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NOT NEWS BASED - Small thought on China's history, Confucianism and Treason

Has anyone thought about it? If China is to establish a democratic system, how to avoid the same situation and Taiwan? I do not think China can afford the cost of Taiwan's democracy. Taiwan's democratic bring political parties compete, but it definitely is a kind of vicious competition, Taiwan's major interests have been damaged.

Look to Japan and Singapore. The CPC should learn from the LDP and PAP. Allow multiparty but never allow anyone else to win. But in exchange the CPC should slowly reduce its "visibility".

Also think about South Korea, which is the alternative. Kim Young Sam (金泳三) sentenced Roh Tae Woo (卢泰愚) to 22 years and Chun Doo Hwan (全斗煥) to death. 金泳三 was the equivalent of China's Liu Xiaobo.
1, you do not know "the typical red guard mindset of extremist"? They have their problems, but they are far better than the traitor. You want to use this excuse to attack other people, first you know what is it?. If criticized the traitor who is "the typical red guard mindset of extremist", in this world there are too many what you call "the typical red guard mindset of extremist", including Canada and the United States. for another excuse, ok?

2, as I said, this is your selfishness. Today is different and the past. The past China is a semi-colonial era, his own is not enough power, with the help of external forces is a common thing. But even so, by today's standards, the behavior of some Chinese leaders is not appropriate, taking into account that time, a number of defects in behavior can not hide their light. we are sure about their achievements, do not deny their shortcomings. sir, that is "defective", you know what mean? if they are at the same time and you, now, never have any idea of ​​selling out the country. Now is a good time than the semi-colonial era. the past is a pit, today is so clean. How many things we had sacrificed in order to exchange the present life? But your point is that China needs into the pit again, just because of your own fantasy and your own life, so you can be a good excuse to peace of mind enjoy your money? Sir, you simply can not compare and the CCP leaders. they do practical things for the future of China, you are to find an excuse for your life. They are completely different to you. The best know it.

3, "you're one of those bring their own dog food fifty cents?", You see, did not say any arguments, and personal attacks only the beginning, this is really "the typical red guard mindset of extremist". So I guarantee that the words are completely personal point of view, if you want to debate, get out your argument, if you can not take arguments, so that I was right.

4, You put your threats, it is freedom of speech, you talk about democracy, or at least should know it. This is the rule, you can do something to me, other people can do the same thing to you, do not break the rules, sir . Moreover, if China's leaders have the same ideas and you rely on selling state make China become stronger, allowing the Chinese people's lives better. such a ridiculous idea, then I do not need to worry about whether I get burned, because the whole of China will be get burned, and I am sure will not be spared, only for own, I also donot agree so ridiculous idea. democracy? No problem, as long as you make a better change in China, the Chinese people's lives better, that is good, but any idea of ​​selling out the country are insulated and those, you need to come up with some real things, just so the Chinese people can accept.
The red guards were a destructive force that were good for nothing, such as yourself. Of course, back in the 1960's they like to brand everyone that oppose them as counter revolutionary. Today they like to brand people traitors. In short, you are the same crap, just from a different decade.

The people have the right to remove their government, even country if their lives are miserable. Sometimes during the course of doing so, foreign aid is enlisted. Li Shimin enlisted the help of the Turks. Sun Yat-sen enlisted the help of the Japanese and communists enlisted the help of Soviet Union. You are being selectively blind to this fact. Countless tyrants in history were overthrown by the people. It is not the responsibility of the people to pledge their loyalty to a country, but a country's responsibility to earn loyalty from their people.

Oh did you say something about I want China to be thrown in chaos? Show me a statement where I said such. Unfortunately, you won't be able to. You lied and made that up, like a manipulated little red guard.

You can say whatever you like. That is entirely your right. However, when you start calling people traitor, be prepared to be treated like an extremist red guard that you are. Don't cry about people insulting you when you start talking smack. Reading your google translated dog bark is quickly becoming a good cheap laugh.
The red guards were a destructive force that were good for nothing, such as yourself. Of course, back in the 1960's they like to brand everyone that oppose them as counter revolutionary. Today they like to brand people traitors. In short, you are the same crap, just from a different decade.

The people have the right to remove their government, even country if their lives are miserable. Sometimes during the course of doing so, foreign aid is enlisted. Li Shimin enlisted the help of the Turks. Sun Yat-sen enlisted the help of the Japanese and communists enlisted the help of Soviet Union. You are being selectively blind to this fact. Countless tyrants in history were overthrown by the people. It is not the responsibility of the people to pledge their loyalty to a country, but a country's responsibility to earn loyalty from their people.

