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Not an inch of land to be conceded to India: Major General Rafiqul Islam

Don't want to see anyone getting shot unless lives are at stake. But would like to see BDR growing a pair.
its not ur business ...

just take care of ur country first

because of some hated post posted by pakistanies using BD flag cant harm india - BD relation

we need them they need us :cheers:

But Brother, you guys sweet talk all the time about BD-India relationship. But, you do not take into consideration about our feeling towards you when you harass our countrymen, put bullets in their heads, rob fish from our lakes and ponds, and fire indiscriminantely to our civilians.

BDR was weak due to that Pilkhana massacre. They were not even allowed to carry bullets with their arms for more than a year. Then they were ordered not to fire without prior permission. I think, situation is changing with the appointment of a new BDR Chief. When Gen. Moinul Islam was appointed, he was required to take an intentional pacifist role only because of organizational problem in the BDR.

Govt of BD has adopted a new policy, and it is not any more a policy of pacificism. Therefore, a new BDR Chief was installed to initiate it. I think, this policy will be fully enacted after the criminals at Pilkhana are punished.

By the way, we can easily guess who was behind Pilkhana and what was the purpose. One of the purposes was to make BDR an inactive force who would not challenge a numerically superior Indian BSF. I want the days of reckoning to come fast.
But Brother, you guys sweet talk all the time about BD-India relationship. But, you do not take into consideration about our feeling towards you when you harass our countrymen, put bullets in their heads, rob fish from our lakes and ponds, and fire indiscriminantely to our civilians.

BDR was weak due to that Pilkhana massacre. They were not even allowed to carry bullets with their arms for more than a year. Then they were ordered not to fire without prior permission. I think, situation is changing with the appointment of a new BDR Chief. When Gen. Moinul Islam was appointed, he was required to take an intentional pacifist role only because of organizational problem in the BDR.

Govt of BD has adopted a new policy, and it is not any more a policy of pacificism. Therefore, a new BDR Chief was installed to initiate it. I think, this policy will be fully enacted after the criminals at Pilkhana are punished.

By the way, we can easily guess who was behind Pilkhana and what was the purpose. One of the purposes was to make BDR an inactive force who would not challenge a numerically superior Indian BSF. I want the days of reckoning to come fast.

Do you really think aggressive posturing with India will scare BSF ? We are friends as long as the feeling is mutual. BSF is a responsible force with an agenda to stop illegal immigration on the east. It has no issue firing at will when provoked by BD's military. But let me tell you the reality. Bangladesh army is one of the poorly paid armies in the world with the remuneration wanting them to look for additional means of making money. Showing aggressive posture to India is not in the interest of BD, trust me on that.
Do you really think aggressive posturing with India will scare BSF ? We are friends as long as the feeling is mutual. BSF is a responsible force with an agenda to stop illegal immigration on the east. It has no issue firing at will when provoked by BD's military. But let me tell you the reality. Bangladesh army is one of the poorly paid armies in the world with the remuneration wanting them to look for additional means of making money. Showing aggressive posture to India is not in the interest of BD, trust me on that.

Do you expect us to remain passive when your massive BSF does all the criminal activities. And do you think a numerically superior force will ever scare us? We will fight and die. And when we die you will see more deaths on your side. The lagacy of Pilkhana created by some neighbouring country is on the way of waning out from our defence system.
Timely statement. Now its turn of Hasina to see the realities and show fist to BSF who are killing innocent Bangladeshis in their own country

Jana, all of us were missing you. Good to see you again.
because of indian support BD become independence from pakistan
u forgate that ... BD people hit pakistan not india because of ur past time acts

And now, the time and occasion have reversed. We may take Pakistani assistance, if needed, to thwart your stealing adventure into our fish lakes.
Raquib there was this report that awami stooge govt had withdrawn BDR permission to use arms even in self defence whereas BSF is entering Bangladesh illegally and killing innocent Bangldeshis.

