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Not an inch of land to be conceded to India: Major General Rafiqul Islam

Even if one accept Awami regime ruling the country with 2/3 majority, where is indian answer to this:

IF Hasina is elected by 2/3 majority why Hasina is not submitting the agreements she reached with india in Bangladesh parliament??? That is the law in Bangladesh.

Where is your 2/3 majority of indian gimmick now??? If she really won 2/3 majority vote there should not be any fear.

you still not answering my question ...if BD people hate india and they know that hasina is close to india so why they choose her ???

but sorry how would you know because you are not Bangladeshi :cheesy:
IF Hasina is elected by 2/3 majority why Hasina is not submitting the agreements she reached with india in Bangladesh parliament???

Ask her. Not us.
Ask her. Not us.

you indians taken responsibility of promoting and flashing her "2/3 majority". Now when 2/3 majority test comes why you indians running tail btw your legs???
There are some senior army officers in the payroll of India and to establish their credentials they are presenting themselves as anti-Indian. In the end they will stand by India and the AL.

Humm it is a possibility when AL is in the govt.
Who are you to decide for whom should i speak or not.

Lets just say, we are the people of a billion strong republic with the world's fourth largest GDP in terms of PPP in the world... The big and the powerful do listen to us...

Our common enemy is India and i see every reason to support BD against India in case of Indian aggression.

Our common enemy is Pakistan and I see every reason to support Afghanistan against Pakistan in case of any Pakistani misadventure.. Rings any bells??
Grow up, your rhetorics doesn't help in bringing about lasting peace in the region.. Prosper, and let others prosper too.. I am sure that India, Bangladesh and rest of South-East Asia has better stuff to do than supporting each other against another into waging a war..

and killings of Bangladeshis at the hands of BSF are a reality
Rollback to 1971.. The RAPE and MASSACRE of innocent Bangladeshis at the hands of Pakistani Army was a reality.. When you couldn't treat them at par then, why this sudden surge of sympathy and brotherhood??

Hypocrisy at its extreme.. Or someone just changed his flags??:pakistan:
Now thats what I'm talking about. He's encouraging our troops and showing them support safeguarding our territory.

I would like to see some, either wounded BSF or dead like duck when ever it try to shoot on our civilian. Only then I will believe his words. :coffee:
you indians taken responsibility of promoting and flashing her "2/3 majority". Now when 2/3 majority test comes why you indians running tail btw your legs???

Because we don't follow whats happening inside a government or a parliament.
Lets just say, we are the people of a billion strong republic with the world's fourth largest GDP in terms of PPP in the world... The big and the powerful do listen to us...

Our common enemy is Pakistan and I see every reason to support Afghanistan against Pakistan in case of any Pakistani misadventure.. Rings any bells??
Grow up, your rhetorics doesn't help in bringing about lasting peace in the region.. Prosper, and let others prosper too.. I am sure that India, Bangladesh and rest of South-East Asia has better stuff to do than supporting each other against another into waging a war..

Rollback to 1971.. The RAPE and MASSACRE of innocent Bangladeshis at the hands of Pakistani Army was a reality.. When you couldn't treat them at par then, why this sudden surge of sympathy and brotherhood??

Hypocrisy at its extreme.. Or someone just changed his flags??:pakistan:

Pak army didnt commit any crimes that you mentioned above,,,,,,
whatever hAD happened to us ( Bd and Pak) its never lasting,,,Pakistanis rulers had made political mistakes in 1971,,,,,,but we really love all muslim countries including Bd and we give our lives to any of them...
Afghanistan never considered a threat for pakistan and all afghani peolples likes pakistan and most of them have families here,,,,:agree:
If india wants good relations with muslim world then definitely they should made better relations with pakistan.....
Plz do some research about the relation of pakistan with the muslim world....including Bd:D
Pak army didnt commit any crimes that you mentioned above,,,,,,

Oh.. So who was it that killed the millions of Bangladeshis in what is called the Most blatant GENOCIDE after Hitler's c

whatever hAD happened to us ( Bd and Pak) its never lasting,,,Pakistanis rulers had made political mistakes in 1971,,,,,,but we really love all muslim countries including Bd and we give our lives to any of them...

Ohk.. The genocide was just a "POLITICAL MISTAKE".. Have the Bangladeshi people forgiven you for that POLITICAL MISTAKE of yours'??

Afghanistan never considered a threat for pakistan and all afghani peoples likes pakistan and most of them have families here,,,,:agree:

Ask the Afghans.. They know better.. The Taliban was just too much a Gift to the people of Afghanistan from Pakistan..

If india wants good relations with muslim world then definitely they should made better relations with pakistan.....
Plz do some research about the relation of pakistan with the muslim world....including Bd:D

Goood relations with Pakistan is always desirable, but it will never be a pre-condition for bettering relations with other Muslim Nations.. Diplomacy is never Transferable..
Pak army didnt commit any crimes that you mentioned above,,,,,,
whatever hAD happened to us ( Bd and Pak) its never lasting,,,Pakistanis rulers had made political mistakes in 1971,,,,,,but we really love all muslim countries including Bd and we give our lives to any of them...
Afghanistan never considered a threat for pakistan and all afghani peolples likes pakistan and most of them have families here,,,,:agree:
If india wants good relations with muslim world then definitely they should made better relations with pakistan.....
Plz do some research about the relation of pakistan with the muslim world....including Bd:D
well....check this one from interview of A K Niazi....if you want we can provide more...and all from your country..not of Indian media...

.....What do you say about the commission's findings that your troops in East Pakistan indulged in loot, arson, rape and killings?

Immediately after taking command in East Pakistan, I heard numerous reports of troops indulging in loot and arson, killing people at random and without reason in areas cleared of anti-state elements. Realizing the gravity of the situation, I approached my bosses through a letter dated April 15, 1971, informing them of the mess being created. I clearly wrote in my letter that there have been reports of rapes and even the West Pakistanis are not being spared. I informed my seniors that even officers have been suspected of indulging in this shameful activity.
However, despite repeated warnings and instructions, the respective commanders failed to curb this alarming state of indiscipline. And this trend definitely undermined our troops' battle efficiency.....

Interview/Lt Gen AYUB Khan Niazi-Tafreeh Mela - Pakistani Urdu Forum | urdu shayari |Urdu Novel | Urdu Islam
Between India and Bangladesh- we have hundreds of complains against each other because we have thousands of expectations from each other. It is the reason that present BD has no complain against some country....
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