highest flag in Clifton, Karachi is of the hindu temple. Many hindus, christians and qadiyanis are in very respectable and notable positions. Deepal Perwani, Rana Bhagwandas, Danish Kaneria, Fernando Lobos, just read about the catholic board of school of Pakistan. Many respected people in pakistani of minorities.

These questions will provide clue to how tolerant and equanimous is Pakistan

Dont listen to the extremists here or anywhere else, the military and ISI is knocking them off the list one by one.

All credit goes to T Faz for composing this.
I have seen you lament before that minorities are treated much better than India than in Pakistan. was that a lie? Your uncle is powerful politician and your cousin. You don't have to lie for scoring brownie points.
Never have I said that minorities are treated much better in India then in Pakistan. My uncle Azam Khan is a politician in UP yes. But even he wasn't spared by Hindu Extremists and received death threats when questioned whether Kashmir was a part of India. He still argues that Muslims are treated as second class citizens in India.

And who said there is no segregation of minorities in Pakistan? you have a very small minority population in Pakistan compared to India. But still they are extremely segregated sometimes in walled slums like the christian slums in Islamabad. And I dont have to enlighten you about the Mohajir and Pashtun segregation in Karachi.
Never heard of walled slums in Isloo, even though I visit Isloo atleast once a year. Maybe your talking about the Afghan refugee camps outside of Isloo. Last time I checked most of those refs were Afghan Muslims. Thanks to you, an Indian who has never visited Pakistan for enlightening me on whats happening in Pakistan. Reach F Sector if you wanna know how segregated Muslims and Christians are.
Never heard of Muhajir-Pashtun segregation. Reach my area called Gulistan e Jauhar you will know how "segregated" we live
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Well the good news is for the 1st time in Indian history some hindu folks got convicted for the Modi engineered slaughter. I am sure the boys in khaki belive that these poor hindu people were framed.
we are learning from you guys using human rights when ever it suited us, humanrights apply to all nnation not just for china only.

I thank my stars that you agree that Human rights apply to China.

So how about granting Tibetans their freedom, stop Hanizing them, allow Muslims in East Turkestan their fundamental religious rights such as the rights to pray, stop terrorizing them, grant the common Chinese to speak freely and not censor them etc ?
I thank my stars that you agree that Human rights apply to China.

So how about granting Tibetans their freedom, stop Hanizing them, allow Muslims in East Turkestan their fundamental religious rights such as the rights to pray, stop terrorizing them, grant the common Chinese to speak freely and not censor them etc ?

What is east turkestan ? it's name given by terrorists, it's call xinjiang ? I'm hui muslim i know the situation in xinjiang perfectly well we don't another Chechyna. as a common chinese i can speak freely well.
I feel sorry for people like you. Now brace yourself for the truth.

What was the % population of the minorities (Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc) during 1947 and now ?
We use the first census carried out in 1950/1 to determine the decrease or increase of minorities in WEST PAKISTAN alone, Indian media uses 1947 indicators to distort the truth to show a Pakistan where minorities are decreasing which is incorrect. Lets leave Bangladesh out and concentrate on the statistics of west Pakistan. I will use hindus as an example who have increased over time.

Now lets answer your question, 1947 stats cannot be used becuase of mass migration of hindus towars india. Lets use 1950 for a better comparison shall we as it was when the migration and internal deisplacemt was over. There were 39,448,232 people in Pakistan and a total of 6.54 milllion hindus, of which 5.4 million left for India.
http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/akhwaja/papers/The Big March December 2005.pdf

Now Pakistan was left with 1.1 million from whom half were unfortunately killed from Muslims who heard of killing in India of other Muslims.

So by that account 500,000 hindus were left and today they are higher than 4 million, percentage does not matter becuase muslim population boomed and there were alot of immigrants who entered Pakistan.

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Similarly we have many hindus who serve in our civil service and have reached great heights. Today there are 4 million hindus in Pakistan, increases from half a million.

What % of minorities are in high position and visible position or are admired ?
Read my answer to second question and come to Karachi and you will see the highest flag in Clifton, Karachi is of the hindu temple. Many hindus, christians and qadiyanis are in very respectable and notable positions. Deepal Perwani, Rana Bhagwandas, Danish Kaneria, Fernando Lobos, just read about the catholic board of school of Pakistan. Many respected people in pakistani of minorities.

These questions will provide clue to how tolerant and equanimous is Pakistan

Dont listen to the extremists here or anywhere else, the military and ISI is knocking them off the list one by one.

All credit goes to T Faz for composing this.

Indians are always sprouting off their baseless propaganda, they never learn.
Never have I said that minorities are treated much better in India then in Pakistan. My uncle Azam Khan is a politician in UP yes. But even he wasn't spared by Hindu Extremists and received death threats when questioned whether Kashmir was a part of India. He still argues that Muslims are treated as second class citizens in India.

The ****** can go to Pakistan if he thinks he will be treated better there..Why waste our space continuing to live in India....Gaddar....eating our salt and questioning our territorial integrity..
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