Oh did you say something about I want China to be thrown in chaos? Show me a statement where I said such. Unfortunately, you won't be able to. You lied and made that up, like a manipulated little red guard.

You can say whatever you like. That is entirely your right. However, when you start calling people traitor, be prepared to be treated like an extremist red guard that you are. Don't cry about people insulting you when you start talking smack. Reading your google translated dog bark is quickly becoming a good cheap laugh.

No, the communists did not enlist the help of the Soviet Union. The KMT enlisted the help of both the Soviets and the United States. KMT forces were organized on Soviet lines, Chiang Ching Kuo was educated in the Soviet Union, served in the Red Army, married a Russian and was a Leninist.

You're the typical example of why treason is deeply ingrained into Chinese culture. Enlisting foreign help to overthrow your own government is indeed treason.
The KMT was closer to the USSR than the CPC. The CPC was hated by both USSR and USA at the start. Only after the CPC started winning did the Soviets help them.

KMT was so close to the USSR that they trained their soldiers based on the Soviet model, signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, and Chiang Ching Kuo was educated in the Soviet Union and married a Russian.
Do you deny that the communists accepted aid from Soviet Union? Then according to some of you here, they are traitors for inviting foreign involvement in a civil war. Do they get a free pass? Does Sun Yat-sen get a free pass when he took money from the Japanese to overthrow Qing?
The red guards were a destructive force that were good for nothing, such as yourself. Of course, back in the 1960's they like to brand everyone that oppose them as counter revolutionary. Today they like to brand people traitors. In short, you are the same crap, just from a different decade.

The people have the right to remove their government, even country if their lives are miserable. Sometimes during the course of doing so, foreign aid is enlisted. Li Shimin enlisted the help of the Turks. Sun Yat-sen enlisted the help of the Japanese and communists enlisted the help of Soviet Union. You are being selectively blind to this fact. Countless tyrants in history were overthrown by the people. It is not the responsibility of the people to pledge their loyalty to a country, but a country's responsibility to earn loyalty from their people.

Oh did you say something about I want China to be thrown in chaos? Show me a statement where I said such. Unfortunately, you won't be able to. You lied and made that up, like a manipulated little red guard.

You can say whatever you like. That is entirely your right. However, when you start calling people traitor, be prepared to be treated like an extremist red guard that you are. Don't cry about people insulting you when you start talking smack. Reading your google translated dog bark is quickly becoming a good cheap laugh.

1, I said the red guards is not a destructive force? They are destructive force, however, They quickly disappeared, because the chaos and destruction did not get popular support. they did not receive foreign support, this confusion will soon disappear. Today, most country people will be attacked traitor, whatever country, If someone attacks traitor are the red guards? it would be too many people, sir, you know, PDF is a patriotic Forum, Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, Turks, and even the Americans, all people who love their country, everyone criticized traitor, you are strange for the PDF? PDF is a forum for the red guards? you are a special case, sir, not the PDF most members .

2, you see, I can not let you look at a hypothetical future, but I can make you look at history, such as the Soviet Union and Russia to see whether there is a big mess? You deny? Or Iraq, you want to see what happened? Afghanistan and Libya ? you want to see what? what color revolution to those countries? or you can give me a good example? any one example in the last 20 years, can you give me? I said to depend on any foreign only to chaos in today's International. No one will give you a free lunch, they support you, definitely want more from you, do you think what the West wants from you, they give the people of China's powerful and wealthy (the two are necessarily linked)? It is not in their interests. And, sir, when you can not provide the things they want, even you will lose value to them, you will be abandoned by them did not hesitate, they will find other useful people. worse is that this is a time that a solid power still did not produce ,confident that all compete with each other.And you, if you do not want to be abandoned by them, but to accept their terms. sir, if now you still cherish the ideal of good , you think it is good for China to use them, ok, I can trust you. but at that time, you will not be much choice but to accept the conditions of treason, which is "人在江湖身不由己" You should be able to know what it means, I will not say more.

3 China's history, in fact, you took a good note, if you know Chinese history will know that almost all the revolutionary and progressive forces were eventually killed by foreign countries. The only successful is the CCP, they got least help from foreign countries, they almost did not get any foreign aid since the Long March, they have to discover the real key issue for China, they rely on their own to obtain support of the people. Again, past China is a cesspool, everyone in it, not avoid some not clean. But today, you're not cesspool, need to compare and cesspool? If you really want to do something for the Chinese people, you not only do not need to enter cesspool, or even better make your own changes . to cut off foreign support, to make a clear and frank declaration to the Chinese people, you can not go to gain support from the Chinese people? If you can not be supported, that is your problem. to use external forces, will not increase the support.













