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Not giving more power to the EU might lead to war


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
'The European Commission president has used his annual "state of the Union" speech to MEPs to warn Eurosceptics that their hostility to the EU could again plunge Europe into war.

In a thinly veiled reference to those like David Cameron, the Prime Minister, who want to roll back the EU's powers, Mr Barroso said that next year's centenary of the First World War should be a reminder of the "Union's" role of keeping the peace in Europe.

"Let me say to all those who rejoice in Europe's difficulties and who want to roll back our integration and go back to isolation: the pre-integrated Europe of the divisions, the war, the trenches, is not what people desire and deserve," he said.

"The European continent has never in its history known such a long period of peace as since the creation of the European Community. It is our duty to preserve and deepen it." '


'In what expected to be his last "state of the EU" speech as commission president, a job he's held for the last nine years, Mr Barroso insisted that the eurozone crisis showed the need and inevitability of "ever closer union" for the EU.

"We are in a transforming phase of history. Some people believe that after this, everything will go back to the way it was before. They are wrong. We will not go back," he said.

"I believe a political union needs to be our horizon," he said.

"This is not just the demand of a passionate European. This is the indispensable way forward to consolidate our progress and ensure the future.'

Rolling back the EU threatens return to 'war and trenches' says José Manuel Barroso - Telegraph
European Union cant get over it that there is serious chance that in the 20-30 years EU does not survive.
English dont want to give a leadership card to Germany.
Germany want to have a "hegemonial" role in Europe.
France want to build a stronger ties with USA.
Spain and Greece are in deep economic crisis that will last for minimum 5-10 years.And after all Europe must play a big role in international politics with USA,Russia,China."There is so many fronts but too small resources available.
Small countries like Greece,Croatia,Romania,Bulgaria and probably candidtates like Serbie dont see future there.
European Union cant get over it that there is serious chance that in the 20-30 years EU does not survive.
English dont want to give a leadership card to Germany.
Germany want to have a "hegemonial" role in Europe.
France want to build a stronger ties with USA.
Spain and Greece are in deep economic crisis that will last for minimum 5-10 years.And after all Europe must play a big role in international politics with USA,Russia,China."There is so many fronts but too small resources available.
Small countries like Greece,Croatia,Romania,Bulgaria and probably candidtates like Serbie dont see future there.

The UK will be leaving us soon while you,my serbian neighbour will join us in a few years,so buckle up.Actually the EU is good for smaller countries even if we have to accept somebody in charge,after all the germans deserve something for their money.
The UK will be leaving us soon while you,my serbian neighbour will join us in a few years,so buckle up.Actually the EU is good for smaller countries even if we have to accept somebody in charge,after all the germans deserve something for their money.

Of course my romanian friend.Germans are hardworking nation,they are locomotive of EU.I hope that for Europe will come better days,like in the old good Roman era.God bless you romanian friend,that will always be Black Sea and Serbia to help Romania.
Of course my romanian friend.Germans are hardworking nation,they are locomotive of EU.I hope that for Europe will come better days,like in the old good Roman era.God bless you romanian friend,that will always be Black Sea and Serbia to help Romania.

So,you know our old saying about the only two good neighbours that surround Romania. :)
@flamer84 @DejanSRB

I wish, we had neighbourship with our neighhbours, like yours... But it seems hard because of our heritage.

Well,it's not easy for anyone,we get along with the serbs because we had no wars between us throughout history.But they are the only ones,the rest...wars with the hungarians,bulgarians,ukrainians,hence the phrase "Romania has two good neighbours,Serbia and...the Black Sea".

So,you see,just like you we have our share of troubles.:(
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@flamer84 @DejanSRB

I wish, we had neighbourship with our neighhbours, like yours... But it seems hard because of our heritage.

We never fight a war against each other.Romanians are great people.Back in WW2 they have 3rd strongest army of axis alliance in Europe but they never attack us unlike Croats,Bulgarians and Hungarians.
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The world can't afford another war in Europe!
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Well,it's not easy for anyone,we get along with the serbs because we had no wars between us throughout history.But they are the only ones,the rest...wars with the hungarians,bulgarians,ukrainians,hence the phrase "Romania has two good neighbours,Serbia and...the Black Sea".

So,you see,just like you we have our share of troubles.:(

We never fight a war against each other.Romanians are great people.Back in WW2 they have 3rd strongest army of axis alliance in Europe but they never attack us unlike Croats,Bulgarians and Hungarians.

I see..... Meanwhile we didn't pass a single nation which we have contacted with.... I mean even chinese hold grudge against us.
'The European Commission president has used his annual "state of the Union" speech to MEPs to warn Eurosceptics that their hostility to the EU could again plunge Europe into war.

In a thinly veiled reference to those like David Cameron, the Prime Minister, who want to roll back the EU's powers, Mr Barroso said that next year's centenary of the First World War should be a reminder of the "Union's" role of keeping the peace in Europe.

"Let me say to all those who rejoice in Europe's difficulties and who want to roll back our integration and go back to isolation: the pre-integrated Europe of the divisions, the war, the trenches, is not what people desire and deserve," he said.

"The European continent has never in its history known such a long period of peace as since the creation of the European Community. It is our duty to preserve and deepen it." '


'In what expected to be his last "state of the EU" speech as commission president, a job he's held for the last nine years, Mr Barroso insisted that the eurozone crisis showed the need and inevitability of "ever closer union" for the EU.

"We are in a transforming phase of history. Some people believe that after this, everything will go back to the way it was before. They are wrong. We will not go back," he said.

"I believe a political union needs to be our horizon," he said.

"This is not just the demand of a passionate European. This is the indispensable way forward to consolidate our progress and ensure the future.'

Rolling back the EU threatens return to 'war and trenches' says José Manuel Barroso - Telegraph

More power away from member states to the central EU government is fine in my view only when the EU government politicians accept lower paychecks and serious anti-corruptive restrictions on 'post-political-career jobs', and stick to that policy, to prevent attracting the corrupt into that government..
More power away from member states to the central EU government is fine in my view only when the EU government politicians accept lower paychecks and serious anti-corruptive restrictions on 'post-political-career jobs', and stick to that policy, to prevent attracting the corrupt into that government..

It's fine with me to with one condition:we vote for them! I'd hate to see a European goverment nominated like the board of a corporation.
Pls don't be a populist,high wages for politicians are a must if we want to avoid coruption.
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