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‘Not a single Hindu woman come outside homes wearing religious symbols’: Islamists in Bangladesh issue threats while protesting ‘hijab ban’ in India

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China would do this for balance. Balance is something most people don't understand.

Balance and compromise is a upper level art, that not all people understand.

That's the reason you can't entirely be an enemy to India ( neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh) , but you just have to remain prepared to counter any odds.
We are sowrn enemeis to india
Every 5-10 yrs we remind them by shooting a jet plan
I think we will see Hindus losing jobs in ME pretty soon. All this CAA and NRC will backfire.
I highly doubt that....last week UAE signed deal to increase trade to $100 Bn in 2 years with them....Saudi is already investing $80Bn......and that all midst all GCC countries are now hand in gloves with Israel (Jews)......so there is no special corner for Muslims Ummah, Brotherhood etc left there.
Many Indians are like me but they do not indulge on the internet. They are busy with their daily lives. Sanghis are the loudest on the internet.
I wish you are right. We always want good relationship with our neighbours, unless it become necessary to act as adversary.

I wish majority educated Indian are like you.

We are sowrn enemeis to india
Every 5-10 yrs we remind them by shooting a jet plan
Read again what I write. You didn't understand the theme of my message. Just don't let your country's reputation down!

I wanted to say, enmity isn't the way of life , unless it's necessary.

India Pakistan enmity is norm , but if both countries want , they can improve the relationship.

But of course after removing sanghis from power and also India should take more responsibility to solve the problem, as it's bigger neighbours.
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I highly doubt that....last week UAE signed deal to increase trade to $100 Bn in 2 years with them....Saudi is already investing $80Bn......and that all midst all GCC countries are now hand in gloves with Israel (Jews)......so there is no special corner for Muslims Ummah, Brotherhood etc left there.

Not true. Indians in gulf are facing issues due to idiotic policies of the sanghis.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to defeat the sanghis as they are being backed by the West and the elections are being rigged.
China would do this for balance. Balance is something most people don't understand.

Balance and compromise is a upper level art, that not all people understand.

That's the reason you can't entirely be an enemy to India ( neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh) , but you just have to remain prepared to counter any odds.
I mean we are pretty much the definition of enemy... For 70 years we have been arming ourselves to protect our sovereignity
Unfortunately it is very difficult to defeat the sanghis as they are being backed by the West and the elections are being rigged.
Well why the West would back sanghis?
Are you talking from preconceived idea or it's a fact? Can you please elaborate? Just curious and surprised by your post!
Well why the West would back sanghis?
Are you talking from preconceived idea or it's a fact? Can you please elaborate? Just curious and surprised by your post!

Modi and sanghis have full backing of the West.

West is ruling India through Modi and Sanghis.

This is a very well know fact in India.
I mean we are pretty much the definition of enemy... For 70 years we have been arming ourselves to protect our sovereignity
Yes now you have the right reason. To protect sovereignty of Pakistan. But his message was absurd.

If you have to be enemy of India to protect your sovereignty, it's very much acceptable.

I was actually trying to say the same in my previous message!

If in future India keeps becoming a threat to Bangladesh , we also shall have no other way to fight them in order to protect our sovereignty.

And then direct enmity between Bangladesh and India will be started.

But as I said always war is always last resort , and I believe Bangladesh is exactly doing so.

But I know Pakistan had no other way but to declare war against India from the very beginning.

As from 1947 Pakistan dominion always remain deprived; where India dominion was not only beneficial , but also devour kashmir and later an independent country named Hyderabad.

And later another named sikkim.

Modi and sanghis have full backing of the West.

West is ruling India through Modi and Sanghis.

This is a very well know fact in India.
Ok mate , thanks for your opinion. If West is really backing sanghis, it's a disaster no doubt!

I wish once you will kick out Sanghis and India will be secular in true sense again. Sincerely wishing that.

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If India sends troops into Bangladesh, China will send troops into India.
BD has a decent Army, although they are not match for Indians but even if India did try any misadventure BDians will give them run for their money, and then there will be a high chance PA will use that to launch an attack in Kashmir and China in AP and India will be fighting on multiple fronts, but a WAR with BD/India is extremely unlikely as BD politicians are still under India influence.
Not true. Indians in gulf are facing issues due to idiotic policies of the sanghis.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to defeat the sanghis as they are being backed by the West and the elections are being rigged.

When you say Indians in Gulf facing difficulty...are you talking of Hindus or Muslims as well?...
Sanghis are a curse on South Asia.

They are but so are the Tableeghis. We can't condemn just the right-wingers among Hindus but give the pass to the right-wingers among Muslims. One of them, Shri Tariq Jameel said to a crying audience in Pakistan last year which included the prime minister that COVID came upon humanity because of the "immorality" of human females. What next from Shri Jameel, solar flares on the Sun because females are "immoral" ?
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Hindus or their woman have no problem in Bangladesh whatsoever be it practicing religion or wearing sindur or shakha or mangal sutra.

Hindus are in influential positions in government service and in law enforcement agencies.

Those who protested are just upset that hijab has been banned in India.
They are no better than sanghis
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