We all know the domestic situation. Liberals have become the minority, left-wing forces to grow.

Foreign situation? Basic similar and domestic. Democrats abroad almost no impact on the overseas Chinese, their remarks often caused dissatisfaction and even resentment by local Chinese. Including intellectuals, overseas Chinese shun.

Why Contemporary Enlightenment fail? This is worth pondering. I believe an important reason is that Enlightenment does not resolve the relationship between democracy, nationalism, the People's Livelihood.

Even you admit your own are the minority, even a big offensive, and why? because of China's national psychology is not to escape, you can find all the excuses to attack other people, such as the red guards, it is really so much the redguards? And even your own not enough value you own philosophy, such as freedom of speech, which is the Chinese people can accept. Do you have what? CCP even do better than you, what you have? This is why you are the minority. When will the review own? In fact, Chinese people welcome a voice of opposition, but some things can not be avoided, there's another article, and your article.
Do you deny that the communists accepted aid from Soviet Union? Then according to some of you here, they are traitors for inviting foreign involvement in a civil war. Do they get a free pass? Does Sun Yat-sen get a free pass when he took money from the Japanese to overthrow Qing?

Before the establishment of the PRC, the KMT took more Soviet aid. Your argument has no ground. If the Soviets helped both sides then it is just doing business.













We all know the domestic situation. Liberals have become the minority, left-wing forces to grow.

Foreign situation? Basic similar and domestic. Democrats abroad almost no impact on the overseas Chinese, their remarks often caused dissatisfaction and even resentment by local Chinese. Including intellectuals, overseas Chinese shun.

Why Contemporary Enlightenment fail? This is worth pondering. I believe an important reason is that Enlightenment does not resolve the relationship between democracy, nationalism, the People's Livelihood.

Even you admit your own are the minority, even a big offensive, and why? because of China's national psychology is not to escape, you can find all the excuses to attack other people, such as the red guards, the red is really so much guards? even your own not enough value you own philosophy, such as freedom of speech, which is the Chinese people can accept. Do you have what? CCP even do better than you, what you have ? This is why you are the minority . When will the review own? In fact, Chinese people welcome a voice of opposition, but some things can not be avoided, there's another article, and your article.

其实,问题不在自由主义运动本身,而在于自由主义运动和米日军政机构千丝万缕的联系。同时,中国也有太多伪自由主义者借用“民主”的外衣为外国人谋取利益的“民主斗士”。刘晓波就是这两种问题的典范。他接受过米国政府机构HERITAGE FOUNDATION的30万米元,犯了第一种错误。第二,他在攻击中国政府的同时往往会过渡到攻击中国人和中国文化,引起绝大多数人的反感。

Before the establishment of the PRC, the KMT took more Soviet aid. Your argument has no ground. If the Soviets helped both sides then it is just doing business.

In fact, almost all those reforms in China by foreign-funded, all have caused more confusion and failures, more long-term and continuous suffering to Chinese people. The only success is that CCP, almost did not get any major Size of foreign aid after the Long March, CCP to gain support from the people, so CCP success, you want to oppose the CCP, at least do the same thing, if not more. In fact, now is not the colonial era, no one wants to stoop, Will fail because nationalism has awakened. with a hat called the "Red Guards", only allow yourself to avoid something, make you more isolated. Chinese liberalism and democracy were to face the problem, that is the case difficulties?
In fact, almost In fact, almost all those reforms in China by foreign-funded, all have caused more confusion and failures, more long-term and continuous suffering to Chinese people. The only success is that CCP, almost did not get any major Size of foreign aid after the Long March, CCP to gain support from the people, so CCP success, you want to oppose the CCP, at least do the same thing, if not more. In fact, now is not the colonial era, no one wants to stoop, Will fail because nationalism has awakened. with a hat called the "Red Guards", only allow yourself to avoid something, make you more isolated. Chinese liberalism and democracy were to face the problem, that is the case Difficulties?

其实,问题不在自由主义运动本身,而在于自由主义运动和米日军政机构千丝万缕的联系。同时,中国也有太多伪自由主义者借用“民主”的外衣为外国人谋取利益的“民主斗士”。刘晓波就是这两种问题的典范。他接受过米国政府机构HERITAGE FOUNDATION的30万米元,犯了第一种错误。第二,他在攻击中国政府的同时往往会过渡到攻击中国人和中国文化,引起绝大多数人的反感。









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