Is that decision still intact?

Under the circumstances prevailing because of BDR Pilkhana revolt, it may not be the fault of BD govt to disallow BDR troops to carry bullets and then not allowing them to fire at Indian positions without prior permission. What would you expect after the Pilkhana? BDR was totally disorganized.

There were conflicts between BDR Jawans and the army officers who commanded them. We are following the Pakistan-time organizational set-ups when BDR was called EPR or East Pakistan Rifles.

Like all of us, AL govt also knows for sure which country instigated this Pilkhana revolt. BD Govt took time to bring everything in place within BDR. Now, probably BDR is in a strong position. To challenge a numerically superior well-organized army when our own BDR was in a total disarray would not have achieved any result.

So, I think, it was good that the GoB has bited time instead of taking an impulsive and untimely action during the last 17 months.
No Jana ji,the decision is not intact.The proof is recent exchange of fire between BDR and BSF.

What BDR lack is jawans and outposts,watch towers.More vehicles are needed for strict patrolling,with BDR guys present,BSF won't fire at civilians.Not to forget increment in salaries and better arms.This time they should keep this in mind while preparing budget.I think BDR should get a big budget this time.
Perhaps its time to bring them under defence ministry,if that is allowed by the rule.

I think, putting BDR under the Home Ministry serves a certain purpose. It shows that the our defence budget is very low. A low defence budget shows that we are a peace loving country. But, BDR is a full fighting force, but without heavy weapons. BD govt may not do what you have suggested.
Bangladeshi people already knows their ture enemy and fought to get liberated from them.

As for BDR, aren't they are the same force who have killed dozens of Bangladeshi Army solders.

When they can kill their own army personal whole world can judge their credibility and true nature.

Yes, you are right what a brute force this BDR can be. They will fight and blow the **** out of your criminal BSF.
:what: the only hidden ulterior objectives seem to be in your above post because NOwhere in my post i have ever belittle Bangladeshis so please keep your Indian tactics to yourself aint gonna work here.

Hussina does not amount to entire BD. She is pro-Indian anti-Islam and anti-BD when it comes to her appeasing her Indian masters.

Killing their Holy Mothers will take them to hell. So, they kill muslim men who are less hollier than their cows.
IF Hasina is elected by 2/3 majority why Hasina is not submitting the agreements she reached with india in Bangladesh parliament??? That is the law in Bangladesh.

Where is your 2/3 majority of indian gimmick now??? If she really won 2/3 majority vote there should not be any fear to pass these through Bangladesh parliament.

It is because she does not really agree with all the terms of those agreements, whatever these may be. Once accepted by the Parliament, the agreements then becomes binding to all the govts of BD. So, it is wise not to be passed by the parliament. CTG agreement was siomilar in nature. It was not passed by the Parliament.
you indians taken responsibility of promoting and flashing her "2/3 majority". Now when 2/3 majority test comes why you indians running tail btw your legs???

Don't worry. Indians will come again in millions to vote for your Jamaat in the next election.
Do you expect us to remain passive when your massive BSF does all the criminal activities. And do you think a numerically superior force will ever scare us? We will fight and die. And when we die you will see more deaths on your side. The lagacy of Pilkhana created by some neighbouring country is on the way of waning out from our defence system.

Do you have a choice ? India is unilaterally fencing the whole border with Bangladesh. Why is it doing this? Do you think we have a lot of money to fence the large border we share. Forget the media hype for once and objectively think of a reason why we have to fence the whole border. Don't come with land grabbing as the reason as a few feet on Indian side or a few feet on BD side will still be close to No man's land.

If you are a bit rational you will arrive at the right conclusion. You may not write that as a response but I am happy I am giving you the pointers to think in the right direction.
Are you a RAW agent in disguise? Otherwise, how do you know who are pro-Indian?

Don't take him seriously. I have found him shoot with his mouth too often and get himself into foot in mouth syndrome.
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