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Not my boys: Gen Kiyani Rejects Operation in Karachi

And and since Army is gone , you are living in the Country of Roses , with 3 Meals every day , & education for every one , with Energy Crisis solved , & foreign Debt cleared , with no Corruption on Injustice , with no abuse of power by the Strong , with the Highest Grown rate in the Asia , Yeah you are Right this Government is Much better then Previous one .

No, did i say civilians are better? Both civilians and faujis are the two side of same coin when they are in power.
So any time there's a problem is the Pakistan Army supposed to step in? Then what are the civilian government and the law enforcement agencies doing?
And please don't talk about decorative armies. I've lived in Saudi Arabia, I've seen the fat soldiers who have to catch their breath after running.

Leave him dear He's really gone mad or might not getting khabsa now a days.
Go to any government department in Pakistan, a security official on the gate is the god you have to praise and pray first before you even think of seeing another god sitting in the office! This how bad abuse of authority is there.
Why wouldn't you do the same if you had a similar opportunity and an important motive (like feeding your family)?
So the COAS is in perfect harmony with the government when it comes to his extension, but not when it comes to internal security of the state? What a hypocrite!
Bro Peregrine,

Since when has pak internal or external security been in pak hands..it has always been in either their yank/chn masters

Does it surprise anyone that the pak establishment is rooted in hypocrisy and corruption?

Isnt it obvious from events over the last decade that the pak nation is becoming a failed state neutered and domesticated by its masters, be it yank or chns?

Isnt all this obvious to anyone discerning enough to step back from rhetoric and jingoism and look at cold hard facts?

So the COAS is in perfect harmony with the government when it comes to his extension, but not when it comes to internal security of the state? What a hypocrite!
Electing MQM again and again which has known militant wing is a very informed, intelligent decision. Thats great! Thats why you dont have solution to the violence in Karachi. So blame it on Taliban!

And by the way, your great MQM is in government all the time. If you dont have an adviser to CM, you do have a life time governor!

Thats why its hard to digest when MQM and its sympathisers lie like you and your intelligent elected leaders. Your leaders intelligence work only in getting into government, not doing something a government ought to do.

Yet again, you merely prove that you have no idea of what ground realities are, Governor is just a symbol of the state, a representative of the President (if you must). I hope you understand the meaning of the word 'symbol'!! Apart from being the chancellor of Government universities, what actual powers does the governor hold?

And even if I do agree that MQM has a militant wing, they are still better for Karachi and for Karachiites then any other political or religious party. What other reasonable option do Karachiites have? Has PPP or PML ever invested in Karachi or have they done anything for the better of the city? For PPP it's a bit for interior Sindh and the lions share for themselves, for PML its the lions share for Lahore/Punjab and the rest for themselves. What real option do we Karachiites have?

Its not army's job to clean up if people elect such parties who have militant wings and who indiscriminately kill the very people they are supposed to protect.

If army comes in launches a ruthless operation, the 'intelligent and educated' people who vote in Karachi will keep reciting the tales of their mazloomiat for the next two decades all the while killing their opponents in a turf war.

There used to only one party which had weapons in Karachi. Then it was still easier to manage. But instead the solution these political mafias imposed on Karachi is to let everyone have weapons and kill each others people. The result is a total chaos and every type of mafia in Karachi going out of control.

You think of Karachiites as a bunch of retarded, self hating lunatics hell bent on killing each other right?
Then what? Another GIANT mess for the UN to clean up, what else?

Any single mess that has been cleaned up by the UN? It's usually countries like Pakistan that have to clean up the mess left behind by 'UN'!
Delusional ??HUH..You know and we all know there'r millions of reasons for army to take a stand here, take control n clear all the mess .!It is very simple and clear to able to see that all other law enforcement agencies have miserably failed in Karachi..

Karachi is a small problem compared to the crumbling state, should the Military yet again step in with a coup and depose the current lot of incumbent, treacherous, corrupt and immoral politicians?

I think it would have been more responsible for Kiyani to also give some suitable alternative rather then just saying Not my boys..It's very irresponsible for him to say all that he said as if Karachi is the most peaceful city on face of the earth..

Your comments are appearing void of actual knowledge of speech of Kiyani, have you even watched the video? You can watch youtube with proxies such as anchorfree & Ultrasurf etc.

Kiyani made clear his opinion that Army is not the solution to Karachi problem but that the Army will oblige if ordered to do so!

I think more suitable statement could have been to de-weaponization of Karachi,

Unless you are able to stop the influx/inflow of weapons, there is no point in deweaponization as weapons will be back in 6-12 months. The solution is to first close down the business of illegal weapon manufacture and trade in the FATA/KPK/Baluchistan areas and then a mass national drive to eliminate illegal weapons.

Is it written down in constitution that army is third pillar of country and have such rights or these things only exist in the minds of self declared vigilantes of Pakistan?

Not exactly in so many words, but the Army is under oath to defend the country and the constitution of the country so when the elected politicians start raping the country and the constitution, when the Judge, Jury and Executioner are in cahoots then the Military has mandate to take over and defend the constitution.

And do not forget, the constitution was made for Pakistan, Pakistan was not made for the constitution!
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